Status: Temporary Hiatus - starting College soon, will resume shortly.

Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang

Chapter Three.

I spent my weekend wincing in pain every time I happened to move my hand in the wrong direction. The cut was apparently very deep, and whoever those people had been they were now going to leave a permanent scar in my life, how about that for a fine introduction? In fact, I wouldn’t even call it an introduction. They’d come in, sat down, ordered drinks then caused nothing but chaos. My idea of an introduction would be something along the lines of a greeting, maybe a handshake and more than likely exchanging of names. But no, I couldn’t even give my scar a name. It was going to have to be the 'Anonymous Intruder' forever because I was going to do everything in my power to avoid these people, I don’t know where they’d come from but they were only causing trouble.

I managed to message Rachel back, but as desperate as she was to talk, I never received any kind of reply, I even checked my e-mails just for her. She was probably having fun, enjoying herself in one way or another back in England without me. I wasn’t exactly an exciting soul on my few days off, I very rarely went out and on the odd occasion that I did it was only with Michael so it was like I’d never left work.

The adventures of a young girl in Berlin: not so great. It’s Saturday afternoon, so far my day has consisted of waking up, eating breakfast and finishing off a book I must have read about ten times already. When funds are low, literature is put on hold. But for the time being I was content with the few books I had, they kept me entertained. I’d have more books if I didn’t keep spending money to go and sit in the top of the television tower, which I might avoid for the next few days just in case those crazy people decide to dine out, again]. It seems they are too lazy to cook for themselves for any kind of meal they wish to devour.

Just as the thought of a welcoming hot bath entered my mind, there was a rather loud knock reverberating from the large wooden apartment door. I rolled my eyes, sighing as I went to answer. I pulled the door open and looked out and just stood there looking at who this visitor was.

“Well, say something then! I didn’t come all the way out there so you can stare at me. Are you going to at least offer me a drink? Let me in? Say hello?” She waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked several times and followed with my eyes as she entered the room dragging a suitcase behind her. “Are you going to actually shut the door or just stand there gawking?” I pushed the door to slowly, then turned around to face her again.

“Wha…?” I could barely even coin a phrase together. “What are you doing here?”

“Well it’s nice to see you too.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Why aren’t you happy to see me?”

“Well I… I am. How did you…?”

“I asked your parents for the address, I was never going to get it off you was I? Where is the bathroom in this place? I’ve been dying since the plane landed seriously.” She looked at me wide eyed in wonder.

“Just down there, on the right.” I pointed. She followed the direction of my hand, and feeling a little drugged I settled into the sofa. So Rachel was currently not in England, she was instead using my bathroom facilities. I was just sitting trying to figure out what exactly I’d missed as she made her way back down the hall.

“So, what have I got to do to get a drink around here huh?” She jumped on the sofa making herself completely at home. “I’ll take a coffee, with milk. Make it weak, I’m still buzzing from the three cups I had before take-off.” I got up and headed over to the kitchen area and began boiling the kettle as Rachel took a look around the flat from her spot on the couch. Her dirty blonde hair sat in a loose knot on her head and she wore little make-up, she was one of those ‘natural beauties’ you hate to love. I was always second best when she was around, but I never minded, because I was always so sure that he’d come back to me sooner or later; he never did. “Pretty nice pad you’ve got here, you never told me how great Berlin was.”

“All you’ve seen of it so far is from the window of a taxi.”

“Yeah, well, it looks great so far. You have to tell me everything, what’s it like living on your own out here in a completely different country? Have you made any good friends? What about clubs! Are there any hot spots you can show me around to? And I bet you’ve met a load of guys right?”

I didn’t look up at her as I continued to make her a drink. “Well it’s good I guess.”

“That’s it? ‘It’s good I guess.’ You’ve been living out here for I don’t even know how many months and all you can say is ‘it’s good’?” I walked around and placed the hot cup in the low wooden table in front of her.

“What do you want me to say?”

“Shit, it’s worse than I thought.” She looked at me studying me, very sceptic.

“Rachel, what are you even doing here?” I asked looking her straight in the eye.

“Well, honestly? Okay, I wasn’t going to tell you this yet but, I’m moving to Berlin! Well, to be more precise I’m moving in with you! Isn’t that great? We’ll have so much, I’m telling you.” I nearly dropped the mug in my hand, luckily I managed to save it just before I was being sent to an A and E ward for burns, I decided putting the drink down would probably be safest before she drops another bombshell.

“Whoa. Stop and rewind. You’re doing what? And you’re doing it where?”

“I know it’s sudden, and yeah sure, I guess I should have asked you about it first. But ever since you left it hasn’t been the same, besides I figured you’d miss me, and you’ve got to be lonely living here all alone. Come on!”

“Rachel,” I sighed heavily, “I suppose we could try it for a few weeks.” For a moment I almost regretted saying anything as she jumped on me screaming down my ear.

“Adrianna I seriously love you! You won’t regret this, I promise.” I smiled with her, I was genuinely happy she was here - if a little shocked - she could keep me sane for a while longer. “So, where can I sleep?”

“I could move the computer into my room, and you could have the study if you want? Or we could share a room? Really I don’t know, it’s kind of sudden. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to do this? I could have moved some things around for you. Made a space or something.”

“I wanted to surprise you! Plus, it’s harder for you to say no to my face.” She winked. “And in celebration of my moving in, I’ve bought us both concert tickets for tonight! You’re going to love this band, they sound amazing and the bassist is just yummy. I could take a bite out of that ass any day!”

“Who are they?”

“You shall have to see! And you know what’s even better? I worked a little magic and I totally got us backstage passes! Now come on, we’ll have to go like now if we want to get anywhere near the front. But first, we are getting you changed, you can’t turn up in sweats and t-shirt twice the size of you. I’m giving you a make-over. Let’s go.” She was up on her feet looking down at me holding out her hand, I simply looked at her, and I just knew there was no way out of this so I took her hand and she practically dragged me to my bedroom along with her suitcase rambling on about how amazing tonight was going to be and how she’d been obsessing over this band ever since I left the country. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was exactly I’d let myself in for.