Sequel: Hurricanes



I could tell that she didn't want to leave with me because her lip quaked as I held my hand out to her. She was frightened and her confused emotions frustrated me because I didn't understand why she wouldn't want to come with me. I was her Charlie. She needed me as much as I needed her. There was something wrong with the way she reacted to my presence, she seemed to recoil as if I was an unknown source of pain for her. She was taking things out on those around her and that put them in pain because of her actions. When I looked into her reclusive expression I thought of her family, of the people who were worrying for her safety. It wasn't up to me to tell them how she was doing this to herself, but I knew that by doing such things she was hurting someone else.

I wished she wasn't so unstable so that she would realise that she was hurting others. I'd seen the sun rise on better days but she refused to believe that there were any. Grace just needed to talk to me, to let go of what was eating away inside her. I knew that there must have been something in her heart that said that it was okay to do this. If she just let go of her angst and worries I might have been able to help her. She knew that she could depend on me and yet she refused to make eye contact, it hurt for her to act like this towards me. When she spoke it was solely in a whisper, and as the words slipped past her lips I wished she hadn't said anything.

She had given up on life here because she couldn't stand the stares and the voices. What hurt more was that I couldn't tell her I knew exactly how she felt because I didn't so who am I for trying to make her see a better future? I begged her to wait for the sun to rise again, her eyes glistening with the early signs of sadness. I could see it in her eyes, what her plan was. I wanted her to tell me why she was doing this to hurt someone else. I knew she'd been to hell and back, but what was I supposed to do? I prayed that there was something in her heart that made everything seem okay and I chocked on my words as I tried to explain that to her. She didn't need to leave the earth behind in order to be set free. As I began to cry she released herself from my clammy grasp and darted away into the distance. I felt hopeless amongst the wreckage she was leaving behind. Her life was like a burning flame, flickering strongly and yet risking extinction. I hoped I could one day get to her before it burned out.
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