I'll Always Be Here For You


I'm sitting on the sidewalk at recess, drawing on the pavement when I see a shadow approaching. I look up to see Justin, the kindergarten bully, standing over me.

"What is that supposed to be? Your butt?" He laughs. I look down at my drawing of my cat.

"It's a cat, stupid head!" I say and try to go back to drawing but Justin grabs my chalk. "Hey, give it back!" I reach for it but he pulls it away. I look around for a teacher but of course, none are around to help me.

"Come and get it Brendon!" I stand up and once again try to grab it but he hold it high above his head. He used his free hand to push me down. I cry out in pain as my elbow gets scraped on the cement. My bottom lip trembles as my clutch my bloody arm to my chest. Justin starts laughing and then throws my chalk to the ground and stomps on it. I start to cry. "You're such a little baby Brendon!"

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" A voice calls. I see the new kid walking up to us. "You better say you're sorry!" The kid walks straight up to Justin. I see that compared to Justin, he is tiny. Justin's laughs again.

"Or what pipsqueak?" Justin said, pushing the kid back, who comes back to push Justin back even harder. Justin surprisingly falls down on his butt. I laugh as Justin bursts out into tears. The kid turns to me and offers a hand.

"I'm Ryan." He said, smiling at me.

"I'm B-Brendon." I reply, still crying. He frowns and gently grabs my arm.

"That boy's mean, I hope he gets in lots of trouble." Ryan said after he let go of my arm.

"Ryan, get over here right now!" I hear the Teacher, Mrs. Simen, say. We both look in her direction to see Justin standing next to her, crying. He slowly walk towards them.I can hear their conversation from where I'm standing. "Ryan, today is your first day and you're already causing trouble. Picking on other children is not a very good way to start your first day here."

"But, he was picking on Brendon." Ryan starts, point to me. "I was only trying to make him leave Brendon alone."

"Is this true Justin?" Mrs Simen asks.

"No it's not Mrs. Simen. Ryan just came up and pushed me down for no reason!" Justin said. When Mrs. Simen turns to look at Ryan, Justin sticks his tongue out.

"No, he's lying! Look at Brendon's arm!" Ryan said, pointing at me again. Mrs. Simen calls me over and I show her my arm.

"Alright Ryan, you're free to go." Ryan grins at me. "But next time, don't push someone down, come find me." Ryan nods and we both run off.

"Do you wanna be my friend?" Ryan asks and I nod excitedly. He pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks for standing up for me." I said as we pull apart.

"You're welcome. As long as we're friends, I'll always be here for you" We both grin at each other.

Ever since that day, Ryan and I have been best friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story! =] I will warn you, it will be short. I think it's only going to be five chapters, and they will all be pretty short. I'm aware that this probably sucks monkey balls but I was super tired when I wrote it and I'm too lazy to fix it right now. (yeah, yeah, I know everyone used that excuse) I might try to edit it later. Um...yeah! =] Oh and in case you didn't read the title, this takes place in kindergarten. It was kind of hard to write in a five year old point of view and I'm aware some of the things they say are...childish

Gosh, I'm really bad at author's notes...

Oh, and I have a question for all you Rydon fans. How many of you like the band Escape The Fate? This may seem like a random question, but it's not. I need to know.

Comments? Suggestions? Anything?