I'll Always Be Here For You

Sixth Grade

"Oh God Ryan. I don't know what to do!" I said, pacing around my room while Ryan lays,stomach down, on my bed.

"Dude, chill. Just ask her out!" Ryan said and I stop pacing.

"I can't just ask Michelle out Ryan." Michelle is this girl who I really like. She's beautiful, smart, funny...pretty much everything a guy could want.

"Yes you can, it's not that hard." Ryan said, as he rests his head in the palm of his hands.

"Easy for you to say." I mumble. I start nervously chewing on my finger nails.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, sitting up.

"I mean, you are so confident around girls. You could get any girl you wanted. You're Ryan Ross!" He chuckles.

"And you're Brendon Urie." He climbs off the bed and stand in front of me. "Asking girls out is easy.OK, so pretend I'm a girl." I smirk

"That won't be too hard." I chuckle and he playfully punches my arm.

"Shut up. Anyways, so pretend I'm a Michelle. Ask me out." He stares at me expectantly. I bite my bottom lip. The though of asking Ryan out, even if it's only pretend, it's weird.

"Ryan, I don't know about this." He rolls his eyes.

"Come on Bdon, I'm trying to help you." I sigh.

"OK." I open my mouth to say something but stop. "I have no idea what to say." He laughs.

"OK I'll start." He giggles in a high pitched tone. "Hey Brendon." He said in a girly voice.

"Um, hi Michelle." I roll my eyes when he pretends to twirl his too short hair around his index finger. "So I was wondering..." I trail off.

"Yes Brendon?" He lets out another giggle.

"If...I can't do this." He throws his hand up.

"Why not? It's just me! You know, your friend, Ryan" I sigh.

"I know but..." I stop once he puts his hand around my shoulder.

"Here, let me show you." He takes his arm away and places his hand on the wall, beside my head, just like in one of those old cstupid high school movie. "So Michelle, I was wondering if you wanted to go to see a movie this weekend?"

"No Brendon, you're ugly and I would never go out with you." I sigh and walk over to the window.

"You know she wouldn't say that." Ryan walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"What if she did? I can't handle rejection Ryan."

"She's going to say yes. Any girl would have to be stupid to not want to go out with you." I scoff. "I'm serious Brendon." I smile at him and pull him into a hug.

"Thanks Ry."

"No problem Bdon, you know I'll always be here for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, so I lied. This was not longer than the last chapter. I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be a tiny bit longer but don't quote me.

If you're reading this, please please please please pleeeease, comment saying if you like the band Escape The Fate or not. I really do need to know.

Grr, the stupid spell check thingy is being mean so I'm sorry if there is any spelling errors.

Comments? Suggestions? Anything? =]