I'll Always Be Here For You

Eighth Grade

"I c-can't believe it R-Ryan, after t-two years." I said, sobbing into Ryan's chest. I took Ryan's advice and asked Michelle out. She agreed and we've been going out ever since, well until tonight that is.

I asked Michelle if she wanted to go to the mall with me but she said she had to help her parents with stuff around the house. Ryan asked if I wanted to go to the movies and I agreed, since Michelle couldn't hang out. When we got there, I saw Michelle, making out with another guy. I confronted her about it and her little friend told me to fuck off. Ryan got mad and punched him in the mouth. I couldn't even speak and Ryan took me home. As soon as we got to my house, I burst out in tears.

"Shh" Ryan cooed, rubbing my back soothingly. "She's a bitch Bren, she didn't deserve you anyway."

"No Ryan, I didn't deserve her, that's why she cheated. She knew she deserved better" Ryan stops rubbing my back and pulls apart from the hug. He grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"No, she cheated because she's a stupid whore" Ryan said, and I shake my head. "Brendon, if she is dumb enough to cheat on you then she defiantly doesn't deserve you." Again, I shake my head and continue sobbing. He pulls me into another hug, once again rubbing my back. "You'll find someone else, someone even better than that bitch."

"Thanks Ryan." I wipe my eyes of tears. "And thanks for punching that dude." He chuckles.

"That dick deserved it. No one tells my best friend to fuck off without getting punched in the face." I can't help but smile.

"Thanks Ryan, you're the best-est best friend any one could ever ask for."

"Of course Brendon. You know I'll always be here for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, I'm like the biggest liar. I could of sworn that this was longer than the other chapters but I think it's actually the shortest, and it's also the worst. I don't know why but I had alot of trouble writing this. This should of been the easiest because in this they are around my age but for some reason, it's not.

OK, so I have a question...Should this have a happy ending or a sad ending? For some reason, I can't write happy ending but I'm tired of always having sad endings. I have ideas for both but I can't decide. The happy ending would be one chapter longer than the sad one but it might not be very good. What do y'all think?

Comments? Suggestions? Anything?

*Warning, the following has nothing to do with the story*

A few days ago, I was supposed to go see The Young Veins with my best friend and his mom BUT his mom freaking made other plans AFTER agreeing to take us so I didn't get to go. *Sadness* I was so upset, I cried...no joke. :'(