Paranormal Trip

Chapter 8

To say I wasn’t happy that Ryan had left without me that morning was an understatement, and it was only made worse when Ryan wouldn’t tell me what he was hiding. I spent part of the day avoiding him and hanging around Heather and Katrina as they did interviews. For the most part they bored me, though the talk of the guy who summoned the devil was interesting. Something inside of me shuddered, yet I wasn’t really all that afraid. I had yet to encounter a demonic presence at the prison, something I chalked up to either pure luck or the fact that one didn’t exist. So when Ryan brought the guy who did it in, I was rather curious about the location.
“So you’re going to interview the guy?” I asked Ryan as he stood over a table going through notes. He glanced up at me, and looked a little hurt, probably because of the space I put between us.
“Yeah, why?” I scratched the back of my neck unsure of how to word exactly what I wanted.
“Because I kind of want to come with,” I said making Ryan shut the notes he was looking through.
“You do?” Ryan said in a surprised tone.
“Yes, and I think if anyone should go then it should be me. I mean, if there is a demon here then I’ll know and we’ll know what we are going up against.” Ryan didn’t say anything before looking towards the door.
“Fine, you can come. But don’t say anything, just let me ask the questions.” Ryan said as he headed towards the door to meet the guy. I just rolled my eyes, typical Ryan, but I was okay with it, I didn’t want to ask any questions anyway.

“So where did you practice the Satanism?” Ryan asked as I just ran my hand along the cell listening to the man talk.
“It was in this cell that I realized that if I were to make a pentagram, I made it right there as you are standing, and it laid right there and on the ceiling I took a sheet and I drew a picture of Satan’s face on it,” I looked at the ground he pointed to and then at the ceiling before looking at Peter.
“There was a portal here a long time ago, but it’s closed now.” Peter said as the man continued.
“What I thought was Satan, and I’d just lay there and watch as the wind blew the air moved and the sheet moved. Just anything I could do or make a demonic but I will tell you this much,” I turned to face the man as did Ryan. “There was one thing that did happen to me, what happened to me when I got involved in Satanism I’d become so violent and as I was worshipping Satan and saying that I’ll do your bidding and all this, I would dream about how to attack a guard and cut his head off and use it as a bowling ball.” I cringed at that image while Ryan’s face remained impassive.
“How I could gut him and you know, I mean I just go so violent and I was just wild and just full of viciousness, which I never was like that. I mean, I had a crime of robbery but I wasn’t vicious, I never hurt anybody. I turned into something I wasn’t and I was affected in this cell by what I know I was involved in, and it is real. If there is a God in Heaven then there is a devil and he certainly visited me here, and not only me but other people.” I let out a deep breath as I looked at Ryan and then Peter.
“Like I said, the portal is closed. It was open for a long time.” Peter said as Ryan started leading the man back, me lagging behind.
“But what closed it?” I whispered so Ryan and the man wouldn’t hear.
“Could have been a lot of things. Another inmate who had faith, a priest, or God himself.” Peter said as we neared the conference area again. “All I know is that, it’s closed and it’s not going to open up again.”

At regroup later on, I was mostly out of it thanks to the fact that I hadn’t slept well the night before. I wouldn’t tell Ryan, but I’d had a nightmare about the Warden’s tower and had woken up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep. I’d kept up my energy for the morning simply by running on sugar, but now I felt as though I was running on empty, and it wasn’t helping that the group was talking about historical evidence.
“The only interesting thing,” I heard Eilfie say as my mind drifted into the present. “I did find was with the towers on this side of the building. They did mention a star, and the weird thing was that it was the only structural description.” I frowned at the mention of the star.
“What kind of star?” I heard Katrina ask as I leaned forward in my seat, the word star ringing in my head.
“Well,” I heard Ryan say making me look up. He cleared his throat as the word star suddenly fit itself into my brain. The word I had heard the woman saying in my dream, star. She had kept saying it over and over, like I was supposed to understand.
“I guess I can finally take you guys up to the Warden’s tower.” Ryan said and I suppressed the urge to groan. More stairs? Really, this investigation was going to kill me. “Cause I think Eilfie, I can answer your question about what that actually refers to.” Ryan said motioning for us to follow him. I stood up slowly, making sure I had my balance. I was tired and hadn’t eaten, and I knew that if I fainted again Ryan was going to take me off the case for sure.
I hung near the back as we headed up to the tower, praying for strength as we climbed the stairs. “What I’m about to show you,” Ryan began as we reached a hallway. “Isn’t actually public knowledge.” Ryan said making me glance at Peter. He seemed to know what it was, and yet he seemed almost hesitant to go any further.
“Oh,” I said as I spotted the pentagram on the wall. That was certainly interesting.
“What you are looking at is an inverted pentagram. As you can see here, the same kind of cardboard was placed over it later so for some time this was covered up.” Ryan said as I stepped closer.
“So it was actually sealed off.” Eilfie said as I put my hand on the wall only to pull back as something shocked me.
“Now I only know of a few cultures, and religious belief systems that use the inverted pentagram. The most prominent is devil worship,” Ryan said as I put my hand on it again only to feel it be cold against my hands. I felt like something was off, but when Ryan said to pack it in for the night I wasn’t going to argue. Now when I just wanted to leave the place before darkness truly fell outside and the gruff voiced man took his reins again.