Beach House


“Jimmie, do you know where my Free Hugs t-shirt is?” a girl questioned in an irritated voice.
“How do you expect me to know where it is?” Jimmie answered, looking up from a pile of clothes.
“Cause you’re looking through all my clothes…and you wore it last.”
“I didn’t wear it last!” she protested, throwing a shirt at the girl. “Kelly you always say that!”
She glared at her friend and let out a frustrated sigh. “Just…look through the clothes.” Jimmie mumbled something towards her friend, shifting through the clothes.

“Here,” she yelled, throwing the fabric at Kelly’s head, narrowly missing, and grimacing as it crashes into her dresser. Bottles of perfume and hair products fell to the floor. “W-way to miss.” She chuckled.
Kelly groaned and kneeled at the foot of her bed, going to retrieve a bottle of perfume. Instead, she pulled out a stuffed animal.
Her eyes went wide as she looked at her friend.
"What is that Kelly?" she asked, sliding off the bed and sitting next to her. When she finally looked at the stuffed duck in her friend's hand, she gasped.
"Do you remember this trip Jimmie?"
"I was trying to forget." she simply answered.

“Oh my god,” I mumbled, flipping onto the bed, “Kelly, I think I’m in love with your parents!” I called through the house. Before she answered I shoved my head underneath the pillow and pulled the sides of the blanket around my body.
“Jimmie, maybe we should bring our bags into the house though,” she laughed from my doorway.
“No,” I said into the bare mattress. I closed my eyes and tried to block her out.
“Jimmie. Come on, we need to get this done before we can go to sleep.”
“Jimmie. Dead.” I answered her, “Kelly should be too.”
“I am, but we need to get all our stuff in. It looks like it’s going to pour.”
“I can’t move. My…everything is broken,” I tried. “It all hurts. Ow.” My voice pathetically rang.
“Get your ass out of the bed,” she said, grabbing a hold of my ankle and giving it a tug. “I mean it.”
“Fine. Fine. I’m coming.” I said flinging the blankets off my body and sitting up. Kelly held back a laugh and turned her heel, exiting the room. I grumbled under my breath and pulled my hair into a pony tail before slowly following her out.

“Tomorrow, we need to do laundry,” I called through the house as I rummaged through my bag for my pajamas.
“Tell me when I actually care.” She answered, slamming her door shut.
“Crank-key!” I bellowed, pulling out an old shirt and slipping it over my torso.
“Bitch!” she yelled back across the hall.
“You’re the one that just had to bring our stuff in! We could have been sleeping already! But no. Kelly wanted to wait until it was three in the morning!” I mocked, pulling my jeans off and putting shorts on.
“Jimmie, shut your face and go to sleep.” She said, and the light that had been escaping through the cracks in her door turned off.

Thundered boomed from outside, causing me to jump and roll out of my bed. My hands gripped onto my bed as I moaned, “This is dumb.” I mumbled, pushing myself off the ground.
I grabbed my cell phone and pressed a button, causing the room to erupt with light. I squinted my eyes as I forced myself to look at my phone to get the time.
6:04 am. I hate my life.
“Hurry the hell up!” a voice yelled from outside. I ruffled my hair before walking over to the window. I tried to focus out of the window, but gauged nothing, but blackness and the occasional flash of lightening.
“Jimmie?” Kelly whispered from my doorway. I blinked her in general direction and shut my eyes as she flipped my light on.
“It’s storming so bad! Can you guys just hurry up?!” the same voice as before yelled.
I opened my eyes and tried to focus in on Kelly; she sighed and walked towards me. She reached towards the nightstand and handed me my glasses, “Dumbass,” she muttered as I placed them on my nose.
“Shut up. I shouldn’t be awake yet.” I answered her and looked back out the window.

Four guys were running back and forth between the house next door and a white van.
“Who are you hot neighbors, Kelly?” I asked, squinting to get a better look.
“I have no idea. We barely came down here.” She laughs, “But that one sounds pretty scared.”
“Kevin can you just lock the van and get in here?!” the guy called again.
“Well, we at least know that one of them is Kevin.” I chuckled.
“I call dibs.”
“How do you even know that we’re gonna talk to them?” I questioned, looking at her. She just shrugged in response and continued to gaze out the window. “Can we just go back to bed now?” I asked, hugging myself as I jumped along with a new round of thunder.
“Sure, go to bed. I’m going to go check the weather,” she answered, giving me a slight push to my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just couldn't help myself. I had to write another story about Stereo Skyline.
I think I'm obsessed. =]

Kelly is helping me write this story. She sits next to me, helped me with EVERYTHING that is going to be happening, and she's in the story. =]

comments please and thank you!