Status: If this is read and commented it will be updated often.

I'll Meet You There

Chapter 1


I was sitting at the back of the class room when a paper ball hit me in the side of the head, I turned to see which of my class mates did it. Riley.

“What are you looking at freak?” he glares, I don't respond.

He gets up out of his seat and walks towards me, he stops when he is standing right next to me.

“I said what are you looking at freak?” he shouts and grabs me by the front of my shirt.

“N-nothing.” I stutter.

“Don't stutter freak, only freaks stutter.” he says punching me in the nose, I hear the sick crack of it breaking.

“Aww poor baby did I brake your nose?” he says being sarcastic, tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Look everyone baby Dan is crying.” Riley laughs, the whole class turns to look at me, they all snigger.

“Class, quiet! Riley sit down!” she demands and then looks at me.

“Dan take your things and go to sick bay.” she says before turning back to the board.

Several things are thrown at me as I walk out of the class room.

I walk down the hall to my locker. I twist in the combination number and pull out my bag, in there is some tissues, I wipe the blood off my face and from my nose and I keep the tissue there to stop the bleeding.

I walk the short 30 minute walk to my house, when I get inside I go straight to my bathroom to clean up my face.

Riley broke my nose pretty badly today, you can see because it's crooked. I reset my nose and as I do my eyes water from the pain, I think this is the worst pain I've ever felt.

When I clean up all the blood I go to my room.

I turn the computer on and sign into msn as soon as I get on my friend Rage starts to talk to me.

Ragebaby: Hey sexy ;)

Dan<3: *blushes* Hey Rage.

Ragebaby: How was school?

Dan<3: Riley broke my nose :S

Ragebaby: That fucker is dead.

Dan<3: Seriously Rage, if you met me you'd never come back, I'm fat and ugly..

Ragebaby: Aww sugar I'm sure your not.

Dan<3: I am.

Ragebaby: Whereabouts in England do you live, I'm coming to prove your not fat or ugly.

Dan<3: In London.

Ragebaby: Omg why didn't you tell me sooner and we could have met sooner.

Dan<3: I dunno, I didn't think anyone would ever want to meet me.

I get Rage's number and I tell him to meet me at a coffee shop, he says he knows where it is.

I change out of my school clothes and into the nicest clothes I own, I go to my bathroom and apply a little bit of eye liner and re-straighten my hair.

I get the bus into London and walk 5 minutes to the coffee shop.

When I get inside I sit at a table near the back, a waitress comes to take my order and I tell her I'm waiting for someone so she walks away.

“Dan?” I look up at a beautiful boy with black and red hair and blue eyes.

“Hey Rage.” I smile and stand up, he walks forward a little bit and pulls me into a hug.

“Dan, you are so not ugly and your no where near fat.” he says running his hands down my sides and resting them on my hips.

I feel my cheeks blush, no one has ever been this nice to me.

“Oh and for the record Dan, I think your beautiful.” he says taking a seat.

“Thanks Rage, you know, no one has ever been this nice to me.” I smile.

“Are you still confused?” he giggles.

“Well after seeing someone as hot as you, no. I've seen so many girls and I have not found one attractive one yet.” I blush.

“Well, lets say your bi-sexual for now.” he grins.

We order coffee and sit for hours talking.

“Well I better get going.” he says looking at his watch.

“It was really great meeting you Rage.” I smile and get up to hug him.

We walk out of the coffee shop together and I walk with Rage to his car.

“Can I kiss you?” he asks as I'm standing with my back resting on his car.

“This will be my first ever kiss so make it good.” I smile and look down.

He tilts my chin up with his index finger, he leans forward and presses his lips to mine softly, his hand moves to my neck while the other is on my hip. I pull away.

“Wow.” my breathing is laboured.

“How was your first kiss?” he winks.

“That was amazing.” I smile.

“Come on get in and I'll drive you home.” he kisses my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey so this is my new story.
I have big plans for this one :D
Oh and I'd love it if someone could make me a layout.
<3 Brooke.