Status: If this is read and commented it will be updated often.

I'll Meet You There

Chapter 3


I woke up to an annoying buzzing sound, stupid alarm clock I forgot to turn it off, I was having a great sleep and it's Saturday..

I got up and lazily walked over to my computer, when I get onto msn I see that Rage is on.

Dan<3: Your up early.

Ragebaby: Mmm, couldn't sleep, too busy thinking about you.

Dan<3: Really? *blush*

Ragebaby: Yes really, well I have to go to work in an hour, talk to you later babe xx.

Dan<3: Okay, have a good day at work xx.

Rage logged off and I sat bored for 10 minutes then a stupid pop up came up, I read something about a dating site haha this will give me a laugh. It says write a nickname and begin. I just write Dan<3.

The first person comes up.

Hi I'm Amy. I leave the conversation straight away, I don't want to talk to a girl.

Second person.

Hey, I'm Amber, Wanna cam? ;) I also leave that conversation.

About 10 people later I get a guy.

Phil<333: Hey. I'm Phil. I'm 19. I'm gay and I live in London. Well this sounds interesting.

Dan<3: Hi. I'm Dan. I'm 17. I'm bi-sexual and I also live in London.

Phil<333: Well it's nice to talk to someone who can actually speak english. Haha.

Then he presses the webcam button, should I? What if he's like some 50 year old man? What if he thinks I'm ugly and fat? I mentally slap myself, How bad can it be? I press the accept button.

When the camera goes on he waves and I wave back. He's quite beautiful with green eyes, black hair, pale skin. I find my self getting lost in his beauty until I hear the beeping of a new message.

Phil<333: Woah your pretty.

Dan<3: Thanks, so are you.

Phil<333: I guess you just woke up yeah?

Then I realised, fuck I must have eyeliner smeared down my face and my hair must be a mess.

Dan<3: Be right back.

I run into the bathroom and look in the mirror, my eyeliner is still intact but as my hair is messy. I get out my hair brush and brush all the knots out, when I feel presentable I go back to the computer.

Phil<333: Woah, you just got even prettier.

I can tell I'm blushing, the only other person that has ever called me beautiful is Rage.

Dan<3: Thanks.

Phil<333: It's okay :).

Phil<333: Can we get to know each other? Cause I'd really like to meet you some day.

Dan<3: Yeah, I'd like that.

I give him my msn and I tell him I'll talk to him later, I could hear my mother or father had just got home.

I turn the computer off and I go downstairs to see which one of them is home.

“Hi mum.” I say when I walk into the kitchen.

“Hey Dan.” she hugs me.

I go back up stairs and get dressed, I pick my phone up off my bed side table. One new message.

“I wanna meet you again.” Rage.

“Okay, where?” I send back.

“Same place as yesterday.” he tells me.

I put my shoes on and go downstairs.

“I'm going out mum!” I yell.

“Okay, bye.” she calls out.

I get the bus near the little coffee shop, when I get there Rage is out the front with two coffee's.

“Hey beautiful.” he says handing me a coffee and kissing me lightly on the lips.

“Hey, thanks.” I say taking a sip of my coffee.

“I told my boss I was sick so I could spend the day with you.” he smile at me.

“Aww Rage, you need money!” I shake my head.

“I'm sorry but I just can't stay away from your beauty.” he strokes my cheek.

“I'm not beautiful Rage.” I sigh.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not entirely happy with this chapter.