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I'll Meet You There

Chapter 4

Phil POV

I asked Dan to webcam with me, he accepts.

I seriously didn't think the first person to pop up on here would be a guy and be from London, how lucky can I get? I hope he's good looking.

The little screen pops up and I see an absolutely gorgeous boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

Phil<333: Woah your pretty.

Dan<3: Thanks, so are you.

Phil<333: I guess you just woke up yeah?

I giggle cause his hair is sticking up everywhere.

Dan<3: Be right back.

“Found yourself something interesting have we?” Vince asks.

“Oh my god yes, you can look at him just don't get in the screen.” I tell Vince.

He comes back within 10 minutes, fuck can he get any better looking?

Phil<333: Woah, you just got even prettier.

He blushes, woah he's cute.

Dan<3: Thanks.

Phil<333: It's okay :).

Phil<333: Can we get to know each other? Cause I'd really like to meet you some day.

And jump you, if I'd said that he'd probably freak out and never talk to me again.

Dan<3: Yeah, I'd like that.

Then he tells me he has to go but he gives me his msn and says he'll be on later.

“Vince he's so gorgeous.” I gush and pull my best friend into a tight hug.

“Yeah he's cute.” Vince smiles.

“Vince if I don't have him I'll die.” I whine.

“Well I've gotta get going, I'm working later and I'm talking Elise to the movies later.” he tells me, Elsie is his girlfriend and they've been going out for 2 years.

“Alright, bye.” I hug him before he leaves.

I sit and think about Dan, all I know is that I have to have him. To get my mind off of him I call Colby.

“Hello?” Colby says sleepily into the phone.

“Hey sugar.” I say softly.

“Hey Phil.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Come over?” I ask.

“Alright, I'll be there in an hour.” he tells me, an hour! I don't want to sit here for an hour waiting, I want to get Dan off my mind now.

“Don't bother getting dressed up or showering please, I need you right now.” I groan.

“Okay be there in 10.” he hangs up.

I just lay in bed waiting, he'll let himself in, he always does.

10 minutes later I hear the front door open, now for the fun to begin.

He walks into my bedroom in a pair of pyjama pants and a hoodie.

“Hey cutie.” I giggle.

“Well you said you needed me right now so I didn't bother getting dressed.” he shrugs.

“Get in my bed.” I demand.

“Someone's eager.” he grins and takes off his clothes, when he gets in the bed I can feel his excitement against my leg.

“I don't think you'll be needing these.” Colby says sliding off my boxers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took a while.
Enjoy :)
<3 Brooke.