I'm Not Sure the Boy Wonder Fell for Me


“Ah, Batman and Robin,” Commissioner Gordon rose from his seat and shook their hands. Chief O’Hara stood by his desk, nodding his head. “Thank you for coming in. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you over the phone, but I wanted to be cautious.”

“Don’t worry, Commissioner,” Batman said. “I would have done the same thing.”

“Commissioner, can you tell us who bailed Catwoman out?” Robin asked eagerly.

“Well, that’s difficult to say,” he said nervously, fiddling with his hands.

“Why’s that?” Robin asked.

“We’re not exactly sure,” Chief O’Hara cut in. “See, Boy Wonder, the man who paid Catwoman’s bail was a very…crafty person. He left no address or anything about him. All he gave us was his name.”

“We’re sorry, Batman,” the commissioner said sorrowfully. “He seemed like a decent enough fellow. He didn’t look like a criminal; he looked…ordinary.”

“Just because someone looks average does not mean they are,” Batman stated. “But I won’t hold it against you, Commissioner. Now tell us, what was his name?”

“Joseph J. Kherson,” Chief O’Hara said.

“What did he look like?” Robin asked anxiously.

“Well, he looked young, in his early twenties most likely. He had brown hair, brown eyes, about six feet tall, and he was carrying a black briefcase.”

Batman sighed. “So he did look ordinary.”

“We are sorry, Batman. He just walked in and wrote us a check for Catwoman’s release. They walked out together and that was the last we saw of him.”

“He must be a criminal, right, Batman?” Robin asked.

“Perhaps, Robin,” he said slowly. “However, he could have been brainwashed into paying her bail.”


Batman drummed his fingers on the desk, pondering what to do next. “Have you heard any news on the Joker, Commissioner?”

He shook his head. “No, Batman. The last I heard he was still in prison.”

“We’re also concerned about the safety of Amanda Chase,” Robin said. “Catwoman threatened to see her again, and soon.”

“We know, Boy Wonder,” Commissioner Gordon replied. “We’re not sure how to protect her from this.”

“She could go back to Wayne Manor,” Robin suggested.

“Yes, but after…her time at the high school…” Chief O’Hara said softly.

Robin clenched his jaw for fear he would lash out at the chief. He glanced at Batman, who gave him a look saying Keep your cool. The Boy Wonder cleared his throat and said, “Yes, it’s understandable. However, if she can’t go back to Wayne Manor, then where can she go?”

“Well, since Ms. Chase has no family or any other connections outside the city, she’ll just have to remain at St. Catherine’s,” Commissioner Gordon stated.

“But she’ll be a sitting duck!” Robin exclaimed. “Catwoman can easily get to her!”

“We’ll double our guards around the school,” Chief O’Hara said. “We’ve learned from past mistakes.”

“That sounds like a plan, gentlemen,” Batman cut in before Robin could protest. “We’ll head back to the Bat Cave and try to find this Joseph fellow. Come, Robin.” The two of them left the office and hopped in the Bat Mobile. “You alright, old chap?” he asked as the engine roared to life.

“I’m fine,” Robin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just…anxious, that’s all.”

“I can see why,” he commented. “Don’t worry so much, Robin. She’ll be fine.”

“I can’t let her put herself in more danger,” Robin said, staring out the windshield. “I don’t think I could live with myself if that happened again.”

“It won’t,” Batman assured him as they drove onto the road that led to the Bat Cave. They were quiet as they entered their secret headquarters. As they got out of the car, Batman said to Robin, “You should go and talk to her. She probably needs some comforting.”

“I’m going,” he replied as he headed for the lift.


Amanda was reading outside on the patio while Aunt Harriet was doing laundry. She was reading a book for school because she fell behind at one point. As she finished up the chapter she was on, Dick opened the patio doors and walked out.

“Hey,” she said as he kissed her cheek. “Where did you go?”

“Batman and Robin went down to see the commissioner,” he said as he sat on the end of her lawn chair. “Turns out, someone paid Catwoman’s bail.”

“Really? Who?”

“A man named Joseph J. Kherson. The commissioner and the chief couldn’t tell us much because the man didn’t give out any personal information.”

“Wow,” Amanda sat up. “So, what does it mean?”

“It’s the only lead we have,” he sighed. “As for you, they said it wasn’t wise that you stay here again.”

“It’s fine,” she replied. “I’ll just stay at St. Catherine’s.”

“You aren’t safe there,” he stated. “Chief O’Hara said he’d double their guards, but I don’t see how that will help.”

“It means that I’ll be twice as safe,” she placed a hand on his shoulder. “Dick, you can’t stress yourself out like this. We’ll get through it just like last time, remember?”

He smiled a bit. “Yeah, I do.”

“If we got through that incident, then we can get through this one and anything that is thrown our way. We’re stronger when we’re together. Besides,” she said hopefully. “What’s the worst that could happen this time?”
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