I'm Not Sure the Boy Wonder Fell for Me

The New Girl

The rest of the weekend for Amanda wasn’t as great as she thought it would be. Dick was afraid to let her leave the house, so she stayed there all day while he and Bruce tried to track down Catwoman and Kherson. She spent most of her time with Aunt Harriet and Alfred, listening to them talk of the days when they were young. Aunt Harriet had even told Amanda about Dick’s parents before they died. She discovered that they were talented when it came to cheering up people and making them feel good about themselves. Aunt Harriet had commented that they would have loved Amanda. Amanda could only smile.

When the time came for her to return to the school, Dick had to leave early with Bruce on an unexpected errand. He had pecked her on the cheek and told her to be safe before rushing to the study unbeknownst to his aunt. Amanda packed her things unenthusiastically and dragged her suitcase downstairs. It was starting to rain as she and Alfred piled into the car. Aunt Harriet waved good bye from the doorway as they drove off. When they entered the city, Alfred sighed and tried to make conversation.

“Will you be staying next weekend, Ms. Chase?” he asked. “Master Dick hasn’t informed me.”

“I don’t think so, Alfred,” she replied, staring out her window. “I promised a friend of mine that I would spend some time with her, and plus, I don’t think Dick has the time to see me.”

“Ms. Chase, if you are referring to his constant absence, then you mustn’t worry,” he said cheerfully as he drove up to the school’s lawn. “Master Dick cares for you deeply and he only wants you safe and sound.”

“I hope you’re right,” she said quietly as the car came to a stop. Amanda grabbed her suitcase from the trunk and bade Alfred good bye. When he left, she shuffled into the school. It was cold inside, likely due to their poor heating system. She removed her scarf as Sister Monica came bustling down the hallway.

“Oh, Amanda, you’ve returned,” she exclaimed, kissing her cheeks. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t outside to meet you.”

“It’s okay,” she replied.

“Well, go and settle back in. We just served lunch, so you’ll have to wait for dinner.”

“Okay,” Amanda nodded as she made her way up to her room. The school seemed empty as the sound of her shoes echoed off of the walls. She could only hear the sound of the rain. When she got to her room, she was about to put her key in the door when she heard laughter inside. Puzzled, she twisted the key and pushed the door opened. Inside, she saw Amelia sitting on her bed, laughing with another girl. The girl was their age with short strawberry blond hair and a pink sweater wrapped around her. She looked at Amanda as if she were intruding in on their fun.

“Mandy,” Amelia went up and hugged her friend. “I forgot you were coming back today.”

“I can see that,” she replied, staring at the girl.

“Oh, sorry. Mandy, this is Pamela Cattell. She just transferred here from Saint Mary’s. Pammy, this is Amanda Chase, my roommate.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amanda,” Pamela got up and went over to shake her hand. “Amelia’s told me so much about you.”

“I’m sure she has,” Amanda replied, shaking her hand.

“I’m terribly sorry about what happened on Saturday with that wretched Catwoman. And just think; the same thing happened to you last year.”

“Thank you for your concern,” she said coolly. “I guess I’m just a danger magnet.”

“Indeed you are. Well, I’ll let you two catch up, Mia,” Pamela smiled while smoothing her skirt. “Nice meeting you, Amanda.”

“Bye, Pammy,” Amelia smiled as Pamela left the room. When she left, Amelia turned to Amanda and said, “So, how was the rest of your weekend?”

“You mean despite being called out by Catwoman?” Amanda said as she tossed her suitcase onto her bed. “It was boring. Dick wanted me to stay at the Manor; he thought it would be safer for me.”

“Are you going back there to stay?”

Amanda shook her head. “No. They don’t think it’s a good idea. The police will be doubling their guards here, but that’s the best they can do.”

“Well, don’t worry, Mandy,” she placed her arm around her shoulders. “That feline bitch isn’t coming anywhere near you.”

Amanda rolled her eyes as she opened up her suitcase, pulling out all her clothes and dumping them in a pile on the floor. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“I guess,” Mia flopped back down on her bed. “Oh, and sorry for the Pamela surprise. If I had remembered you were coming home, then I would have waited to introduce you two.”

“It’s alright,” she replied, hesitantly sliding her suitcase under her bed. “When did she arrive?”

“Yesterday. Sister Margaret asked me to show her around and we just became instant friends. I’m sure that once you get to know her you’ll become close.”

“Maybe,” Amanda sighed as she flopped down on her bed. “Right now, I just want to forget this weekend.”

“Whoa,” Mia shot up. “Usually you’re all ‘Oh, Dick and I had the best time ever’. What’s wrong in Dick and Amanda land?”

“Nothing’s really wrong, but…I don’t know.” Amanda put her arm over her eyes. “Do you like Dick?”

Amelia shrugged. “Well, I’ve never spent much time with the both of you together, but from what I’ve seen, yeah, he’s pretty decent.”

“Could you see me, I don’t know, marrying him?”

“Marrying him?” she echoed. Amanda nodded without moving her arm. “Well, I guess. If you two really love each other, then I see no reason why not.”

Amanda let out a sigh and turned to face the window. “I suppose you’re right.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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