I'm Not Sure the Boy Wonder Fell for Me


“This whole thing just doesn’t make any sense at all!” Chief O’Hara exclaimed, rubbing the bald spot on his head. “What the devil does Catwoman want with Ms. Chase?”

“I wish the answer was that simple,” Batman said, pacing the room. “Our clues are very limited.”

“What are those clues, Batman?” Commissioner Gordon asked. “Just refresh my memory.”

“Catwoman was bailed out of prison by a man named Joseph J. Kherson,” Robin said, reciting the very facts he had gone over in his head a hundred times. “She told Amanda she would be seeing her again. As of right now, Amanda is missing and we still have no leads on this Kherson character or Catwoman.”

“That’s not a lot to go by then,” Commissioner Gordon set his hands down on his desk. “I suppose our only other option is to wait. See if a ransom note turns up.”

“We can’t just wait!” Robin exclaimed. “She’s in danger, and who knows what Catwoman wants from her—“

“Robin,” Batman said coolly. “Please, it’s not doing anybody any good if we lose control.”

The Boy Wonder sighed. “You’re right, Batman. I’m sorry.”

“As of right now, we have no solid lead as to where Ms. Chase is, nor do we know what Catwoman’s motives are,” Batman stated. “Robin and I shall return to the Bat Cave and we’ll try to dig up a new location.”

“We’ll inform you if we hear any news, Batman,” Commissioner Gordon said.

“Thank you. Robin, you head down to the Bat Mobile. I’ll be there shortly,” Batman said.

Robin nodded. “Yes, Batman.”

When he left the room and shut the door behind him, Batman looked at the Commissioner and the Police Chief. “Commissioner, what are the odds that the Joker is behind this?”

“They seem very slim, Batman,” the Commissioner replied. “We’ve spoken with the prison guards, and the Joker is still tucked away in the prison along with his henchmen. There’s no possible way he’s behind this.”

“Do you believe Ms. Chase is in much danger?” Chief O’Hara asked nervously.

Batman sighed. “There is always danger when Catwoman is involved. I don’t believe, however, that she will attempt to take Amanda’s life. She might use her to draw Robin and myself into a trap.”

“God save that poor child,” the Commissioner looked down at his folded hands.

“Batman, can I ask you something?” Chief O’Hara asked.

Batman nodded. “Certainly, Chief.”

“Well, it’s about the Boy Wonder. From the way he was speaking…is he smitten with Ms. Chase?”

The Caped Crusader paused before speaking. “I haven’t spoken with him on the subject,” he lied. “I think all this crime is just clouding his mind. He just wants to protect the innocent, that’s all.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Commissioner Gordon said. “It’d be unfortunate for the Boy Wonder to have his heart broken since Ms. Chase is involved with Bruce Wayne’s young ward, Dick Grayson.”

“Unfortunate, indeed,” Batman agreed. “Well, gentlemen, I bid you a good afternoon. Please keep us posted.” With those parting words, he fled the room and out the door to where Robin was anxiously waiting for him.


Amanda was silently staring at the ceiling when she heard the door open. She turned her head and sat straight up as Catwoman and her henchmen walked into the room. Pussycat followed silently behind them. Catwoman was wearing her black costume and her mask, scanning the room like a feline predator. Amanda took special notice to the claws she had sewn on her gloves. She knew this was one villain she shouldn’t take for granted. The villainess held up her hands as a welcoming gesture.

“Welcome to my humble abode, Ms. Chase,” she smiled. “Or do you prefer Amanda?”

“Why am I here?” Amanda demanded. “What do you want?”

Catwoman shook her head. “Tsk, tsk, no patience whatsoever. Please, Amanda, be a dear and don’t bother me with these difficult questions.” She walked over to a big extravagant bed in the middle of the room and collapsed onto it. Her henchmen crowded around her like mice to a piece of cheese. “So, you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my newest protégé, Pussycat, I assume.”

“Unfortunately,” Amanda eyed her sidekick. “She’s a piece of work.”

“Hmm,” Catwoman purred. “You do have a mind of your own. The Joker’s own doing, no doubt.”

Amanda felt rage heat up inside of her at the mention of the Joker’s name. “The only thing the Joker did was screw with my head. I’m not a criminal; he brainwashed me into thinking I was.”

Catwoman looked at her silently, musing over her words. Finally, she said, “Well, Amanda, regardless of what happens, I might as well clue you in on what’s going to happen.” She stood up with her hands on her hips. “See, Batman and Robin will be dropping in at any time to rescue you, and when they do…well, let’s just say they’re in for a real purrrfect time!”

“What do you want with them?” she demanded. “They haven’t done anything—“

“On the contrary, they’ve done so much already. When they come to save you, we’re just going to give them the reward they deserve. Now all you have to do is stay there like the perfect little victim you are until they arrive.”

“How do you expect them to find the location of this hideout of you didn’t even leave a ransom note?”

“I’ve got that taken care of, Amanda dear,” Catwoman rubbed her hands together. “It’s only a matter of time before they arrive.”


Back in the Bat Cave, Batman and Robin were pouring over every resource they had, trying to come up with a single scrap of evidence as to where Catwoman’s hideout was. It was unfortunate that nothing could be found. Robin was going crazy trying to find the hideout. He was on the verge of tearing his own hair out when Batman set aside what he was doing and spoke up.

“They won’t harm her,” he said calmly. “I believe Amanda is too valuable for them to…dispose of.”

“You’ve no idea how much I wish that were true,” Robin replied, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. “Batman, I’m losing my mind. I mean, geez, why is it always her? Why is she so important that villains need to kidnap her? Is it to prove a point?”

“I haven’t the slightest theory about the inner workings of a criminal,” Batman said. “But I do know that Amanda is valuable, and we both know Catwoman isn’t a murderer.”

“Yes, but think of the lives she’s tried to destroy. How many times has she gone to prison?” Robin leaned back in his seat. “Just one little scrap of evidence would be enough. Anything at all.”

Suddenly, the Bat Phone started to buzz. Batman exchanged glances with his sidekick and jumped up from his seat. He picked up the phone and said, “Yes, Commissioner?” He listened for a moment or two, nodding his head here and there. After what Robin felt like was forever, Batman hung up the phone. His eyes were wide underneath his mask. “They’ve got a lead,” he said.

Robin stood up so fast his hair was knocked over. “Where?”

“Somebody left a note at the Commissioner’s secretary’s desk saying that she may be found in an abandoned tuna fish factory in the lower district. It makes sense, Robin; it’s isolated, no human activity, the perfect place to hide.”

“What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go!” Robin sprinted for the Bat Mobile as Batman followed close behind him. They started the engine, and were soon zooming through the foothills of Gotham City towards Amanda’s rescue and a recipe for disaster.
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Okay, this chapter doesn't have much action, but I swear the next one will! I mean, judging on where this one is heading, what choice do I have except to give you all a kick ass fight scene, right?
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