A Running Chance

The Race

And that is how I ended up standing next to Adrian, getting ready to run around the park once, the start/finish line being one of his friends sweatshirts.

"Don't go easy on me," I told Adrian. Then I glanced at his friend. "Call it."

He obligingly started with, "Ready?"

I dropped down on imaginary starting blocks, just for the familiar feeling even if it wouldn't help my start. Adrian stayed standing.


I rose a bit, ready to launch foreward. My eyes blazed a bright green.


I shot foreward, running with long strides, but saving a little energy for later. I could feel Adrian right next to me, just a little behind. I knew he was going to stay behind to wait until I slowed down or got tired. Problem was, I probably wouldn't. He must be in track or something.. I thought detatchedly. I blocked out his breathing and just foucused on mine. Then we got to the crowded park of the road, by the lake.

"Track! People on a time limit here!" I yelled, which made me slow a little, and Adrian took advantage of that, passing to run just infront of me. Now I was the one chasing him. Oh well, that's how I like it. I stared hard at his back, making it the only thing I could see, and matched his pace. He was going faster than I thought! Maybe a frequent runner like me..?

We broke through the more crowded part and after passing a few random groups of people, it was just us. I saw the entrance to the short garden path I had taken earlier flash by. Pretty soon I should start sprinting. Well, sprinting faster. What seemed like minutes later (but was really only just about half of one) I saw the exit to the garden path.

Time to kick it up. One.. two.. three! I shot foreward, past Adrian, and flew towards the group of scary looking guys around the bikes, my eyes locked on the gray sweatshirt. I heard hi right behind me, getting closer. Damn! I ran faster. Just a few more steps... He came up beside me. I pushed harder and.....

..... "Tie!" The same guy who called it at the begining called the end. A tie?? That's only happened to me once! This dude must be good! I stood there, trying to catch my breath, my hands resting on my head like my friends had first drilled me, back when I pushed too hard and almost passed out.

After a bit I turned and grinned at Adrian. "Damn dude, do u run every day like me or something?"

He was trying to return to breathing normal, too, and he said a quick "Yeah, something."

I looked at the other guys, the ones I tried to run from before, and smiled wonderingly at them, too. "Can you all run like that?"

"Nah, I wish though." One said. Then added, "By the way, I'm Levi." He pointed to the rest of the group. "That's Evan and Mikey."

Levi was a skinny guy, the runt of the group, and Evan was the opposite, but he wasn't covered in fat, just muscle. Mikey, despite his seemingly friendly name, was dark; dark skinned, with black hair and practically black eyes. He nodded at me, while Evan stepped foreward, stuck out his hand and said, "Hi! Its great to finally see someone give Adrian a run for his money. Next time he trys to brag, we can bring this little race up!" He smiled warmly at me.

I laughed, shook his offered hand, and said "Any time he starts bragging, just call me. I'll take care of his ego. And my name's Becca. Nice to meet you!"

"Pleasures all mine," he replied, staring into my eyes. Wow, his eyes are bright green too.. I thought in a daze.

"Hey don't go around putting innocent girls under your spell!" Adrians voice made me snap out of my trance. Trance...hypnotism...watch swinging back and forth...watch?

"Oh my god!" I squealed and pulled out my phone. It was 15 minutes past seven! And I still had to get ready and drive over to Kayla's house!! "I have somewhere I'm supposed to be.. Sorry but I have to go. Thanks for the competition!" I turned and started jogging away.

"Wait! You need a ride?" I stopped, debating. The I thought of how annoyed Kayla was going to be.

I sighed and turned around. "Do you know your way around town?"
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