‹ Prequel: Oh Em Gee
Status: Only a few more chapters left.

What the Frank

Change of Heart

{Third person’s P.O.V}

“Should I, or shouldn’t I?” Gerard was having an inner battle inside of his head. Was it the right choice to call Frank? By no means was he planning on calling Frank to reconcile, but for visitation rights to Gabe.

Times were tough for Gerard. He and Lindsey were fighting nonstop, his drug problems (alcohol included) were starting to spiral out of control, and he was on the verge of being fired from his job. This was hell. He thought that Gabriel, his only son, would bring a little sunshine back into his life—but maybe that was just the cocaine talking.

Frank, on the other hand, slept through the night like a baby. No thoughts of Gerard, Lindsey, not even Gabe crossed his mind—only the new path that his life was heading down. In fact, he slept so well, that he’d gotten in to work early, earlier than required.

He was about twelve weeks into his pregnancy, and he was already starting to show, well, to him anyway. He was so excited about the birth of his new child, or children, if he was lucky, that he paraded around the house, announcing it to anyone who bothered to listen. He was already starting to pick baby names. Cassidy and Joseph were his favorites, but he might have a change of heart once he’s in the delivery room.

“Hello?” Frank breathed into the phone, which was previously vibrating widely inside the pocket of his company-issued khakis.

“H-hey Frank.” The voice on the other end half-stuttered-half-sighed. The person sounded so familiar, but hard to identify.

“Who is this?” There was a long and awkward silence on the other end.

“It’s Gerard.” What the fuck? Frank’s brow creased in confusion. This couldn’t be Gerard. His voice seemed so…hollow. Like a forgotten shell of himself.

Gerard?” Frank nearly yelled in disbelief. What possible reason could this jackass have to call him, after all of the things that were said? Frank started to consider hanging up the phone and chucking it in the toilet, but with the new life path came a change of heart, which meant a much nicer Frankie.

“Look, I know that I’ve been a complete jackass, but I’ve changed. Things have been pretty shitty for me, for us, and I want to fix that.” Frank rolled his eyes at the ‘sappy’ façade that Gerard was trying to pull.

“I was thinking that we could get together, or at least give it a try.” Does he think this is a game?

“What the hell? Gerard, you can’t just call me, give me some half-assed apology, or what I assume was an apology, and expect for things to go back to the way they were.” Frank huffed out. Just when he thought he’d had a good day…

“i-I know, that’s not what I meant. I thought that we could just take things slow. You know, become friends, then eventually…lovers.” There was another awkward silence.

“I mean…I guess that could work…” Frank stammered as he ran his fingers through his unkempt, shoulder-length hair. The look on his face betrayed his voice. If only Gerard was here to see…
Two and a half awkward minutes later, the inept duo ended their conversation, both mortified at cringing exchange. Both for different reasons, Gerard, for even calling in the first place, and Frank, for not pouring his emotions that’d he’d been bottling up for the past few months.

No matter how awkward the time had been, one thing was settled: Gerard would take Gabe to the park next Saturday. Frank couldn’t help but feel uneasy about his decision. Could he trust Gerard? They had been going out size they were in high school. That sentence seemed so strange to Frank. After all, they’d only been out of high school for one year,, without a diploma, of course.
Something about Gerard seemed…different, but Frank couldn’t quite figure out exactly what it way. Instead of idly standing around, wasting valuable time, he continued to work, gilding the dingy yellow mop across the tilled floor of the men’s bathroom. He’d mopped the floor so good that he would see is reflection in it, which was sort of a personal accomplishment to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
School sucks.