We're A Mess; Add Some Sugar


I was about to knock on Eric’s door when a “Hey, Justin!” came out of nowhere and a body flung towards me and clung for dear life.


“Don’t look so surprised, silly.” John’s smile met my confused gaze. His hair was freshly cut to a short style… but it was nice. “Sorry I didn’t come out for like two days. My mom invited Nana over and well, I’m pretty much made to tend to her every will and command. It’s not exactly fun.”

I found myself smiling back. “No worries, kiddo.” I ruffled his hair.

“Well, well, well.” We both turned to see Eric’s amused smirk. “Just no sex while I’m present okay?”

“Wait… what?!” I was about to swat that big, mocking grin off his face when John grabbed my wrist. Hey, wait. When did I start referring to the kid by his actual name? “What?!”

He just smiled that stupid fucking smile. “Nothin’ shorty.” What an asshole.

“Don’t get cocky just ‘cause I’m bein’ nice, kid.” I crossed my arms and marched my way into the house.

“Mr. Richards! You wait until you are invited in, you do not simply walk into my home uninvited!” I ran as soon as Mrs. Halvorsen opened her mouth. “Oh, hello, John. How are you today?”

“Fine, Mrs. Halvorsen. How do you do?” John’s fucking smirk annoyed the hell out of me.

“Oh, fine, fine.” She glanced at me, “You could learn a lesson from John, Mr. Richards.” And walked off.

“Why does she refer to me by “Mr. Richards”” I mocked in a high pitched voice, “and you by your first name?”

John shrugged.

“Garage, boys?” Eric led the way.

“You’re such a kid.” I was back by the edge of the forest, but instead of being followed by Eric and Nick, John seemed to feel comfortable enough around me to lay his head on my shoulder and cling to my arm.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it a thousand times.” He yawned.

“Sleep then, if you’re tired.”

I felt him shake his head. “Nah, I like bein’ with you.”

The corners of my lips tugged upwards into a gentle smile. “What a kid.” But then, being with him was unlike being with anyone else. Kissing him, even, felt as if it was meant to be.
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It's done! :] Tell me if you liked? Thanks.