‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything


“Italy,” I stated flatly, drumming my fingers against my hardwood table. Rosalie nodded happily and Christopher gave me a cheesy smile.

“You’re going to Italy,” I said again, trying to reassure myself. Rose ran a hand through her hair.
“I know it’s crazy but it’s the only place I can get the perfect one,” she said to me. I struggled not to roll my eyes. I wasn’t joking when I said that Rosalie wanted the best for her wedding. Now she decided to get her dress and cake in Italy. I understand the dress but her cake?

“And you’re going with her?” I asked Christopher sharply. He nodded, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back casually.

“I want to take a little vacation and plus, Rosalie’s going where the Volturi are, I wouldn’t want her to get hurt or anything,” he said solemnly. I glared at Chris, looking right through his little act. I turned back to Rosalie.

“What about Emmett? Is he coming with you?” I asked her. I noticed how she fidgeted around a little.
“Well no, I didn’t tell him yet,” she said and I repressed the urge to smirk. “I’m going to tell him today.”
“Is he going to go with you?” I asked her. I could see how uncomfortable I was making Rosalie feel. And so could Christopher.
“Jeez Eleanora, cut it out, it’s like we’re getting questioned by the FBI,” he said and rolled his eyes. I decided to let go of it now but I was still dying to see Emmett’s reaction.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I swung from the branch lightly and landed silently on the one below me. I made sure to stay away from the hotel far enough so Rosalie and Emmet wouldn’t notice me. I crept onto the tree in front of me when I saw Rosalie enter the room, Emmett closely following. I stayed silent to hear their conversation.

“You amaze me Rosalie,” Emmett said as Rose sat on the bed. She wasn’t looking him in the eyes.
“Why with Christopher?” he demanded. Rosalie raised her gaze to meet his.
“He’s been helping a lot lately and plus, you can’t see the dress either way,” she said innocently.
“Rosalie, tell me honestly, if you don’t want this wedding we’ll stop it,” Emmett said, completely ignoring her words. Rosalie stood up and wrapped her arms around Emmett. I let out a long sigh, trying to control my temper.
“I do want it! You know I do,” Rose said and Emmett hugged her to him. “I know this wedding will make our relationship stronger than ever, I want it very badly.”
Emmett leaned down and kissed Rosalie. I pushed back the jealousy that was building up inside of me.
“I want you to be happy again, Emmett, I remember what you were like four years ago, it’s only recently you and I’ve been perfectly happy together,” she continued. I counted in my head quickly. Four years ago was when I left. Was he really in such a mess?
“I won’t be like that again, I’ve got you Rose and I know that we’re going to be happy,” he said and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. This was so cheesy.
“It’ll be only us,” he whispered to her. This was enough for me.

I didn’t feel like running home, I dragged my feet if you will.

I can’t tell you why I was upset. I knew that this was a wedding I was planning for them and that there was no way I would be with Emmett but I couldn’t help hoping.

Now I could see that Rosalie was everything for him. Everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the support you guys! Seriously it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.inside.
It's very hard to write this sequel, I had no idea. I really don't know what to write lately so updates will come less frequently.
This is the worst sequel ever, -.-
P.S. You guys voted like 50/50 for good and bad ending =D .