‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything

Can't Find the Person for Me

I looked at my watch again. The bride-to-be was 40 minutes late. She’s lucky I have so much patience. I hummed a song to myself as I waited. I glanced inside the bridal shop. The owner waved at me and I smiled apologetically. This was one of the best dress shops in the whole city.

I looked to my left and saw Lauren, the said bride, running toward me. I gave her a dazzling smile as she stopped next to me, panting.

“I’m so sorry Eleanora!” she breathed out. “I got so caught up at work I just couldn’t get away.” I patted her on the shoulder lightly.
“It’s alright but I think the owner is getting a bit frustrated,” I said and pointed behind me. Lauren flushed.
“Oh! Right, okay so let’s get right to it,” she said with a bright smile.
Over the years I’ve noticed that the thing brides love the most (besides trying the cake) is picking out a wedding dress. The frustration in finding the best one is one of the worst moments but when they pick out, try on and decide on a dress the level of excitement is almost on overload.

We spent about two hours in the shop. This is considered a small amount of time; Lauren isn’t very fussy.

“Let’s grab a coffee,” Lauren suggested hopefully. I agreed. She really wasn’t bad. We walked to a local café.
“I never asked: why did you become a wedding planner?” she asked me once the waiter brought us our drinks. I shrugged.
“The excitement around weddings is very infectious,” I answered with a smile. “And plus brides need help to prepare for the big day; they can’t manage it all by themselves.” She nodded.
“You’re very young though and you already have your own flourishing business, you can’t be more than 21,” Lauren commented.
“I’m 23 actually,” I lied easily. “I guess it’s a talent; my mother was one as well.” Lauren nodded as she sipped her coffee.
“Did you plan your own wedding?” she asked me curiously. I smiled.
“I’m not married,” I replied. Her eyes widened.
“I don’t believe it, you’re very beautiful,” she noted. I shrugged.
“I guess I just can’t find the person for me,” I replied with mock sadness. She waved a hand at me.
“Well there must’ve been at least one worthy man in the long list that you dated,” she joked. I laughed lightly. How was I to explain that I haven’t had a boyfriend for the past fifty years?
“There was one man I was interested in when I lived in Washington,” I explained with a shrug. Lauren’s eyes lit up.
“Do tell more.” I grinned at her sudden liveliness.
“It’s a short story, he already had someone,” I told her and her face fell.
“I doubt it she was more beautiful than you,” she added as support. I grinned.
“Thanks.” We chatted a bit more before I had to leave. I had to meet up with another bride to show her the banquet halls that I had chosen for her.

In my short career as a wedding planner I’ve done 11 weddings. Christopher thinks I’m crazy but the brides I help love me for it.

I arrived at my office earlier than my bride-to-be. Julie greeted me with a smile.
“Hey Jules, give me the catalogue for the hall I chose for the Camry-Leers wedding,” I asked her as I shrugged off my coat and sat down behind my desk.

Minutes later Julie walked in with my customer. I smiled brightly.

“Hello Cameron,” I said and she grinned back.
“What’ve you got for me?” she asked and Julie gave her the catalogue. I nodded at Julie.
“Thanks Jules and oh, tomorrow you’re going with Lauren Valhi to pick out a cake,” I told her and she gave me a thumbs up. She loved all the cake-tasting there. I turned back to my customer. She had a frown on her face. She’s obviously not happy.

Oh joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here you go =]
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