‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything


I swung easily from the branch and landed softly on my feet like a cat. I ran swiftly, enjoying the cool air as it beat against my face.

“It’s probably guilt, I couldn’t just say no because...Well…I almost killed her brother’s girlfriend, obviously they blame it on me but you know I think Rosalie doesn’t know about the whole situation,” I shook my head, “ Either way, why did I say yes? Because of the guilt, right?” I turned around as I ran and looked at my brother.

Chris ran swiftly a bit behind me. He had a thoughtful expression on his face as though mulling over my words. I loved how Christopher took my words seriously; he never made fun of me and he really tried to understand.

“I think there’s more to it,” Chris said carefully. We reached the edge of the forest where the road ended sharply and in front of us was a beautiful panorama of the ocean. I sat down on the ground and Chris copied me. “Maybe you’re still hoping that something will happen between you and Emmett.”
I startled. I wasn’t, really. I told myself years ago that Emmett was now long forgotten. I shook my head.

“No Christopher, I didn’t even have that thought in my head,” I told him softly. He shrugged and grinned suddenly.
“I could help, you know,” he said with a wink. I frowned.
“How?” I ask him suspiciously.
“Well is this Rosalie good-looking?” he asked and throws a pebble into the abyss in front of us.
“She’s drop-dead gorgeous and perfect in every way,” I mumble and look away.
“Well then great! I’ll seduce her and you can have Emmett,” Chris suggested and wiggled his eyebrows. I burst out laughing.
“You’re ridiculous Chris!” I tell him through my giggles and punch his shoulder lightly.

We sit silently for a few moments and strangely feel at peace. It’s good to be with family, to know that someone understands you.

“A client is having her wedding in like two weeks, she said to bring a date, will you go?” I ask him and he makes a face at me.
“Oh c’mon! It’ll be fun,” I encourage him. He made feeble attempts but then...
“Fine but only because you’re my sister,” he said with a sigh. I gave him a one-armed hug.
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I know things are boring right now but it'll get better.
I'm just having serious issues with this story right now, nothing seems to be going in my head.
Do comment, it'll inspire me =]]]]