‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything

Yah Really

“Damn it,” I muttered as my third pen broke. The ink oozed out onto my hands and my desk. I quickly snatched up a couple of napkins and began to clean up the mess. I couldn’t get the blue hue from my hands. I went to the bathroom to clean up.

I hated the anticipation that was inside me. I hated how I agreed to this whole farce.
“What’s the problem Eleanora?” Julie asked me as I walked past her desk.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” I replied and sat down at my desk. She gave me a knowing look and said, “Riiight, nothing. You’re not fooling anyone, you know.”
“I said I’m fine Julie, cut it out,” I snapped back at her rather harshly. She raised her hands in defeat and went back to her computer. I’d have to apologize later. I thought of Rosalie’s words the last time we met up.

“I’ll probably come back with Emmett next time; I want to get him involved.”

I didn’t want to see Emmett, not this soon. I needed time to prepare; I didn’t know what I’d say or how to act. And besides, how would he act? I was mulling this over when I heard voices downstairs.
My head snapped up. One of them was unmistakably Rosalie’s but the other I didn’t recognize.

Furthermore, the scent was unfamiliar. I looked toward Julie. She raised a questioning eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” she asked me.
“I think someone’s coming,” I said and she frowned.
“Well no one here yet,” she shrugged.

In ten minutes the door opened and in walked Rosalie followed by a young woman. My eyes widened in surprise; it was Bella. I smirked to myself. No matter how much Edward wanted to prevent it, he had to change her. Being a vampire suited Bella. She was beautiful and graceful. I thought back to how clumsy she used to be and smiled.

“Eleanora, sorry we’re late,” Rosalie said and collapsed into an armchair. Bella sat down next to her and gave me a warm smile.
“It’s good to see you Bella,” I said tensely. I wasn’t sure of how she felt about me. After all, it was I who tipped James off to her whereabouts.
“You too Eleanora, we were all surprised when Rose told us that you were here,” she said and ran a hand through her hair. I noticed the ring on her left hand. Bella saw me looking. She laughed.
“Yeah, I’m married to Edward,” she shrugged. I nodded and looked at Rosalie.
“I thought Emmett was going to come,” I said casually, not letting too much hope seep into my voice. Rosalie rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, so did I but he refused to go; said he doesn’t want this whole thing to happen,” she replied and frowned. “When we discussed this before he was all for it; actually I thought he’d be excited to get involved seeing how you’re here.” I shrugged and looked away from her searching eyes. I felt Bella’s eyes on me as well. I had a feeling she knew about Emmett and I.

Besides discussing the details for the wedding, we discussed what’s happened in the Cullens life since I left. I found out about the problems they had with the Volturi, about Renesmee, the shape shifters in Forks.

“So we’re going to have food at the wedding?” I asked a bit surprised. I saw Rosalie and Bella exchange a look.
“Lots of food,” Bella confirmed. I shrugged.
“Who’s going to choose it though?” I asked. Bella smiled.
“I have an expert for that, don’t worry,” she said.
“We could go all extravagant and supply some ‘food’ for us,” Rosalie said to me.
“You mean blood,” Bella interrupted and Rose nodded. I shrugged.
“Well it’s strange but we could do it, my brother Christopher-" I was cut off as I heard the front door open.

“Hello beautiful,” I heard Christopher’s voice as he greeted Julie. I was 100% sure that Julie was swooning now. She was head over heels for my brother as she told me after the first time she met him two years ago.
The door to my office opened and in walked a windblown Christopher.

“Speak off the devil and he may appear,” I muttered to myself and Chris grinned.

“I’m a bit busy here, you know,” I said to him rudely but he ignored me and went straight to Rosalie.
“Please tell me you’re the bride’s best friend,” he said to her and offered his hand. I saw Rosalie smile at him as she placed her hand in his. Christopher abruptly brought the hand to his lips.
“I’m the bride, sorry,” she said with a dazzling smile. I shot Christopher a warning look but he shook it off.
“Christopher, we’re busy,” I said rudely. He dropped Rosalie’s hand and sat on the edge of my desk.
“I was running by here and thought ‘hey, I should help my favorite sister’,” he said. I raised an eyebrow.
“I’m your only sister,” I stated flatly.
“C’mon Eleanora, I’m bored at home,” he replied.
“Chris could help us with something Eleanora,” Rosalie piped up, not taking her eyes off Chris. Christopher turned his back on Rosalie and gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Seriously, I don’t know what you’ve got planned but I don’t want you to do it,” I said to Christopher. I was pacing across my living room as Christopher lounged on my couch, lazily flipping through the channels.
“Look, I’ll keep Rose busy and you could go get that Emmett guy,” he said simply as though it was as easy as 2+2. I glowered at him.
“I don’t want to get involved with him again,” I stated. Chris smirked.
“Oh really?” he asked.
“Yah really,” I replied and threw a pillow at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so.
It's going to get all interesting in about two chapters BUT in order for me to post them up i need YOUR comments.
Or else I'm not posting
Do comment guys, it's not hard.