‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything


For a week I kept busy with Rosalie’s wedding. She came daily, sometimes bringing Bella, sometimes Alice. Once Esme came as well. I met Renesmee and like anyone else I was charmed by that girl. It was amazing that technically her age is 5 but she’s already thinking like a 10 year-old.

We kept busy with details like the food and the banquet hall. Even though we were vampires and moved at great speeds, it still took us about three days to visit all the halls that we considered and finally Rosalie chose the one she wanted.

Planning a wedding with Rose was a new experience for me. She wasn’t like all my other brides. She strived to have the best of everything and the most expensive too. If the florist we visited offered to decorate the hall for only about $400, Rosalie refused and went to a florist who charged twice as much but did almost the same job.

If all the females of the Cullen clan were eager to help, then the males kept away as far as possible from this whole charade. I was concerned with one male actually; it was Emmett. We’ve been working on Rosalie’s wedding for two weeks and I’ve yet to see him. I was relieved in a way because I didn’t want to face him but a part of me was dying to see him.

I was thinking about Emmett as I sat with Lauren in a bridal shop. With her wedding less than a week away, last-minute alternations were being done on her dress.

“So have you got a date for my wedding?” Lauren asked as she played with the tiara in her hand. I shrugged.
“I’m coming with my brother,” I answered and she frowned.
“That’s not a real date.”
“Well I haven’t got time to look for one actually with so many weddings,” I lied. I wasn’t going to explain to her the real reason. Lauren stared at me for a long time.
“You seem so far away lately, what’s wrong?” she asked me with a concerned face. I sighed. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to confide in her.
“I’m planning a wedding for that guy I told you about,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t understand but Lauren gasped immediately.
“No way! You should refuse,” she declared and I laughed at the scowl on her face.
“It’s too late, I agreed already,” I replied and Lauren was about to protest but I piped up, “Oh look, they’re bringing your dress out!” And I was able to escape from this conversation.
When we were done I walked out of the shop and was surprised to Christopher waiting for me in my Cadillac CTS. I got in swiftly and we drove home.
“So when are we going to that party of yours?” he asked and sped up to avoid the red light.
“In six days and do me a favor; act civilized,” I warned him and Christopher smirked.
“I’m a vampire, I’m a savage beast, you can’t ask that of me,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes as we drove up to my apartment.

I opened the door and stopped. Chris pushed me aside roughly and entered the apartment. He was in a crouch and low snarl escaped from his throat.

“Do you recognize it?” he asked me gruffly and I shrugged. The scent was faint but I could sense something familiar in it.
“I’m not sure, it’s more unfamiliar,” I told him. Christopher told me to wait and went on to inspect the apartment. He came back in 2 minutes with a frown on his face.
“They didn’t take anything and they’re gone now, left maybe an hour ago,” he said and I nodded. I didn’t feel exactly comfortable with someone prying through my apartment while I was away at work. I could see the uneasiness in Chris’s eyes as well so I decided to shrug it off.

“They didn’t do any harm so it’s alright,” I said lightly and Chris nodded.

I knew that this night we would both be on our toes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here you go.
The next part is going to be interesting.
Judging by the lack of feedback I understand you guys don't really like it. =\ And partly I understand.
It's very hard to write, all my thoughts are jumbeled. I'm thinking of stopping even but I'm not sure.
What do you think?