‹ Prequel: Close to Nothing
Status: DONE :] w00t.

More Than Anything

I Ran

I ran as fast as I could. The figure in front of me was never more than six feet close. It was getting harder and harder to run. I’ve been chasing the man for more than nine miles now. He didn’t know where to go; I could see that now. He kept on changing direction every five minutes. My eyes narrowed with frustration. I decided to corner him.

We were running through the forest, swiftly climbing to the top of the mountain. I knew where the edge was so I decided to run him there. There was no way out unless he wanted to kill himself by plunging into the icy ocean.

I gained speed, my dress blowing out behind me. But so did my intruder. He started to run faster, he seemed to know where I was going. But I outsmarted him. I skidded to left, forcing him to go right and he disappeared into the clearing ahead. I heard him let out a growl and I smirked. He had nowhere to go. I slowed down and walked into the clearing.

The man in front of me had his back to me and his hood on. I inhaled his scent. It was very familiar. I walked a bit closer and reached out to touch him but at that moment the intruder turned around.

My breath caught in my throat. I felt like someone hit me.
It was Emmett. He was looking down, not meeting my eyes. He was gorgeous. He was so damn beautiful that it hurt. My eyes went over his golden brown ones, tracing every feature, the sharp angle of jaw, his slightly pointed nose. My eyes wandered down to his broad chest and back up to his eyes. His hands were clenched into fists. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. I finally managed to get something out.

“Why?” I asked in a hoarse voice. Emmett finally raised his eyes to meet mine. He looked angry, furious. I flinched from his gaze.
“I could ask you the same question,” he said at me and I raised an eyebrow.
“Why are you back in my life?” he asked me roughly. My eyes widened.
“What? You’re asking a stupid question, I tried to get away from you,” I told him, my own anger starting to surface.
“That didn’t really work, did it?” he spat at me.
“What the fuck were you doing in my house? You’re so damn chicken to show up at my office with Rosalie but you go through my stuff when I’m at work, you damn pervert,” I sneered back. I wasn’t about to take his shit. He rounded on me and took a step forward. He looked ready to kill. I took a step back and my back hit the boulder behind me.
“Because I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back if I was at your office,” he snarled. “You don’t know what you did to me when you left, I was going insane, and I was ready to murder everyone.” I didn’t fully comprehend what he was saying.
“You left without explaining anything, I needed you damn it, and you just fucking left!” he roared and punched the wall right beside my head. I heard it crack behind me. I was starting to get frightened but beneath that I was feeling sorry for Emmett. I wanted to tell him that I felt that way also. He took a step toward me again. His body was pressed up to mine. He placed a hand gently on the side of my face and buried his face below my ear.

“I missed you; I missed the way you kissed me, the way we embraced but I was ready to give it all up when I realized there was no way out of the situation,” he murmured to me. I relaxed against his grip. He nuzzled my face with closed eyes. I started to say something when I felt his grip on my hair tighten.

“But I’m not going back to that,” he mumbled lowly and let go of me. My knees almost buckled. He turned his back on me.
“I’m not going to start this shit again, I don’t need the problems,” he said, his back to me. I saw him swallow. “You’re not worth it.”

I felt myself get dizzy. It was a really low blow and inside I was begging for it not to be true. He turned to face me and I saw his expression soften.

“Ella, you know I just said that because I’m-“he started to say but I cut him off.
“Enough Emmett, I understand you,” I told him, trying to control my voice. “Don’t worry; I won’t get in your way anymore.”

With those words I spun around and ran off. That’s all I wanted right now. I wanted to run. I wanted to forget everything that just happened, that was just said. And that’s all I did for the whole night. I ran.
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Well here you go! =] Something big.
NOW I really won't post anything up until I get comments.