Status: :) :D xD n_n ^-^ :P ;) ;P :] ;] Comment, lovessss! <3

Punch-Drunk Love :)

Keep My Heart Beat B'beat Beat Beating

"Where's she going?" Josh's stunned voice asked from beside me. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing that Cailey just needed to be alone.

If she wanted to talk about it she would. There was no need to bother her about it, she would just shut down. Shut you out.

"Guys, I'll be back." John muttered before jogging off in the direction Cailey had gone.

"Well, what do you guys wanna do?" Josh asked excitedly, bouncing up and down, earning concerned stares from other park goers.

"Cotton candy." Stephen blurted, a completely serious expression on his face.

Josh nodded in agreement, leaving me wondering what I was missing. Before I could ask, Josh bolted off down the crowded paved street to a vendor. Stephen moved his arm from my shoulder, choosing instead to lace our hands together. A quick grin crossed his face before he ran to catch up with Josh, dragging me alongside him.

Out of breath Stephen ordered two cotton candy's. Josh was already shoving clumps of the sugary treat into his mouth. In his rush to eat it some ended up in his hair, and scattered across his face.

I took one look at him and broke into a fit of giggles, causing Josh to narrow his eyes at me. He gave a quick nod to Stephen, who in return shook his head mouthing 'no'. I was about to ask what Josh was going to do, but it was too late. A clump of cotton candy had found its way in my hair.

I tore a piece from mine and stuck it into Josh's blond locks, a satisfied grin spread across my lips. This process continued until Josh and I ran out of the fluffy pink substance.

Stephen stood laughing at us, completely unharmed by our candy fight. A smug look crossed Josh's face and he sent me a quick nod, unseen by Stephen. Josh ordered another cotton candy while Stephen ate his, clueless as to what we were up to.

A shrill scream erupted from Stephen as Josh dumped the pink mass on his head. I fought as hard as I could to hold back my laughter but it was impossible. Stephen's mouth was hanging open in complete shock, his face tinged red from not breathing.

"Breathe buddy." Josh sputtered through his laughter, slapping Stephen on the back. I gave a half-smile as Stephen's gaze turned to me accusingly.

"You let him do this." Stephen gasped, pointing his index finger towards me.

"We're even?" I questioned hopefully, not sure I could handle more candy in my hair. It was going to take forever just to get the amount already in it out. That's if it would come out. If it didn't, Josh would be dead.

Stephen thought this over for a minute before replying "Ok.", with a crooked smile on his face. Our eyes met and I could feel my cheeks burn. I tore my eyes away from him reluctantly, wanting to hide my blush from him. And to get my heart under control.

I had just met this boy, but already he could send my heart into a frenzy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Extremely short and pretty crappy :/
but any thoughts? :)
Stephen's such a cutie haha