Status: --- Hiatus ---

It's Just Our Fate

Turn of Events

The phone was humming from the vibrations it let off as it laid next to Jackson. He had an arm over his eyes, laying shirtless on the bed as he slowly grabbed the phone with his free hand. He flicked it open expertly and placed it to his ear, “Reed..” He heard a familiar groan into the phone, “I’m losing money because of you.” Jackson sighed heavily, “You wouldn’t have any money if it weren’t for me, old man.”

Rudy laughed lightly, clearing his throat before he spoke again, “I have jobs for you, ones in Nevada and the other is in Florida. Now who would wanna kill someone in damn Nevada, fuck if I kno-“ Jackson sat up quickly, “Give the jobs to someone else. I can’t leave right now.”
Rudy sighed angrily, “Reed, you can’t push off these assignments because of Lily. I know you’re having a rough patch but you gotta do your job. You’re not Martha Stewart, you can’t keep playing home maker. You’re like a fucking modern day Tony Montana, ‘cept you ain’t dealing.”

Jackson swung his legs over the edge of the bed as he leaned forward slightly, “I can’t.” Rudy stayed quiet for a moment, “I know this girl means something to you, I can see it in you, but this isn’t something you can just say ‘No’ to. You don’t work for the cookie factory, you’re an assassin, and these guys over here… They pay good money to have people killed, even more when requesting you. You can’t push them off, you got into this knowing the consequences… This is just one you have to face.”

Jackson’s necklace swung slightly from his neck as he ruffled his hair, “How long is the one in Florida?” Rudy let out a laugh, “That’s my boy! It’s a two day job but I can throw in a few mo-“

“No. The two days is fine, send me the stuff and I’ll do it.” He said as he snapped the phone shut. He placed the phone next to him as he leaned his elbows on his thighs, holding his head. He needed to step away from it all, just for a moment. Maybe if he did everything would pick up. Just maybe…

-In Florida

Jackson laid flat on top of a building, sniper ready, waiting for the target to come out of an old bar. There was a separate building blocking him from anyone’s sight, making him invisible. Even though it was blazing hot, he wore all black, his leather jacket laid out under him as he steadied his hand on the trigger.

A fat man, no older than around sixty, came out of the bar. He burped as he rubbed his stomach for a moment, pulling out a cigarette with his other hand. Jackson pulled himself up, shutting one eye as he looked out with the other. The man turned slightly, flicking some ash from his cigarette. Jackson waited for a moment, and suddenly found his shot. He didn’t hesitate as he pulled trigger, quickly snatching up the rifle and jacket as he made his way off the building.

Jackson raced down the steps from the roof and left out of the back of the building, making his way to the rental car. He opened up the door, tossing the rifle in the back as he sped off into the main road. He swiftly turned from one road to the next as he pulled up into his hotel parking garage.

He looked around, making sure no one else was visible, then grabbed the rifle as he got out of the car making his way to the trunk. He opened it up and put it in a black bag, zipping it up and shutting the trunk.

Everything else seemed like a blur as he walked into the hotel, taking the elevator up to his room, slowly coming into consciousness once he locked the door behind him. He tossed the jacket on a desk and pulled off his shirt, his necklaces jingling slightly as he flopped on the bed.

It was his last day here and his flight was in another four hours. He shut his eyes decided it be best for him to get some type of rest. Leaving wasn’t the best thing for him, he continued to think of Lily as he was there.

He moved around trying to get comfortable, growling under his breath knowing his mind was going a hundred miles a second. He opened his eyes abruptly, staring up at the ceiling, thinking what could one call hurt – just to see how she was doing, of course.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing her number expertly and stopped as he thumb grazed the call button. He shut the phone, tossing it on the bed, he was hopeless. This time apart was doing absolutely nothing for him and he was getting sick of it.

Jackson suddenly sat up quickly, snatching up the phone as he dialed in a number, hitting the call button. He waited for a few rings until someone picked up, “You get it done?” Rudy asked. Jackson sighed, “Of course it’s done. I need a favor though.” Rudy coughed a little, “Anything for you kid, whaddya need?”

Jackson got up quickly, pulling his shirt over his head, trying not to drop the phone as he picked up the rest of his things. “Plane home, now.” Rudy got a little quiet, “What for..?” Jackson slipped on the jacket smoothly, “Got business to take care of. Can you get it booked within the next twenty minutes?”

Rudy laughed a bit, “Hell I can have it booked within the next five.” Jackson cracked a small smile, “Thanks.” Rudy laughed, his contagious laugh, coughing slightly, “You got it kid.”


Jackson got into his car, which he parked in the vacation zone of the airport, and headed straight to Lily’s father’s house. He thought if he could just talk to her in person and tell her he’d changed, things would return to normal. They just hadn’t actually talked yet, and that’s what they needed.

He swerved quickly around a corner, pushing the gas more than needed. He kept thinking of the right words to say to her, the best thing to do. There was too much going on in his head for him to think of.

He slowed as he pulled into the entrance, seeing a line of cars and parked close to the gates. He stepped out of the car as he made his way up to the house wondering what was going on. Her father was still gone, he knew that for sure, so what was with the cars?
He reached the door, ringing the bell, as he waited patiently for someone to answer. He could hear classical music playing, people laughing, there must have been some type of party going on. The door opened up, a man in a butler’s outfit standing next to it, “Good evening, sir. Are you here for the banquet?”

Jackson saw people passing from one hall to the next, eyeing him awkwardly, “Why, yes I am.” The butler nodded and motioned for him to come inside. Jackson walked into the house, brushing his leather jacket a little to make it neater. “Refreshements are in the day room,” the butler pointed, “Entertainment in the ballroom, and restroom down the hall to your right.”

Jackson smiled slightly, “Thank you.” The butler bowed a little and walked away, tending to the other guests. Jackson walked slowly looking in either direction for Lily. The guests continued to give him awkward looks, mainly to his attire, since everyone else wore elegant dresses and men wore their best tux’s.

“As I was saying, I simply do believe that if we open up another clinic we can only rise from the outcome, never falter.” A woman said as Jackson passed. He reached inside of the “Entertainment” section, or the ballroom, searching quickly.

Suddenly he heard a woman’s laugh. He stopped in his tracks, turning his head in the direction it came and headed towards it. He could see a woman in a royal blue dress, talking with another man. He was tall, preppy looking—Your typical rich boy.

As Jackson reached closer, his steps grew slower—It was her. There she was standing in this radiant gown, laughing at jokes and sipping on champagne. He began to pick up the pace, “Li-“

Maxwell stepped in front of him, “How did you get in?” Jackson clenched his jaw, not wanting to deal with him, “Move.” Maxwell grabbed a hold of Jackson, pulling him out, “Oh, I’ll move for ya.” Jackson squirmed, trying to break free, “Let go!” he yelled.

Lily turned around catching sight, as did everyone else, of Jackson being pulled out of the room. She handed her glass to the gentleman as she walked quickly towards them.
Maxwell pushed Jackson out of the house, standing on the porch with him, “You aren’t welcome here. I was given specific orders from Mr. Baxter to keep you’re ass away from his daughter.” Jackson balled his hands into fists, “That’s her decision, not his, now move.”
Jackson tried to walk past but was just pushed back by Maxwell. Lily came out suddenly, putting a hand on Maxwell’s shoulder, “Max..” He turned and looked to her, then back to him, “He isn’t supposed to be on the grounds.”

Lily nodded, “I know, I know, just.. look you’re making a scene, Delia won’t be happy. I’ll take care of this.” Maxwell looked between them both, then nodded, “I’ll be right inside if you need me..” Lily nodded as Maxwell walked back in, slowly.

Lily turned her head towards Jackson, pushing her hair from her face, “What are you doing here?” Jackson swallowed for a moment, staring at her, “Needed to see you.” She walked closer to him, crossing her arms as she shook her head, “Jackson..” He pulled her to his chest, this time softly as he held her, “I’m sorry Lily, I am so sorry.”

She sighed trying to break free of him, “Jackson, don’t, please..” He pulled back to look at her face, “Please.. just let me talk.” She stared at him, fighting with what to do, then finally gave in. “Not here though… We can go to the garden.” She moved away from him, walking around the house into a garden with Jackson close behind her.

Lily stopped once she was in front of a fountain, turning her body towards him again, “Alright, talk.” He sighed a little, as he walked closer to her, his face inches from hers, “I know I’m always gone, that I always leave you alone or forget important things.. but I’m trying Lily, I really am. This is all new for me…” he said, putting a hand to her face, “There is nothing in this world that means more to me than you. Everything that I’m doing right here and now is for you.”

Lily leaned her head into his hand, sighing slightly, “Jackson… there just pretty words that you’re laying out for me. You know as well as I do, the minute I’m back home, nothing will change.” She pulled his hand from her face, “I’ll always be waiting for you, even while I’m with you.. I just don’t fi-“

Jackson shook his head angrily, grabbing her hands, “No, don’t you dare even try to say that. You fit, you do fit. You’re the only thing I have that fits perfectly and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here and watch it get away from me.” Lily’s eyes filled with tears as she looked away from him, “You know it won’t change a thing..”, her voice shaking slightly, “No matter how perfect you think I am, I know when I wake up the next day, you won’t be there.”

She looked up at him, tears staining her cheeks, as she shrugged slightly, “Your just not there…” Jackson could feel a lump in his throat as he stared at her, searching desperately for words to save this. He wiped her cheeks with his thumbs, cupping her face, “I know I can’t say I’ll be home all the time, not for the job I have… but I can promise I will always be here for you. I’ll support you, care for you, protect you..” He said, his eyes turning red a little from the tears forming, “ you, for the rest of my life.”

She shut her eyes, tears falling as she leaned into him heavily, gripping her arms around him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing her head, “I’ll do better, I swear..” She gripped onto his back, not wanting to let go, “I just hate when you’re gone Jack… I miss you so much.”

He sighed heavily, trying to hold back tears he hated to shed, “I know baby.. I know..” he pulled her slightly from him to look at her face, “I love you so much and I swear I will always come back home to you. I swear it.” She put a hand to his face, pulling him to her as she kissed him softly.

He kissed her back softly as they pulled back, leaning their foreheads to one another, “Do you swear?” she asked. He pulled her to him tightly, “I swear baby, I swear.”
They stayed there like that, holding one another, Jackson kissing her head and whispering how much he had missed her. Everything else seemed to pass them, the banquet, the people, just everything.

Jackson breathed in the air smelling the flowers then nuzzled his face into her hair, smelling her scent. He sighed softly, missing that scent and so happy to finally have it back. Finally, just having it back with him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
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