Status: One-Shot

There's More Than Meets The Eye 'Round Here

There's More Than Meets The Eye 'Round Here

And we are at it againnn, I turn around another fuckin' war man, I don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the radical leaders whose steps we are following....

That's as far as I got when Rob came running in the room. See we, Avenged Sevenfold, were in the middle of finishing up the recording for our third album called 'City Of Evil'.

"What the fuck man! I was in the middle of recording that and you decide to practically break down the fucking door!"

"Sorry. I wanted you to meet someone."

"Who could be this fucking important that you had to show me right now, when I was finally getting that song!" Maybe I was being a bit of an asshole right now, but that was my twelfth try of those lyrics and that time it sounded how I wanted it to, but now I couldn't use it because of him!
I could tell he was a little intimidated by me right now, so I tried to calm myself down.

"Well, you know how you wanted 'Beast and the Harlot' to be one of your first singles?"


"Well that means you're gonna need a music video, and I found this girl who would be perfect for the lead, so I told her about it and brought her down here so you could meet her."

"Oh, and how did this girl react to you asking her to play a 'harlot' in a music video? What did you say? 'Hey, I work with this band and I think you'd be perfect for the part of a whore in their music video?'"

"First off a harlot is not a whore, it's a prostitute."

"Oh, well that's much better."

"Dude, I met her at a strip club and...."

"Wait! She's a stripper? No wonder she was okay with it."

"Just look at her though. She's got a rockin' body with huge fucking tits, and a pretty little face to go with it all."

"No wonder you can't keep a girlfriend for more than a week."

"Oh, ha ha ha. Good one."

"Ha, fuck you, man."

"Nah, but seriously, just go right out in the hall and meet her and then take her with you tonight to meet the rest of the guys and see what they all think."


"Hey, I'm M. Shadows, and apparently he asked you to be in our music video. What's your name?"

"I'm Ariel. It's nice to meet you Mr. Shadows." said the whore.

"Yeah, so I guess I'll pick you up later tonight and take you to meet the rest of the guys."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Hey, Ariel, why don't you go wait outside. I gotta talk to Shadows for a minute, then I'll take you back." Rob said and she went outside.

"So, what do you think?"

"Well what you said about her was right. She got some big boobies, but that's about it."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is she's a stupid self-centered bitch, and a fucking whore!"

"You only said hi to her and you know all that?"

"Yeah, I do know all that."

"Whatever you already said you'd take her to meet the guys tonight, so now you have to."

"Kay, well, where am I picking her up at? Where are we supposed to go now?"

"Where were you gonna go tonight?"

"Over to Zacky's."

"Then take her to Zacky's! I'll tell you how to get to her place."


"See ya."


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"Jimmy! Johnny! Zacky! Brian!" I screamed through the studio hoping they would all hear me. Sure enough they were all there after about two minutes, wondering why their lead singer was screaming for them.

"Rob set us up to meet with this slut, to be in the music video for 'Beast and the Harlot', so I guess we'll still meet at Zacky's and I'll just bring her over there tonight."

They all looked around at each other, sensing my anger.

"Is she hot?" Jimmy asked immediately.

"What kind of question is that Rev!? If she's up for the part of a 'harlot' in our music video she must be hot." Syn said back.

"Whatever guys. Who cares!? You can leave now and we'll meet at Zacky's tonight, and then come back here tomorrow to record some more."

Everyone got all their stuff together and was then on their ways home.

My whole ride home I couldn't help but think about that girl. She was a bitch and a whore and I hated her, yet I was somehow......attracted to her? I didn't want to be. I couldn't get the picture of her out of my head though. With her tight ass booty shorts, long legs, and how could you forget that very low cut shirt, and I think we already established that the girl's got huge tits. Just thinking about her made me want her. But, I couldn't want her, she's a whore! I just have to make sure to not to let her know I'm attracted to her.

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Later on I went to go pick Ariel up so we could head over to Zacky's.

I came up to an apartment and got out of my car to go get her. After I rang the doorbell she opened the door and stood there in a shirt that was even lower than the one she had on earlier.

'Oh shit' I thought to myself. She smelled really fucking good too. I didn't know how long I could go acting like I hated her, but then I thought again 'remember Shadows, she's a whore'.

After about fifteen minutes or so in the car we pulled up to Zacky's house. We walked up and went inside to find that Jimmy, Syn and Johnny were already there. As soon as we walked in Jimmy yelled "Is that her? Damn she's fine!" she just ignored it, and the rest of the guys agreed so I told them to lay off since she was only here to possibly be in our music video. So they did.

As the night went on I started to realize that she wasn't who I thought she was. She actually seemed, nice. Was I wrong? I could see her and Jimmy in the kitchen talking. I wondered what they were saying.

"Hey what's your name pretty lady?"

"I'm Ariel."

"That's a nice name. I'm Jimmy if you didn't already know."


"So, Ariel, I noticed Matt's been acting like a dick around you."

"Yeah, he kinda is. Did I do something wrong?"


"Well then what is it!?"

"You wanna know what I think? I think that he likes you but he doesn't want you to know, because he's afraid of getting hurt again."

"What do you mean?"

"His last relationship ended because she cheated on him. He's scared to fall for anyone else, fearing that that will happen again."


"Yeah. So, if I'm right, which I think I am, do you like him too?"

"I kinda do, it was nice talking to you Jimmy I'm gonna go see what Shadows is up to."

"Okay, bye bye."

I noticed that her and Jimmy were done talking now and she was heading my way.

"Hey, do you think you could take me home now?"

"Sure, just let me tell the guys we're leaving."

"Good luck" Jimmy whispered as I was walking out the door, which really confused me.

The ride back to her house was quiet until I asked "What were you and Jimmy talking about?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Then why did he say 'good luck' to me when I was leaving?"

"Who knows. He's probably drunk."

"Kay well, we're here, do you want me to walk you to the door?"

"That would be nice."

We got out of my car and walked up to her front door.

"You've got some pretty crazy friends M. Shadows."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Out of the five of you, you're my favorite."

"Really? Why is that?"

"You seem like a really good guy."

"Yeah well I am! And I deserve someone who's not a stupid fucking cheating whore!"

"You really do. That's what Jimmy and I were talking about. He told me about how your girlfriend cheated on you, and how you were trying not to fall for anyone new. The same thing happened to me."

"Really? It sucks doesn't it?"


"So... maybe we could hang out sometime? After we're done shooting that video. If you wanna do it."

"I do, and that sounds great!"

"Great! So, I'll give you my number."

"And, I'll give you mine, and maybe we could even hang out before we do the video. If, you know, you want to."

"I do. That sounds awesome. I'm so glad Rob broke down the door earlier" I laughed "and I'm sorry for acting like a jerk."
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Please leave me comments. Let me know what you think of it and be honest. I can take it.
Also, let me know what I can do to make it better.