With A Mission.


I looked back and forth between the two; their sneers taunting me. They both laughed as Selena continued on, “Helen, you’re like so loose, it’s like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.” People gathered around the three of us, and snickered at her joke. “I mean, like, half of the guys and maybe some of the girls around here have already had you. Why don’t we just call you, Harlot Helen? Oh my gosh, you’re such a wh*re!” People ‘oohed’ and aww’ed’. The Hell Twin Wonder’s smiled in satisfactory.

“Shut up!” I screamed in a tiny voice, tears threatened to escape my face, “I am not.”

Melissa, the other Hell Twin, coughed, “I hear your mother sells herself. You getting in the business?” I gaped open at her. “I hear Mr. Lancaster is looking for someone about your age. Mother like daughter?”

“Hey, One Hell Wonder, why don’t you go take a cat nap?” Another voice floated across the students, before making its way into the middle. Amy, my best friend, pushed up beside me. “You’re boobs hang so low they make Selena’s look perky. And that’s saying something! What mommy didn’t show you what a push up bra was?” I snickered, and cast a look to Selena before Amy rounded upon her, “And you, did I hear you say Helen was loose? Well from what I hear, and I hear it good from my brother, it seems like you need to stop sleeping around so much. I believe he used the term ‘no good’ and ‘so loose I could fit two hands and a leg in.’ Now why don’t you go somewhere else before more of your stinky secrets get out!”

They lifted their noses up and turned, “Whatever.”

I turned to Amy and whispered ‘thanks’ as the students filed back to classes. I knew I had a best friend for a reason.
♠ ♠ ♠
I believe this sucks.