My Calling

Chapter One

The waves of the Atlantic Ocean crashed against the surface as the tide made its way in, hugging the sandy ground only to roll back out again. I watched them from the roof, acoustic guitar in my lap playing out a quiet lullaby. Storm clouds were quickly taking over the sky, bringing with them a brisk wind.

My bedroom window opened behind me and out stepped Blaze Kensington. "I thought I'd find you out here," he said, while sitting down next to me. I placed my guitar to the side and we hung our legs over the rooftop. Our matching peace sign tattooed feet swung simultaneously in the open air. He put his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. Blaze was my very best friend.
Five years ago, I turned up on his family's doorstep-- lost, broken, and confused. His mother, Dorothy Kensington, had been my mom's best friend. They took me in and he took over as a older brother figure in my life. He was the one that had broken me out of my hardened shell and got me to tell my story. He was the first person I trusted to get close to again, and he protected me from life itself.

The autumn after I threw myself in his life, we moved to Savannah and met our other best friend and housemate, Cassadee Jaymes. Together, the three of us started a band. We called ourselves Exit 190, and had built quite a large internet fan base. I was lucky to have the two of them. Their loud, boisterous personalities made up for my quiet, cautious demeanor. They sheltered me from a lot; they had learned that certain things could trigger a silent depressed state that could last for up to a week. And they knew to never mention THAT band around me, no matter how much they liked them. I owed it to them for picking up my pieces and rebuilding me, at least part of the way.

But that was soon to change. "Blaze, Lexi," Cassadee's voice drifted out of my window. She stuck her head out, “I just got a call, we got enough hits on the website. We're playing on Warped Tour."
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This is the first story I've wrote in almost three years, so if you have any advice or criticism at all PLEASE let me know. It'd be really appreciated. :)