My Calling

Chapter Four

I heard numerous voices calling out my name as I ran away, but I ignored them, just wanting to get as far from that bus as I could. I would like to say this happened and that I ran and ran as far as my legs could take me but that would be a lie.

A hand grabbed onto my wrist and spun me around. "Alexis," he said, making me raise my eyes to his level. I took him in, whether I wanted to or not. I couldn't help it. Alex Gaskarth, the boy that I loved, and never stopped loving, stood right in front of me when I had thought I would never see him again. He still wore a beanie over his light brown hair, with it spilling out of the sides. His pools of dark brown eyes stared into mine, full of questions. My breath caught in my throat.

"Alexis," he said again, this time in a whisper. The tears that had been in my eyes since the plane ride earlier that day broke out. I collapsed into his chest, heavy sobs shaking my whole body. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and ran his hand through my hair.

"Shhh," he said, "everything is going to be alright." This only made me cry harder.
I opened my eyes to find the ceiling was awfully close to my face. I looked around and saw a wall on one side and a curtain on the other. As I regained full consciousness everything slowly came back to me and I sighed.

The curtain pulled back slightly and a familiar face stuck there head in, "Hey Lexi."

I smiled half-heartedly,"Hey Jack."

"Do you mind if I give you company?" he asked. I shook my head and scooted over, patting the spot next to me.

Jack climbed in sitting next to me. He remained quiet for a moment, absently playing with a piece of my hair. "So," he started," you dyed your hair." I nodded slightly. "You look like a different person." he continued.

"I try to pretend I am," I whispered.

Hurt registered on his face. "Why did you leave all of us Alexis?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Jack looked genuinely confused.

"Nothing. Look Jack, I can't talk about it. Not right now. I'm sorry that I left you all. I've missed you."

"I understand. We've all missed you too Lexi. Alex especially." I looked away as he said this.

"You still love him, don't you?" he asked.

I nodded, just barely.

"Will you please stay on the tour?" Jack asked, nearly begging. I considered it for a minute. I was here already. This was our big break; it'd be selfish of me to ask my band to leave. I nodded again.

"Good," Jack said, "Do you want to come out and see everyone? Your band mates have already settled in."

"I guess I have to sometime," I replied. He pushed the curtain back and helped me out of the small bunk. I followed him out of the bunk area into a lounge. Cass and Blaze stood up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you," Cass whispered in my ear," we weren't sure how to."

"It's okay," I said, giving her a slight squeeze.

As she let go I was engulfed in two pairs of arm, "Zack! Rian! I've missed you!" I squealed.

They laughed at me. "I see you're still a shorty," Zack said, fluffing my hair, to which I returned by flicking his ear.

"Lexi, I want you to meet someone!" Jack said, pulling a girl up with him. She was very pretty, with dark hair cut short. "This is our friend Katie; she helps us out by selling merch."

Katie stuck out her hand," I'm so glad that there are two more girls to help me put up with all these guys now!" she laughed.

I laughed with her, happy to have a new friend to help me get through this new adventure.

A throat cleared next to me and I turned. Alex was standing there, hands in his jean pockets. He took one out and gave me a one-armed hug. "It's really good to see you Lex," he said in a deep voice.

"You too," I whispered back, aware of all the eyes in the room watching us. He drew his arm back quickly and pulled out his phone.

"I'm going to go make a phone call," he muttered, exiting the bus.

This was going to be a long tour.