Status: I'm not completely sure where I'm going with this right now...I'm thinking about maybe just discontinuing it because i can't seem to get my ideas in order in my head.

Letters From My Guardian Angel

Chapter One

Dear Maggie,
I miss you too. I wish I could come to see you, but you know that's impossible. At least for right now. I figured things would change but, I didn't expect them to be fighting that much after so many years. Do they ever suspect that you know anything? I know you hate it there, but stay strong. Be with friends, have fun, stay out of the house as much as you can. I'm glad you approve of me breaking the law for my education :) I thought you would. College is...amazing. I mean I've been on my own for so long that the whole being away from your parents thing never phased me like it did with all the other freshmen. But since everyone is past that first year, it's all good. My classes are going great. And yes, I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Amber. She's the best. I hope one day you can meet her. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well in school and have good friends. Are you still friends with Lily? And if Kyle ever hurts you then you can't stop me from sneaking home and beating him up. It will have to be done. I love you Mags. Write back soon.


I sat in my room trying to read my book, but the yelling from downstairs was way too distracting. Luckily I had no homework this weekend. It would have never gotten done. I put down my book, pulled an old shoe box from under my bed, and hugged the last letter Luke had sent me before putting in. That's where I was keeping things that were from him. I texted Lily and Kyle, telling them to meet me at the coffee shop that was around the corner from my house. As I walked downstairs, I noticed that the yelling had stopped. I walked into the kitchen to see my parents just staring at each other.

"Um...I'm-I'm going out with Kyle and know...If that's okay?"

"Sure sweetie. Have fun," said my mother. If I had to pick one of my parents that I liked best, it would be my mom. I knew that she genuinely cared that Luke was gone and wanted him to come home. And honestly when my dad wasn't home, we had some good times. She'd take me to get my nails done, we'd do stuff together. But that wasn't very often. My dad was able to work from home a lot. He's was the owner of this big company. I felt that he should be there more often. I told him that once. He grounded me and told me I didn't know what the hell I was talking about. My dad almost always started the arguments between him and my mom. He was more the reason that Luke left in the first place. When I got to the coffee shop, I ordered a caramel latte and sat down waiting for my friends. The first one to walk in was Kyle.

"Hey. Your parents fighting again?"

"Well yeah," I said, "but that's only one of the reasons I texted you guys. Luke finally wrote" A smile spread across my face at the last sentence.

"What? That's amazing, Maggie," he said, picking me up and hugging me. I laughed. I few seconds later Lily walked in. I told he the news and she flipped. Lily and I had been friends we were five and she had always had the biggest crush on Luke. More than that though, she had grown up around him the same way I had and when he left she was just as devastated as my family was. We all sat in the coffee shop, talking for a while about Luke.

"Hey Lily, you mind if I sleep over tonight. They were having one of there huge blowout fights again and I don't feel like going home to it."

"Yeah sure no problem."

I called my house, but no one picked up the phone, which wasn't unusual when they were fighting. I left a message telling them what was going on and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Hey," said Kyle as he pulled me close to him, "Wanna go to the movies tomorrow night?"

"I would love to," I said before kissing him goodbye.

Being out of the house is what kept me going.
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Hey! Sorry that this chapter is kinda short and boring. Chapter two is going to be a lot better! Promise. Comment and subscribe :)