Status: I'm not completely sure where I'm going with this right now...I'm thinking about maybe just discontinuing it because i can't seem to get my ideas in order in my head.

Letters From My Guardian Angel

Chapter Two

I tried calling my house the next morning to tell my parents that I still would not be home for a little while because I was going to the movies with Kyle. There was still no answer. I checked the time on the clock in Lily's kitchen: It was 11:37. I didn't understand. When their fighting lasted this long, typically one of them would leave the house; usually my dad. But they would still answer the phone. Getting worried, I rushed out of Lily's house and practically ran home. I walked into the house to see my mother crying on the couch, my father no where in sight.

"Mom? What's going on," I asked. My parents constantly fought, but I had never seen my mother cry because of it.

"Sweetie, sit down. There's something I need to tell you."

I sat down across from my mother and stared into her blood-shot eyes.

"Your father and I got a divorce," she said slowly, as if explaining it to a five-year-old, "We didn't want to tell you until it was official, and we were going to wait a few more months, but after last nights fight...we ended it early."

I stared at her, shock spreading across my face. I didn't understand. "A divorce?"
Maybe I should have seen this coming. I guess I did in a way. But I had always thought they would wait until I left for college or something.

"I'm sorry we never told you."

"Where are we going to live? How are we gonna pay for stuff," I asked in a complete panic. My dad had always payed for everything and everybody. My mom didn't even have a job.

"As part of our agreement, your father is still paying for all expenses. And we'll still be living here. You're father already has a new home closer to his job."

I didn't know what to do or say. How could they not tell me about this? I looked back up at my mother's sad face, just wanting to make her smile again. But I knew there was only one way to do that. And that would be almost impossible.


Dear Luke,
Yes I'm still friends with Lily, and Kyle would never hurt me so it won't be necessary for you to do that. And no, mom and dad don't suspect a thing. I have some bad news though. Mom and dad got a divorce. I had no clue that it was going on. I just came home this morning and dad was gone and mom told me. I feel like she'll never be happy again. At least that's the way she looks. I know she really misses you and worries about you constantly. That's why I want to tell her about the letters. I know it would really help her. I know how against this you probably are, but if you could see how much she's changed since you've left you would understand why I NEED to tell her. She's just not the same person anymore. Please write back as soon as you can. I won't say anything until I see what you think. But please just consider it.


P.S.- I hope that one day soon we can see each other again. Maybe I can meet your girlfriend too.
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Sooo sorry that I have been writing nothing lately. I hoped you liked this chapter. Please comment and subscribe! I promise to write more often!