Status: not completly done yet

Ghost Sleepover

The Ghost Sleepover

I feel horrible, I hate it when you just get over a cold you get that really bad pain in your head when you wake up. My mum was forcing me to go to school today because I didn’t go yesterday. I reluctantly pulled on my school sweatshirt on and only just managed to get myself down the stairs. I was crossing my fingers that I felt better tomorrow morning because it was my birthday tomorrow and I didn’t want anything to go wrong for my party. My mum had organized a party for me and three of my best friends were coming to sleep over.
"Phoebe will you help me get the decorations ready quickly before school"
"No mum i will miss my bus. Oh and make sure you put balloons up outside the house so that my mates no that they have the right house."

When I arrived at school all my friends were crowding around me talking about the sleepover tonight. I was bursting with excitement but I was trying to play it cool in front of my friends and look like it was no big deal. As many of my boring lessons passed suddenly the final bell rang. I leaped out of my seat, grabbed my bag and dashed out of the classroom. I dodged many people coming to collect there children then i finally got to my front door(my mum had put the balloons up yeah!). I threw my bag on the floor and started perfecting my bedroom and clearing space for everybody's sleeping bags. I put on my nice top and flowery jeggings and when downstairs to wait for all of the guests to arrive.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I pegged it as fast as could to to door, it was Lily my absolute best ever friend. I brought her in to the lounge and gave her some juice, next thing the door went again and Isabel and Meagan were here. We all sat down in the lounge but it was silent. It was so weird because we were best friends and it seemed to be so awkward for somebody to say something. Luckily my mum came in and broke the silence she told us that it would be a good idea if we went to the table because diner was nearly ready. We all strolled to the table slowly and then Isabel whipped a hand from behind her back and yelled "SURPRISE". She pulled out a big bulge wrapped in pink love-heart paper and gave it to me, my mum took it and told me to save it until tomorrow on my actual birthday.

Once we had finished diner and ate as much as we could it was time for the cake. The most dreaded part of a party, where everybody crowds around you and takes photograps of you. After the cake we finally when up to my bedroom and got into our P.Js. Me and Lily were at on end of the bed and Isabel and Meagan at the other. Meagan kept looking at me in aweird way so I asked her "Whats up Meags"
"Nothin and stop taking Lily away from me" she shouted
I closed my eyes and thought, how and I taking Lily away from her?