Status: How to Be: Active

How to Be: Silent

The Situation

Ok, the thing is, my best friend Maggie slept with our friend Corey even though she knew that Corey just broke up with this girl, Trisha, who goes to another school. Well, the only other high school in Brighton, Colorado: Trisha goes to Prairie View and the rest of us go to Brighton High. Brighton is considered a suburb of Denver, but we have our own mall! Which is... great. We have a Kohl's and a JC Penny and, and other stuff. Sorry, getting off topic.

Anyway, Trisha completely tore Corey's heart out, the poor bastard, and so left him completely heartless. Then Maggie got completely drunk at Stephen Daily's party and slept with Corey (because she's had a crush on him forever), although she knew full well that Corey was not even remotely close to starting a new relationship. Hell, poor Corey wasn't even ready to be fuck buddies with anyone.

So now poor, stupid Maggie can't stop crying and brooding about Corey and how he won't call her. And poor, stupid Corey can't do anything except talk about basketball in this sad, dumb, faraway voice. I mean, it's not like he talked about a whole lot else before Trisha stomped on his heart, but Corey had charisma, you know? Like, he had a certain flair about him.

But the really brutal part is that Trisha broke up with him because she liked Brian and then tried to sleep with Brian while she was still dating Corey. And Brian is Corey's, like, all time best friend. Like, I'm pretty sure the biotch only knows Brian through Corey in the first place. And Brian... kind of is in love with me. Like, I don't lead him on or anything, but it's hard to just cut Brian out of my life and not talk to him so he can get over me. Because Brian is, like, my best guy friend since forever. So Trisha hates me, Brian loves me, Maggie needs me and Corey... pretty much just wants his basketball.

Oh and also Maggie's ex boyfriend Sam is still in love with Maggie but he's dating this other girl Rachael who is mine and Maggie's friend. Well, now I guess Rachael is like Maggie's 'frenemy'. Like, a real life frenemy. Isn't that f'ed up? Because, see, Rachael kind of is super fake to Maggie's face because Rachael knows that Sam is still in love with Maggie. And plus Rachael talks horrible smack about Maggie behind her back all the time. But it's only because Rachael's feelings are obviously really hurt. She's just misdirecting her issues at Maggie when she should be directing her anger at Sam.

And Maggie isn't even doing anything to Sam anymore! I mean, it's not like she's talking to him or anything. The dumb bitch (and I say that with love) is totally in love with Corey.

"I mean, I feel like I should talk to Rachael you know? Because you know Maggie isn't going to," I said. I was talking to Brian on the phone.

"Maggie could talk to her. Why would Maggie have a problem talking to Rachael? I mean they're friends..."

"No, I don't mean she doesn't, like... have the balls to talk to Rachael. You know Maggie," I said knowingly, rolling my eyes. "She doesn't have a problem talking to anyone," I said.

"Especially not Corey," Brian said, his voice slightly sad. His and Corey's friendship is suffering because of the Trisha nightmare.

"That's my point, though! Maggie is all up Corey's ass right now, so she's completely clueless to how hurt Rachael is. I mean, it's obvious to all of us," I said.

"Rachael is not exactly subtle," Brian agreed.

"But Maggie," I whistled through my teeth to show Maggie's oblivion. "And the real kicker is, even if she did notice Rachael's damage, she'd be completely-

"Tactless?" Brian supplied.

"Stupid," I corrected bluntly, making Brian start giggling. Once Brian starts giggling, he has a hard time stopping.

"But, no, Maggie would be a complete dumb ass about it," I went on, starkly honest. Brian was in a giggling fit.

"How can you say that about your best friend?" He demanded, amused and still giggling.

"With love," I said mushily, making Brian keep on giggling. Brian was probably running his hand through his bushy dark hair. When he starts laughing hard, he does that gesture- as if he can't believe that he's finding something so unbelievably funny.

"So anyway, the point of all this is, I think that I should talk to Rachael. I mean she's my friend too and I don't like seeing her be all bitchy at Maggie,"

"Isn't that meddling?" Brian asked me. He's always asking me that. I rolled my eyes.

"Bri? How many times have I told you, honestly? It doesn't count as meddling if you actually fix the problem," I said.

"... that's true," Brian admitted. I smiled, pleased.

"You are a good friend, Sylvia," He said. Uh oh. He was getting that tone in his voice.

"Thanks Bri," I said breezily, looking around my room for something to distract me.

"Seriously, Maggie is so lucky to have you... I'm so lucky to have you-"

"Oh shitters! My mother is calling me. Listen, Brian, I'll talk to you later, homie," I lied kindly, feeling a little bad about lying to Brian. I mean, he's my best bud.

"Wha, huh? Oh-ok," He said, flustered.

"K, bye, love ya," Slipped out of my mouth and I clamped my mouth shut, squeezing my eyes shut. I used to say 'love ya' to Brian all the time. Then he actually started, like, really liking me. So I'm trying to stop. But it's hard to break the habit.

"Lo-" Brian started to say, but I hung up the phone. I put it down on the desk.

"Ugh. Sorry Bri," I whispered loudly to the phone. I pushed my dark blond hair off my face and took a breath, clearing my head.
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Short intro =)