Status: How to Be: Active

How to Be: Silent

Pop a Xanax

"Ugh. Sorry Bri," I whispered loudly to the phone. I pushed my dark blonde hair off my face and took a breath, clearing my head.

My cell phone buzzed, signaling that I had a text message. I picked it up. It was from Sam.

"Hey, Sylv. What r u n Mags doin tonite?" He asked.

"Oh Mag has a family dinner thing-" I started to lie. Maggie was hauled up in her room, moping about Corey. So, technically, she was available, but come on. It's not in anyone's best interest for Sam to be swindling Maggie into hanging out with him.

"n Im hanging with Lex tonight," I finished typing and then sent the message. The thing about my friend Lex- Alexandra- was true.

Sam didn't respond. I took that as a very bad sign. Because Sam is usually a text-aholic, buddy-buddy kind of guy. So for him not to say something jovial about me and Lex was odd. He was seriously hooked on Maggie.

I put on my jacket and called Lex. She picked up after two rings.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey bitch," I said kindly.

"Hey super bitch! Are you coming over now?" She asked me. I could hear loud music in the background.

"Actually, I have to go to Maggie's," I told her.

"What? Seriously?" Lex groaned. "God, she is so depressing to be around. All she does is cry about freaking Corey. And it's not like Corey is crying about her," Lex said.

"I know, I know," I muttered, agreeing with her as I slid out the front door. "Bye mom!" I yelled quickly over my shoulder before shutting the door behind me.

"I mean it's like, pop a Xanax already, yeesh," Lex said. I giggled.

"I know! But, look, I got a text from Sam-"

"Really? The little douche texted me too," Lex said fondly.

"Really??" I said, frowning slightly. I climbed into my car. "Anyway, he's obviously all ripped up about Maggie. I have to tell her what's going on. I mean, Rachael," I said simply.

"Oh she's being such a bitch, hey?"

"Yeah well... she's hurt," I said, turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway.

"Hurt? About what? Did she sleep with Corey too?" Lex said sarcastically. I chuckled and drove down the street.

"Her boyfriend is still in love with his ex girlfriend? Who happens to be one of her best friends-"

"Oh my god, they're like frenemies," Lex realized, enthused by the juicy label.

"Look, I have to talk to Maggie and clue her in to Rachael," I said.

"God Maggie is such a dumb ass. How you've been her best friend all this time, I do not know," Lex said, a little harshly. Lex is quite the cynic.

"Well I am and I have to help her," I said.

"Our little helper," Lex teased me, not unkindly.

"I'll call you later," I said, smiling.

"Ok bye, therapist Jane," Lex said. I hung up the phone.

I pulled into Maggie's driveway. The house was completely dark- her parents weren't home- and I knew that Maggie was in her room. Being very depressing and lying around in the dark. Probably listening to Bonnie Raitt on a loop. I turned off my car and walked up to her house. I rang the doorbell. I knocked on the door. When Maggie didn't answer, I let myself in.

Maggie's family is pretty well off and they live in a large, beautiful house. I ascended the grand staircase and walked down to Maggie's bedroom. I had been right; I could hear "I Can't Make You Love Me" crooning sadly from the hallway. I knocked on Maggie's bedroom door.

"Mags?" I asked. She didn't reply. I opened the door.

Maggie was curled up on her king sized bed, listening to the CD at top volume in the complete dark. The only thing that was giving off any light was the face plate on the expensive stereo.

"Maggie," I prompted and went and sat on her bed. Maggie sat up and looked at me. Her platinum blonde curls hung lankly around her cute (but currently down cast) face.

"I thought you were going to Lex's," Maggie said thickly.

"I had to come see you. Make sure you were ok," I said.

"Well I'm not ok! Would you be ok?? I mean, seriously think about it, Sylvia. You are in love with this guy who doesn't know that you are a person with feelings!" Maggie exclaimed tearfully.

"Maggie. Corey doesn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter, he's still doing it," Maggie said, her voice getting hysterical.

"Honey," I began, reaching my arm out. Maggie immediately flopped into me, sobbing on my shoulder.

"Maggie? Would an 'I told you so' maybe... help snap you out of this?" I asked rhetorically. Maggie took her head away from my shoulder limply, rubbing her big green eyes.

"I know! I know what you told me. Little miss right all the time," Maggie bawled slightly, waving her hands at me. I made a slight face at her. But she's distraught and... well it's true I do think I'm right all the time. But history is definitely on my side- I have a good 'being correct' streak going.

"But... you can't give your heart a head's up! I mean, love doesn't listen to warnings," Maggie said. I raised an eyebrow, glad the room was dark. Well, maybe, if you took the warning seriously, your heart would listen. Just a theory.

"I don't expect you to understand," Maggie sighed, forlorn and looking at her signed poster of Robert Pattinson. She bought into the Team Edward thing.

"You've never been in love," Maggie went on.

"I have too," I disagreed.

"No. You haven't. Deciding to have a crush on Kyle Mathers because he's got a handsome face and a 3.5 GPA isn't love. You don't pick and choose, make a list of pros and cons, and then decide to love someone," Maggie said.

"Well maybe that's the way I fall in love," I said.

"No, Sylvia," Maggie said wisely. "Love hits like an illogical bullet. Out of fucking no where," She whispered dramatically. I leaned over to grab the stereo remote and turned off the loud, melancholy music.

"Maggie, I want to talk to you about Rachael," I said, once the room was quiet.

"Rachael? Why?" Maggie said, pulling her legs into a criss cross in front of her and wiping her nose with the back of her hand. I stood up and turned on Maggie's bed side lamp.

"Have you noticed how she's been a bit... frosty lately?" I asked Maggie while she squinted in the new light.

"Oh yeah! What the fuck is up with the bitch routine lately?" Maggie asked, frowning and looking at me as I sat back down next to her.

"Well Sam's in love with you," I said.

"... so? I don't love him back. I'm over him. Hello? I slept with Corey,"

"I know. I know that-"

"You know, now that I think about it, Rachael is been, like, really bitchy to me lately. Like, really, really bitchy," Maggie went on frowning, unhappy with this realization.

"Yeah. Because Sam loves you-"

"Well that's not my fault! Christ, do you remember just the other day Rachael said that horrible thing about my ass in those shorts I just bought from Tommy Hilfiger! Like, she knows about my weight thing since I quit dance-"

"Yes, but Maggie-"

"God, now that I think about it, that comment was completely uncalled for! Like, she was really, really mean, right?!" Maggie looked at me, her eyes flashing.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"I'm gonna call her right now! She can't get away with being this immature! It's not my fault that Corey is in love with me-"

"You mean Sam,"

"Sam!" Maggie corrected, looking around herself frantically. "Where's the phone??" She exclaimed, standing up. I took hold of her arm and pulled her back down next to me on the bed.

"Maggie. Listen to me," I said. Maggie took a deep breath and then looked in my eyes. Her green ones were completely tear glazed.

"Rachael is misdirecting her anger at you. We all know that you aren't leading Sam on. You wouldn't do that and you aren't doing that," I promised her. Maggie nodded, glancing away, but then quickly looked back to me.

"So... I think you should talk to Rachael and tell her- kindly- that she should talk to Sam. Because you and she have been friends for too long for her to get all bitchy at you now," I went on. Maggie sniffed.

"... that's a good idea," She mumbled tearfully. I nodded and rubbed her shoulder. Maggie sighed and looked at me.

"Could you do it? You're so much better at that kind of shit than I am. I suck," Maggie said.

"Oh Mags you don't suck," I said, hugging her around the shoulders. "... but, sure. I'll talk to Rachael," I said.

"Thanks, Sylvie," Maggie sniffed again and leaned against my shoulder. I leaned my head on her head. I began planning out how to approach Rachael-

"I do suck. Why else won't Corey snap out of his stupid Trisha thing and be with me?" Maggie said, starting to cry again. I rolled my eyes (since she couldn't see me), but rubbed her arms comfortingly.