Status: Done

A Second Chance


Several weeks passed, it could have been a month, I’m not sure, I lost track of all the days. Life had seemed to proceed on as normal, I continued to grow crops and sell them for the money that I needed. I am happy to say that I got more used to working out in the hot sun, and I didn’t push myself as hard anymore. From the sum amounts of cash that I was able to raise, I had just enough to buy a barn. It was nice for that one little week to wake up every morning and see Luke right away.

Luke? Well within the month or so that had passed there was no change in our relationship. Like I said before, everything stayed normal. After the night that he kissed me, I somewhat expected for our relationship to go somewhere. But nothing had happened, and I was, as a surprise to myself, ok with that. Luke and I simply grew to be very close friends, we spent a lot of our afternoons together either talking or just doing some crazy thing that Luke had so intelligently come up with. I still had slight feelings for him, and I was almost sure that he still had feelings for me, but we never bothered with them. It was easier in a way if we just left them alone and continued to be the best friends that we are.


The sun blared brightly though my window into my room and glimmered over my sleeping body like a huge blanket. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I stared around my little lonely house, which with the continually passing days seemed to grow lonelier and lonelier. I slid myself out of bed and treaded over to my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and just stared at the girl inside the glass for a few moments. I looked so entirely different now. My normally pale skin was lightly tanned and the bright sun had caused freckles to appear slightly on my face and arms. My hair was lighter and longer; my bangs now somewhat fell into my eyes, causing me to push them off to the side quite a lot. It even seemed like my dark sapphire eyes morphed into something of a lighter and brighter aquamarine color. I sighed into the mirror but then suddenly smiled. The city girl had been torn out of me, and that made me happy to leave yet another thing from my past behind.

I cleaned myself up a bit before heading out to Purple Grass Ranch. Today was that big day that I had finally coughed up enough money to buy a cow. It was really comforting and nice to know that I was going to be blowing all my money on something that eats grass and moos for fun.

I stumbled onto the ranch only to catch sight of a blonde-haired boy brushing a goat. I smiled to myself and walked over to him.

“Hi Caleb!” I said as peppy as I could, he gave a small groan. He hated happy, peppy, go-lucky people.

“What do you want Mallory?” he said in a monotone without even looking up at me, which surprised me that he knew who I was without looking up. I jokingly stood above him with my hands at my side.

“Now what did your auntie and uncle tell you about being rude to the customers?” He looked up at me from under the brim of his baseball hat.

“What do you want Mallory?” He said once again, but with more of an emphasis on the “you.” I chuckled at him and put my hands down from my sides.

“I wanna buy a cow.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“You have money?” I took mild offence.

“Yes! I’m not that poor!” He chuckled slightly.

“Are you sure about that?” I huffed at him.

“Yes Caleb, I’m sure.”

“You know you still gotta buy fodder and all that to feed it right?” I had actually momentarily forgotten about that little side part. I would have to make up a bit more money to feed my cow.

“I momentarily forget, but yes I know now.”

“You’re going to blow all your money on this aren’t you?”

“Can you stop answering me in questions?!” I yelled at him. He laughed slightly then stood up to look at me face to face.

“You only say that because you know I’m right.” He began to walk away to the ranch barn, I followed behind.

“So what if you are…the cow and crops I grow will give me money again.” He openly laughed. “Hey I didn’t come here to be insulted. I just want a cow.” He looked over at me, with his stupidly pretty brown eyes.

So why’d you come to the barn? You know they handle purchases are the store.” I slightly blushed.

“Uh, well I was hoping that you would be nice and give me a cow for free.” That was the fastest I’ve ever thought of a lie in my entire life. Alright, truth time; I didn’t have a crush on Caleb, we were just friends. But I thought that he was really funny and kinda cute so I just like to talk to him.

He laughed at me; once again.

“You, Mallory, are one funny girl.” I was just thankful that he bought my lie, Caleb could normally see right through me. His smile and laugh disappeared right before my eyes and his face went very plain. “Now what’s the real reason you came to the barn?” Crap.

“Maybe I just wanted to talk to you.” I said truthfully a little embarrassed. He looked at me with both eyebrows raised.


“Cows?” I suggested. He snickered under his breath as he began to walk away.

“Just go to the store Mal.” I stared after him for a moment, but then smiled to myself and walked off to the store.

I bought a cow and named him Fonzie. Why? Because I liked Happy Days. I was on my way back to my house with Fonzie on a rope behind me, when we passed by the carpentry. Luke was sitting on a branch in a tree outside of the building.

“Nice black and white!” He called over to me as I walked past. I smiled when I saw him, and adverted my path slightly so I walked over to him. He hopped down from the branch when I got closer. “Mal, I can’t believe you had the money to buy a cow.” He said as he pet Fonzie.

“Why is everyone so surprised I had the money to buy him?” Luke looked over at me innocently.

“Because you’re still slightly new to ranching. Most new ranchers have to wait at least two months before they have enough for a barn, which you got within the first month. Then they have to wait at least two more weeks before they can buy a cow. It’s nothing personal.” I sighed and pet Fonzie on the head along with Luke.

“But now I have no money. I spent all my money on Fonzie, and I don’t even have the money I need to buy him food, let alone myself.” Luke chuckled slightly, I looked over at him.


“Oh shut up.” He laughed slightly then looked over at me with a smile.

“Relax Mal. Hey; I know something that would help you feed him. You know that girl that works at Purple Grass Ranch? Rachel? She loves animals, and she’d never want to see any animal go hungry. If you tell her that your having money problems and you can’t give Fonzie food, she’ll give you some for free.” I grinned brightly in contrast with the setting sun.

“Really? Wait, how do you know?”

“Same thing happened to Taylor when she bought a horse.” I smiled, but then it slowly turned into a frown once again.

“Well, that’s great for Fonzie, but what am I going to do for food? I doubt Rachel would give me food for free too.”

That’s what you got good old Lukey here for.” He pointed to himself with both of his thumbs. “Go put Fonzie in the barn and I’ll treat you out at the bar.” I looked at him thankfully.

“You sure? I mean you don’t have to. I still have some—”

“You’re right. I don’t have to. But I want to. Now stop being a sour puss and just accept my offer.” I side smiled.

“What would I do without you?” I said a little sarcastically.

“Starve.” Luke said very matter-of-factly in a kidding way, which made me laugh.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I called as I started to walk away to my house and barn.

“I’ll be counting the seconds.” He said dramatically while holding his hand over his heart. I chuckled at him and continued walking. He was just too cute sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
fonzie = win.