Status: Done

A Second Chance

Sunset Bar

I dropped Fonzie off at my barn after I gave him a thorough petting. I walked back over to the carpentry where Luke was waiting on the branch that he had been on before.

“Ready?” He asked when he saw me. He jumped down from the branch and walked over to where I was standing.

“Duh.” I said in regards to his more than obvious question. He laughed slightly at me. We began our way over to town, and eventually the bar.

When we got to the bar, we didn’t sit down at the counter area like we normally did. We actually got a table this time, since we were actually going to be eating, and not just drinking until we couldn’t see anymore. In the month that passed Luke and I had come here quite a lot, and gotten plenty drunk. Honestly I’m surprised we weren’t married on account of how drunk we got some nights.

When we first sat down, Taylor came over and took our orders. Since the bar was relatively small and not a very busy place, food didn’t take long to cook here.

“I feel so bad, you paying for me and all.” He waved me off.

“Please, don’t. I’ve got plenty money.” In that one sentence, Evan flashed right before my eyes. He used to pay for my meals all the time when I was having money troubles back home too. I tried to think of something else, and get my mind off of what used to be.

“Oh, come on. You’re not that rich.” He looked at me with a confused smile.

“Hey, I never said I was rich. I just said I have money.” Every time that he said something referencing to him having money, I thought back to Evan. It was then that I tried desperately to change the subject.

“Well, whatever. I just feel bad that you have to pay for me. But, uh anyways, let’s talk about something else.” I took a sip of my soda that Taylor had already brought to our table, as I saw that Luke was staring at me; puzzled.

“Mal, is everything ok?” He asked; I just kept sipping my soda. It’s not that I didn’t want to tell Luke, but I didn’t think this was the time and place to do it. “Mal?” He said after I kept gulping down my soda. I wouldn’t exactly look at him, which probably didn’t help things.

“Mallory you’re going to pee your pants in a minute. Stop for a few seconds.” I looked at him briefly before putting the drink down. I wiped my mouth with my arm, and then finally looked at him. I tried to look as innocent and clueless as possible.

“I’m fine. I was just thirsty.” He was obviously not buying that by the look on his face. He raised an eyebrow at me slightly.

“Mal…” He began.

“What?” I said quickly, maybe a little bit too quickly. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Oh crap.

I surrendered to myself. I had to tell him something about Evan. I had to somewhat explain why I didn’t want to talk about money anymore. If I didn’t, then it would just seem like I was a little bit of a mental case. I sighed and again wouldn’t look at Luke.

“I just, I don’t want to talk about money anymore.” He leaned back up against the table and put his arms on it. I only looked at him for a second because it was killing me to not know his facial expression. It almost did kill me to see that his face was slightly coated in hurt. He thought that I just didn’t want to tell him. It wasn’t that, it was just that it was beyond impossible for me to talk about.

“Mallory,” He said to get my attention. I looked over at him. “I know there’s something you’re not telling me. And I’m not going to pressure you to tell me. I know that when you’re comfortable enough with me, you will.” That almost felt like a bullet to the chest. “So, I’ll just honor your wishes and change the subject. So, uhm how’s the cow?” he needed to know; something at least.

“My old boyfriend was rich.” I blurted out. “He would constantly buy me dinner when I didn’t have the money to eat on my own. I just don’t like to talk about it, or anything referencing it; the relationship didn’t end well.” That was my limit for now. He knew some, he didn’t need to know it all. I looked over at him, with an apologizing face. “And I don’t want you to think that I’m not comfortable telling you things. I am. Some things I’m just not comfortable talking about all together.” He smiled at me, and not just an understanding smile, a real, honest-to-God smile.

“Ok. I won’t push it any further.” I looked over at him extremely confused.

“You won’t? You’re not curious at all?” He chuckled at me.

“Well sure I am. But you said it was hard for you to talk about. I’m not going to keep bothering you with questions about something that you don’t wanna talk about.” I sighed to myself, but smiled.

“Heh, I guess I’m still used to how people act in the city, they’re a lot nosier than people around here.” I stared at him for a few seconds. “Thanks Luke.” He shrugged a smile.

“Not a problem. From now on, we will not mention money, or your money problems.” Just at the moment, Taylor came over with our food. She set it down in front of us then looked over at me.

“You’re having money problems?” Oh God.

“Uh Taylor,” Luke said trying to get her attention. She ignored him.

“You could get a job here.” I was paying attention now. I looked over at her with a smile.


“Yeah. We need the help right now. The bar’s gradually getting more and more business, and we only have three employers, me, my dad and the cook. So another barmaid to help me out would be heaven.” I looked over at Luke happily, he smiled back at me.

“Go for it Mal.” He encouraged. I looked back over at Taylor.

“Sweet, who do I talk to?”

“My dad. But I doubt you’ll have to do much persuading. He’s right over there at the cash register.” She pointed with her head over at the counter.

“Thank you so much Taylor. I’ll be right back!” I said as I got up and walked over to Sam. He looked at me confused at first, like he didn’t recognize me, but then something clicked in his head and he smiled at me.

“Hello Mallory. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Actually, I came over here about a job.” He sighed and his shoulders slumped. He looked down and seemed sad, but then looked back up at me with a small smile.

“You’re a lifesaver. It’s been killing me to see Taylor overworked like she is. She would love the extra help. When’s the earliest you can start?”

“Tomorrow’s fine.” He smiled.

“Very well,” Someone passed behind Sam, and when he noticed he called the person’s name to come stand next to him. “Chase!” A boy my age walked up, or I should say a cute boy my age walked up. He had shaggy blonde hair hanging in his face, and a simple white t-shirt and jeans on. Under his bangs I could see that he had the most interesting eyes I’ve ever seen. They were a shade of purple, or what appeared to be purple anyway. They were absolutely beautiful, they were amethyst purple eyes that were ‘ohmigod’ beautiful.

“What?” He asked, sounding annoyed.

“This is Mallory. She’s going to start working here tomorrow.” He looked at me with his eyebrows raised and wore a smug grin.

“Way to pick an upper class job.” He said sarcastically. The smile that I had been wearing wore away, not because I was insulted but because I didn’t expect his insult.

“Chase.” Sam said sharply, Chase looked at the man.

“Oh, like it takes skill to bring food to tables.” It was mean and insulting, but yet it made me giggle a little bit. Sam put a hand on his head like he had a headache and closed his eyes.

“Just introduce yourself.” Chase glanced at me then back at Sam.

“I think that’s already been done.”

“Just do it!” Sam snapped at him. Chase but his hands up at his sides as if cops had just told him to do so.

“I’m Chase.” He put his hands back down. I grinned at him little antics.

“Mallory.” I said through a small smile.

“Cool.” He said quickly and a bit sarcastically. He looked over at Sam again. “Can I go now?” Sam finally took his hand off of his head and looked over at Chase.

“Yeah, in fact get out of my sight.” Chase smiled perkily and gave Sam the thumbs up.

“You got it boss!” He looked over at me with the tiniest tendon of a smile. “Later Newbie.” I watched as Chase walked back over to the kitchen. Sam sighed heavily.

“You sure you still want to work here?” I giggled.

“I need the money; I don’t care who I have to deal with.” He looked at Chase over his shoulder for a minute then turned back to look at me.

“Godspeed.” I smiled.

“Thanks.” I turned and walked back over to where Luke was and sat down. Taylor came walking back over when she saw that I had sat down again. They both stared at me; I looked back and forth between them then I finally smiled. “I got the job.” They both smiled at me, Taylor put her hand on my shoulder.

“You just made my life 20 times easier. Thank you so much.” She kidded. I laughed.

“Not a problem.” Taylor’s smile faded a bit.

“I just hope you can deal with Chase.” Luke looked up at Taylor.

“That new kid?” Taylor nodded.

“New kid?” I asked. Taylor looked over at the kitchen to Chase as she spoke.

“He moved here like two weeks ago. He didn’t know what to really do, and he was too poor to afford a house or anything so he got a job here and stayed at the inn.” She back over at me. “That kid might be a sarcastic little devil, be he can cook. Like really well. He’s like a mini Brenda. And Brenda is the best cook I’ve ever met.” I thought back to the thought of Brenda, the large woman that cooked at the inn. From the few meals that I had eaten at the inn, no one was lying. She was an incredible cook. “But he’s a mean, cold, sarcastic little beast.” From what I had seen just a few minutes ago, he didn’t seem all that bad.

“He didn’t seem all that bad.” Taylor looked at me confused.

“You met him?”

“You’re dad just introduced me to him.” Someone at another table called Taylor’s name; she looked over and held up her index finger to them to say that she would be there in a minute. She looked back over at me.

“Introductions can be deceiving.” She walked off to the table that called her. I thought about what she said for a few minutes then suddenly looked up at Luke who was eating.

“Do you think that’s true?” He looked up surprised.

“What’s true?”

“Introductions can be deceiving.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin and shrugged as he put another forkful of something in his mouth.

“Sometimes they can be. You just need to get to know the person I suppose.” I turned and looked back over at Chase.

“Yeah, I suppose you do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
chase ♥