Status: Done

A Second Chance

Grape Cocktails

When we first walked out of the blacksmith’s, I squinted my eyes in the brightness of the sun and walked slowly as my eyes adjusted to the light. Once I could see clearly again, I saw that right by where the blacksmith’s was, there was an entrance to a cave. Having my feet walk for me, I wandered over close to the cavern opening, I barely noticed when Ryan followed and stood next to me. “That’s Buffalo Mine. Recently there was a huge gold rush there, literally, the gold was like spilling out of the walls.” I looked over at him, half surprised he was as close as he was, his voice sounded a bit distant. I looked at him skeptically.

“You sound sad about that.” I pointed out. He sighed apathetically.

“No, it’s a good thing I guess, all that gold. It just, well, it took the fun out of mining. The best part about digging in a cave for hours is trying to find rare stuff, but if it’s all out in the open, well it makes it kinda not worthwhile.”

“Well, maybe once all that gold is used up, then you’ll be able to mine like you used to again.” He side smiled at me.

“You’re just a little optimist, aren’t you?” He turned and began walking away.

“Actually I’m normally really pessimistic; it’s your damn island that’s making me so happy-go-lucky.” I said as he walked away, I ran to catch up to him. He laughed slightly as he spoke, back into his regular mood.

“Sure it is Newbie. Now, what do you want to see first? The ranch, the lake, the falls?” I rolled my eyes as he listed the places.

“Whichever’s closest.”

“That would be the ranch. You like animals Mallory?” I turned to face him.

“I am starting a ranch. Duh, I like animals.” I teased him. He pushed my shoulder lightly, but since he was so strong, that light push actually caught me off balance for a moment.

“Shut up. Well, they got a buncha animals here, almost any farm animal you could think of.”

We walked pass Honey Milk Farm a bit of a ways when we came to a huge hill. On top of the hill was a barn, a coop and a few people. Just below the hill was a small little shack. Ryan took me to the little shack to introduce me to the people who worked on Purple Grass Ranch. The people were nice, the couple that ran the ranch, Jenna and Darren, told me that if I ever needed help with my future animals on the farm that I should just come here. There were also two people who looked to be my age staying on the ranch. One of them, a girl, Rachel seemed to be a sweet, kind girl who loved animals. The other, a boy named Caleb was quite silent and reserved but also seemed to have a love for animals. After a couple of minutes we left the ranch so I could see more of the island.

I soon found out that there really wasn’t that much of Bell Fall Island to see. It really only had the basic places and shops. But still if I wanted to live here I would have to learn my way around, and this is basically why I was taking this little tour, so I learn how to not get lost.
When Ryan finished showing me around, it was around seven. The last place he had showed me was the church that overlooked Bell Fall Town, so we were very close to the little city. “Hey, since I just spent pretty much the whole day with you, why don’t you come to the bar with me? I could buy you a drink.” Ryan suggest as we walked past the town entrance on our original way back to my house. I smiled brightly at him.

“That’d be awesome.” We turned and walked into town.

“Hey, you’re legal right?” I giggled slightly.

“Do you mean am I over 18? Yes, I’m legal.”

“Ok good, we really don’t have police forces in this town, but I still wouldn’t want to get in trouble for feeding alcohol to a minor.” We walked over to the bar and Ryan opened the door for me; I liked how both Luke and Ryan opened doors for girls, it makes me have hope in the male race.

We walked into the bar and took a seat at the counter. A tall pretty girl with long beautiful blonde hair came up to us. She had gorgeous emerald green eyes that hid behind the pieces of her bangs that couldn’t make up into her ponytail. She wore a cute blue and black tank top that was revealing but not too revealing. She had on a brown mini shirt and little cowboy boots. She was all around absolutely stunning, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed how pretty she was. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Ryan was staring at her, lovingly.

“Oh, hi Ryan.” She said perkily. She had the slightest trace of a southern accent. Ryan snapped back to life instead of just staring at the pretty girl.

“Hey Taylor, think you can get me and my new pal a drink or two?” Taylor put her hands at her hips and stared at him with a smile.

“Oh come on Ryan; one or two drinks? I know you better than that.” Taylor turned over to look at me. “He comes in here almost every night and orders at least five drinks. I keep trying to tell him that he’s an alcoholic, but he won’t listen.” We both giggled, Ryan sat quite, which I found odd. “I’m Taylor, I’m the barmaid here.”

“I’m Mallory, I just moved here a few days ago.” Taylor’s face lit up with excitement.

“Really? Welcome to the island! Hey Dad!” She turned around and yelled at a man at the register. The man was half bald but looked tough and someone you really didn’t want to mess with.

“Hmm?” The man answered her.

“There’s someone new to the island. Come introduce yourself.” The man came walking over and gave me a smile.

“Welcome to Bell Fall Town. I’m Sam; I run this bar with my daughter, whom you’ve already met.”

“Thank you, I’m Mallory.” Sam began to walk back away to the register.

“Well, have a good night.” He called. Taylor rolled her eyes slightly.

“Sorry, he’s a bit of a social resolute. Now, what can I get you?” She looked at Ryan first, but he seemed to look away and didn’t say anything, so she turned to me. “Ok…what can I get you?”

“Just a beer is fine.”

“Kay, I’ll have that for you a minute.” She walked away down the bar isle. I turned and looked at Ryan. A small smile couldn’t keep itself from creeping onto my face.

“Ryan,” I said, in a bit of a creepy voice. He looked over at me shyly. “You like her.” I whispered, so no one else would hear. He looked back away from me then sighed heavily.

“Is it that obvious?” He whispered back.

“Mmm, kinda. Why don’t you ask her out?” He looked back over at me.

“Did you not see how pretty she is?” He whisper-yelled.

“Just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean that she’s un-dateable.” He turned away once more.

“Pretty girls like her just don’t go for guys like me.” I was thrown off for a moment, but I quickly got back.

“Guys like you? Oh you mean nice, funny, sweet guys?” Ryan side looked at me.

“Who are you to talk? You just moved to the island, you don’t even know her.”

“Yeah, true, but I also happen to be a girl, if you haven’t noticed. And trust me, a guy like you is hard to find. Man, just give it a shot.”

“She’d never go for me…” He trailed off.

“You’ll never know unless you try.” As soon as the words left my mouth Ryan shot a look over at me, like I had just read his mind. At that same moment, Taylor came back with my beer.

“Here you are; one cold beer.” She said happily as she placed it down in front of me. I took a sip before thanking her.

“Thank you.” She began to walk away when to my surprise and her’s, Ryan called her name.

“Uh, Taylor?” She turned back around and walked back over to where we were.

“Yes?” Ryan gave a glance over at me and I just gave a tiny smile.

“Uh, can I, uhm, ask you something?” I didn’t know if I was seeing correctly, but I thought I started to see a smile curve around Taylor’s lips.

“Sure.” She answered quickly.

“Uhm, would you, uh, erm, go, uh get me a grape cocktail?” He blew it. Taylor’s small smile disappeared, and she even looked a little disappointed.

“Oh, uh yeah sure.” Taylor walked away quickly. Ryan laid his head down on the bar counter.

“What the hell was that?” I asked. Ryan groaned.

“I just get so nervous around her.” He explained. I took a few more sips of my beer.

“I can see that. Well, bud, you totally blew it.”

“That’s not even the worst part.” He couldn’t see my expression, but I looked at him confused.

“Then what is?”

“I hate grape cocktails!”
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