Status: Done

A Second Chance

Dogs and Kickball

When I woke up the next morning, I had a splitting headache. I was only half on my bed, and I was trying my hardest to remember what happened the night before. I remember that after Ryan bailed out on asking Taylor out, we both got massively drunk, which in some case would explain my horrible headache. Everything after that was a little bit of a blur. Someone obviously brought me home, because the last thing I remembered seeing was the dirt path. Great, I had a bunch of work to do today and I was suffering from a hangover. That’s just dandy.

I forced myself to get up out of my bed and go make myself some coffee. Never in all my life had I ever had a hangover. I mean, sure I’d been a little drunk before but I’d never had a hangover.

Once I was done my coffee, I went and took a nice long hot shower, to make myself wake up a little more. I dried myself and threw some clothes on. I went to my table and grabbed the seeds that I had bought the previous day when we passed by Honey Milk Farm. If I wanted to start a ranch, I would have to cough up the money to afford it. So, I figured selling crops was one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money in this town. I grabbed the seeds, my hoe and watering can and heading outside into the once again blazing sun.

Within a few measly minutes, I was sweating a storm; I hated the fact that this was only the spring sun. I don’t think I’d be going outside much during the summer. I had successfully hoed all the correct places, now all I had to do was plant the seeds, water them and then I’d be done for the day.

I had planted every one of the seeds in the right place, and was almost finished watering them, when I noticed Chloe walking by. She stopped and stared at me for a few minutes, then came walking over to me, I saw out of the corner of my eye a smug grin.

“Having some trouble?” She asked sincerely sarcastic. I paused watering for a moment and looked at her.

“How do you guys do this? How do you make farming look so easy?” She giggled as she took the watering can from me and began to water the still thirsty seedlings.

“My parents both grew up on farms of their own; they’d been helping on farms ever since they were young. When they got married, they decided to have their own farm together. Then, when they had me and eventually my brother, we were expected to help out as well. So, it just comes naturally to us, since we’ve all been doing it since we were young.” She finished watering them and handed me back the can. “You’re new at it; don’t be so hard on yourself.” She smiled sweetly at me, I smiled back.

“Thanks Chloe.” She started to be on her way, when she looked back at me.

“Not a problem, and hey, when those crops get older and are harvested, bring them down to our place. My mom would buy them for a nice amount of money.” She walked off her own way as I walked back inside my house. I cleaned myself off a bit and put my tools away. It was then that a realized that I didn’t really know what else to do with myself for the day. I figured that I’d go visit Luke or something, since he was kinda the only friend I had really made on the island so far, aside from Ryan.

I made my way over to the carpenter’s shop and walked inside. Immediately as soon as I walked inside I was knocked over by a big fluffy barking monstrosity. The dog came running full speed and jumped up, knocking me over; though I’m sure it meant no harm by the way it was barking happily and licking my face. I began to giggle and pet the dog’s scruffy head affectionately.

“Boss!” I heard Luke’s voice yell, and the dog got off of me and walked over to him. I was still laughing when Luke came over and knelt on the floor beside me.

“Hey, are you ok?” I looked up at him and continued to laugh, mainly because the dog started to lick my palm without Luke noticing. Thought my laughter though I spoke.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” The dog stopped licking and rubbed his head against Luke’s neck in a way to say he was only playing around. His face cracked a smile, and he stood up while holding out a hand to help me up. I took it and brushed myself off of dog hair.

“Sorry, he gets excited around new people.” Luke scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. I grinned happily.

“No need to apologize, I’m used to dogs knocking me over. Back home we had a huge lab that would constantly pummel me over every time I walked through the door.” Luke laughed slightly. “What’s his name anyway?”

“Boss.” Boss sat contently at Luke’s side, as his hand steadily pet his pretty little head. “We normally keep him at home, but today he just wouldn’t let us leave without taking him with us.” I bent down in front of the dog to pet him, and he responded with a lick in the face.

“He’s so cute.”

“Yeah, we like him. Boss, go lay down.” Luke pointed over to a little made out bed for Boss, and the dog walked over and lay down, obediently. “So, uhm, did you need something?”

“Nothing except for something to do. See, I already did all my field work today, so, now I’m kind of bored…”

“And you were hoping that I would be able to cure you of your boredom?” Luke asked. I smiled embarrassed.

“Would that be too much to ask?” I asked trying to sound cheery. Luke laughed.

“Nah, I get off in a half hour. We’ll do something then. For now, just try to keep yourself entertained.” He kidded.

“I’ll try.”

“Cool, I’ll see you then.” Luke smiled and walked into the back part of the room where the work was done. I sighed and looked over at Boss, who looked up at me.

“What am I gonna do for a half hour?” Boss barked slightly then laid his head back down. I chucked to myself. “Well you’re helpful.” I might as well not wait around here, so I walked out of the carpentry.

As soon as I walked out of the building, I heard my name called.

“Mallory!” The loudness of the yell made my head hurt a bit, from the still slightly lingering hangover. I looked to see Ryan standing in front of the blacksmith’s. I walked over to where he was.

“Yeah?” He put his hands together like he was about to say a prayer.

“I have an odd favor to ask you. Would you play kickball with my little sister?” I stared at him a bit confused.

“Uh sure. I can’t do it for long, but sure.” Ryan sighed an obvious sigh of relief.

“Oh thank you!” He said as he quickly picked me up in a big bear hug. “I have a bunch of work to do and she’s been bugging me all day to play with her.” He said as he let me go. I chuckled.

“It’s totally fine. I was looking for something to do anyway. But like I said, I can’t do it for long. Only like a half hour.”

“That should be long enough. Cindy!” Ryan called. Out from the blacksmith’s came running a little girl with short brown hair and her own badly made up outfits. She tried to do her own makeup, which made her look like a young prostitute. But aside from physical appearance, she looked like a cute girl; kinda.

“Are you finally gonna play with me Ryan?” Cindy asked loudly, which again made my head hurt.

“No, Cindy, this is Mallory. She’s gonna play with you while I work.” Cindy stomped her foot on the ground and balled her hands into fists.

“But grandpa works! You don’t have to! Why can’t you play with me?” Ryan’s face grew stern.

“Cindy. Take it or leave it.” Cindy made a sound that resembled the Lockness Monster.

“Fine! I’ll play with the stupid girl.” She crossed her arms and looked away from both of us. Ryan rolled his eyes then looked at me.

“Thanks again.” Then he ran inside the blacksmith’s.

So this was awkward.

I was standing here with a girl that didn’t even want to play kickball with me, but she wanted to play with someone and I needed something to do. Not to mention I barely knew the girl.

“Uhm, so, how about we get started playing?” I asked trying to break the ice that was slowly suffocating me. Cindy still wouldn’t look at me.

“Yeah whatever.” She grabbed the ball, took a running start and hurled it my way. As soon as it came close enough for me to hit it I kicked that puppy so high we almost couldn’t see it anymore. We both just stared at the ball as it sailed over the blacksmith’s into the backyard of the shop. Cindy was in obvious shock. She finally looked at me, with her mouth wide open.

“Back home I played soccer for seven years straight. Hehe…” Cindy’s shocked face slowly turned into one of pure amazement as a small smile crept up.

“That was freaking awesome! Ryan could never do that!” I smiled at her. “If I get the ball can you do that again?”

“Oh I can do even more than that.” She went and got the ball from behind the building and we played together for the whole half hour. I actually started to like Cindy.

Needless to say, Cindy warmed up to me too.

Eventually my clock stuck midnight, and it was time for Cinderella to stop playing kickball. Luke called my name by the entrance to the carpentry when a half hour was over. I looked back at him, smiled and gave a slight wave. I turned back to Cindy.

“Hey, Cindy, I gotta go.”

“Aw! But why!” She asked though a frown.

“I have to go meet up with my friend. But tell you what, we’ll play again tomorrow. Ok?” She smiled brightly.


“Sure.” Cindy nodded at me.

“Ok.” She took her ball and walked away back into the blacksmith’s. I turned back around and walked over to Luke, who was smiling at me suspiciously.

“So, I’m guessing you found a way to entertain yourself?”

“More like it found me, but, yeah.” He laughed.

“Well, come on. I know the perfect play to go, that almost no one on the island knows about. You ready?”

“Definitely.” Luke took me by the hand and began pulling me to his magical secret place. Normally I hate when people pull me, but, this time I think I could let it slide.
♠ ♠ ♠
by the way, boss = the most boss name for a dog ever.