It's Some Kind of a Story

Chapter 1

The air was stifling thick and muggy when Jillian Marris stepped out of the cherry red Honda onto 3rd street. She shaded her eyes to get a better view of the large suburban clone house, third down the line of the repeated, multicolored houses. A deep sigh escaped her brother’s mouth when he stepped out behind her. His golden skin glistened in the blistering sun as beads of sweat dripped from his shoulders.

Jillian looked at her father, the mastermind behind the move. The villain to this dastardly deed; trying to be the hero after their mother left with the pool-boy a month ago, never to be heard of again.

The thought of her mother made Jillian tear up. She blinked back the tears. Deep down, Jillian wishes she and her mother had less fights and more bonding.

“What do you guys think?” Bill, Jillian’s father, asked. He was carrying a box labeled ‘Kitchen’ with a ring of keys on the top. Jillian could only count five of them as he walked passed her towards the large red doors with gold painted knockers on each one.

How was she suppose to get use to this? A bigger house? A new town? New friend? A new life? Jillian was too old to know that this wouldn’t work. That this was a lost cause and that her father should have just left them in Shelton where their life was. Where everything was perfectly fine and that mother just wasn’t happy and needed to move on somewhere else. Just because she moved on to a different place doesn’t mean they have to too.

She expressed these thought to Phillip, her twin brother. But all he did was push her away, telling her that she needs to get over the fact that nothing will be the same. That life will never stand still for a 16 year old girl who’s heart got broken by a witch of a mother.


Jillian always loved her mother’s name.


It always reminded Jillian of spring when they traveled to Idaho to visit some family. The call of the name triggered her senses to smell fresh flowers and the thick hot air.


The sound of the name being sad when father said it to calm Jillian’s mother down after a long day at the office.


A name that won’t ever be mentioned in this new house ever again.

~ ~ ~

All Jillian could do was stare at her freshly painted pink nails. Her mother always complemented how beautiful Jillian’s nails were. Jillian liked them too. They were the type of nails that girls wish for. Long, thick, healthy and strong. Perfection.


A knock came to her new bedroom door. Jillian looked up and for some reason, her heart felt heavy. Phillip walked through the door. His dark brown hair was wet from his shower and was sticking to his forehead. He was wearing a pair of pajama pants and a baby blue t-shirt.

“Yeah?” Jillian managed to say. She and Phillip were always close. It wasn’t just the twin bond, but the fact that the only thing they had in common was that they shared the same parents. For some reason, the opposite of the two bring them closer than any other pair of siblings. Phillip said it was because they complete each other.

“I found this in my box when I was putting things away.” He handed her long, thin black box. Jillian opened it to reveal two necklaces. Both were silver chained small medallions. The way they were placed in the box, it looked the like yin and yang symbol. On was a metallic blue with a white diamond on it and the other was a metallic white with a blue sapphire diamond on it. When Jillian pulled on the necklaces out, the yin and yang broke apart; separating each other.

“Where did you find these again?” Jillian asked, mesmerized by the beauty of the emblems.

“In one of my boxes.”

“How did it get there? Where did they come from?”

“I have no idea. I just found them.”

Jillian found it ironic and weird that the moment she was thinking about how different she and her brother were, and how they complete each other with their oppositeness, he shows up with mysterious yin and yang necklaces; the most popular symbol to represent opposites and balance.

The blue Yin shimmered and caught Jillian’s eye. Something was being reflected into it. Light? She tried to look closer and when she did, she yelped and looked away. Phillip looked at her like she was crazy. Was she crazy? Or did she really just see herself in warrior armor being reflected off of the emblem?
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