The Dream Walker

The First Dream

Light. Light was all I could see. Just a distant light in front of me and I decided to walk towards it. No, it felt as if I was pulled towards it, but I wasn’t sure why. It was quiet and the light seemed to be the only thing in this world, wherever it was. Just me, the light, the darkness, and a soundless nothingness. There appeared to be nothing else. Then, out of the darkness, surprising me, came a man, a gorgeous man. He had striking brown hair that curled slightly at the ends and light green eyes. I had never seen him before, but it seemed odd for him to be in a place like this, wherever or whatever this place was. I was so surprised I hadn’t realized he was smiling at me.

“Hello?” I called to him, surprised by his overall beauty and ora of grace. I felt as though I had to say something, because he was staring at me.

His expression didn’t change, but he whispered one thing in response. “Shhh…”

I stared back at him, confused. I didn’t know what he meant. I began to ask him what was going on, who he was, and where we were, but suddenly I heard this loud, piercing sound and the gorgeous man in front of me began to fade. I was about to call out to him when I felt myself fading too. Out of the black world, with the distant light and the silent nothingness.

Beep. Beep. Beep, beeeeep!

I was pulled from my dream and I started, nearly falling out of my bed, my covers going everywhere. My alarm is what had awaken me. It had been a dream, but what did it mean?

I groaned and turned my alarm off. Sitting up, I began rubbing my eyes. I was still tired, even though I had crashed early the night before. I glanced at my clock. 7:30.

Groaning again, I fell back onto my bed. Great, I thought to myself, staring at my ceiling. School, again… I desperately wanted to pull the covers back over my head and sleep, but knew I couldn’t. I reluctantly got ready for school.
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- This is really meant as an opening. Not much of a chapter really, its so short. The next chapter will be longer though! Comments are welcome. Tell me what you think(: -