The Flood Is Getting Closer


I pulled away when I heard a whistle and saw Natalie walking out of the building with a grin on her face. I could feel my skin burning and quickly looked away. "Nice car." She said and looked at us two. "Oh sorry did I interrupt something, my bad." She said and walked back into the building laughing. Something about the laugh sounded slightly evil, but maybe that was just me. "Whoa that was a creepy ass laugh." Max said. So it wasn't just me. "I know right." I said looking at the apartment complex in front of me. "Do you think she is like a demon or something?" Max asked me but the thing was, he sounded like he meant it an actual question which made me suspicious. "She probably just has a weird laugh I mean when have we heard her laugh before?" I said trying not to think too much into it but I couldn't help it, the thought was already there. I think I might have to do some investigating. “So you wanna get something to eat?” He asked. “I guess so what you have in mind?” I asked. “Anything you want I’m ok with” He said. “Sushi?” I said. “Sounds good to me” He grinned. I shook my head and walked to the passenger side of the car. “Here let me get the door for you” Max said running over and opening in it for me. “Thanks dude” And now we’re back to being awkward. The car ride was silent as Max drove to the Sushi bar. “Can I ask you a question” Max finally broke the silence between us. “Ok” I said. “When did you know you first liked me” He was serious. I shrugged. “Not going to lie I tried fighting off my feelings for you since the first day we met and it’s been hard” I didn’t want to look at him.

Natalie’s POV

I have no clue why I did my awful evil stupid laugh but I thought I was funny. She kissed him. Thought it would be the other way around. You know Max kiss her first but I guess not. I called Craig and told him to come over since Max and Scottie are out on their ‘Date’. When Craig got here we deiced to go out and get something to eat. “So Scottie kissed Max” I said as we drove out of the apartment complex. “Fuck I owe you $20 now” He laughed. “Yes you do pay up” I teased. “Is it bad we betted on who would make the first move” He asked. “Not really I’m pretty sure Scottie would have done the same thing” “I’m pretty sure she already has” He laughed. I looked at him surprised. "Would she really do that?" I asked. "Would you really do that?" He counteracted and I nodded with a slight laugh. "I guess so, don't have much room to complain do I." I said. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him. I wondered if this was a date or not. We ate in a comfortable silence and I paid with the $20 that he had given me and made our way back to his car. "Do you want to come back to mine it is early still and I have nothing else to do all day." He asked me. I smiled and nodded. We made our way back to Craig's house. I was surprised at how tidy the house was as I walked into the living room. I took a seat on the couch as he went into the kitchen and got some drinks. I wonder how Scottie is getting on.

Scottie’s POV

We sat in the sushi bar eating in silence. I tried my best to not stare at his lips but kept failing miserably. “So I finally get to meet your brother” Max said. “What does that suppose to mean?” I asked. “Nothing just you talk highly of him and I like that” He said. “Oh” I dipped my California roll in the soy sauce. “You ok?” He asked. “Yeah, there’s just something I need to tell you though” I said. “Ok Claire Bear” He grinned. “Not that you dip weed” I said. “I just don’t understand why you insist on people calling you Scottie. I think Claire is a lovely name” He said. “Gabe Saporta is my brother” I shot back some Saki. Max looked at me and began to laugh. “Why are you laughing” I was getting annoyed. “Cause it makes sense now Claire S. Ebner” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Where does Ebner fit into all of this” He asked. “My mom’s maiden name” I groaned. He began laughing again. I knew there was a reason we could never properly date. I stood up and Max looked at me. "Chill I'm going to the bathroom!" I said and walked away. I looked at reflection and sighed. My eye was starting to heal so the bruise was turning a horrible yellow color. I washed my hands and went back out to see Max wasn't at the table anymore. "What the hell?" I said to myself and walked out of the restaurant. "Look man I don't know who the fuck you are and I don't appreciate you coming up to me and yelling in my face!" Max was shouting at some random guy. "What is going on?" I asked. "This asshole just randomly dragged me out here for no reason!" Max shouted shaking. I knew Max well enough to know that if he was shaking then he was damn angry. "No reason, look at her face! Just because you look like a girl doesn't mean you can hit one!" The dude shouted. "HEY! Listen here you freak! Max wouldn't lay a fucking finger on me so you can shut the fuck up and go back to your fucking dinner before I kick your ass myself!" I screamed. The guy shook his head and walked back inside. "What the fuck is that about?" I said more to myself. "I think we should go before they make us pay." Max said. I smiled and nodded and we took off back to my apartment. We got back to apartment and couldn’t get in. “How do you not have a key to your own place” He said. “I just moved in this morning. She must be out with Mabbit” I said. “Well we can go back to my place relax watch a movie” He said. “Alright I guess so but if Katie asks I got locked tis all” I said. “Yeah alright” Max smiled. “So what happened the dude just come up to you when I went to the bathroom about my eye” I asked. “More or less” He said. “What you mean?” I said. “He thought I was a girl for a second only saw the back of my head. But no worries” He said. “Aw I’m sorry I rustled your feathers” I smiled. “Nah I would do anything for you. You should know that” My heart began to melt.

Natalie’s POV

Craig and I just sat and talked about everything. I told him about how I missed England but loved it here and how happy I was to meet everyone. He told me about how he and the guys met and how they met Scottie. “It’s actually quite funny if you don’t mind me telling you” Craig said. “No please do” I said. “Well we were at the mall when happen to have the pleasure of meeting her. But it actually wasn’t a pleasure on her part. If you ever want to see her mad ask her about Vakity Record Store” He laughed. “I don’t see how this is getting funny” I said. “Well it gets better she was wearing a poodle skirt and sweater she looked like something out of the 50’s. She wanted to kill us when Max asked how much to sock hop her” Craig was dying. I began laughing as well. “Poor Max been having it hard since” We laughed. "Well he did bring it on himself." I said. Craig nodded and looked at me weirdly. "What, do I have shit on my face?" I asked taking my hand and rubbing my cheek with it. "No, no you don't." He said taking my hand away and leaning in to kiss me. Man this guy was a good kisser..

Craig's POV.

I kissed Natalie hard trying to make a good impression we were all setting off tomorrow and I was nervous about her being around Scotti's brother. I mean he was a good looking guy and all the girls loved him and Natalie was the most prettiest girl I've seen for a while and the British accent took her from cute and pretty to damn sexy. I wasn't gonna lose a girl to the pretty boy again. No way.

Max’s POV

Scotti and I were watching television when Katie came in with Bryan. “Hello love birds” She chirped. “Shut it” I said. “Scotti what are you doing here by yourself without Natalie” Katie asked. “Got locked out” Scottie said. “I’m sure play nice you two” She said and walked off with Bryan. Scotti got up and looked at me. “$20 bucks Mabbit is screwing Natalie” I laughed. “Fine don’t play but I’m serious he’s probably gonna try” Scottie was serious. “Fine make it $50 that they’re not” I said. “Alright” She smiled. “Where you going” I asked. “I wanna test drive my baby myself before tomorrow” She winked and walked out the front door. I bolted after her. "Let me come with you! I don't wanna be left alone with those two!" Max said getting into the passenger seat. I smirked. Seems the whole time I haven't been driving he forgot how shit scared he got when people drove fast and how I love to drive fast. "You had better hold on." I winked.

Natalie's POV.

I stood up and looked at my watch. "I'd better go," I said and he stood up. "I'll drive you home, its kind of dark out." He said and I smiled. He was so caring and to be honest I was surprised he hadn't tried to get in my pants! We got back to my place and I faced him in the car. "Thanks for today Craig you're the best." I said and kissed his cheek. "I don't think so." He said and pulled me into a proper kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him. "I'll see you bright and early." I said and walked up to the door. I couldn't hide my smile at all I just wished I knew where we stood in relationship terms.

Scottie’s POV

I pulled up to the apartment complex. Max looked like he was about to have a heart attack. “You’re such a grandma” I said cutting the engine. “No I like to be safe” He said. “You can be safe and have fun driving too” I said looking at him. He took a deep breath. “Green I didn’t drive THAT fast” I well knew I reached almost 105mph on the interstate. “Fine, catch your breath. Thanks for today it was really fun. I owe you an apology for everything I put you through. Thank you for being you” I looked at him. “Oh man you must really like me you’re getting soft” He teased. “Ugh you’re freaking hopeless” I tossed him the keys and got out of the car. “Wait” Max ran over to my side. I looked at him. “Yes” I said. “Can I kiss you good night” He asked. I started to laugh. Max didn’t. “Oh you’re serious?” I said. “No Scotti I’m not serious. I just happen to like you a whole lot and it’s hard to know if I should make a move or not. Knowing you are like black belt everything” Max sighed. That stung me a bit. I opened the door and sat down. “What are you doing” He knelt beside me. “Dude I don’t know what you want from me or what to give you or how to act or anything and I’m…” “Scottie” He took my hand in his. “Yeah” I looked at him. “Just shut up will you” “But I…” I was cut off with his lips on top of my lips. The kiss was sweet and warm. “Don’t change or do anything just because of someone. I like you for you. Always have always will, not matter what you’ll always have me kid” He kissed me again and helped me out of the car. “Now I’m going to walk you to your door. To end this date properly” Max joked. I rolled my eyes. “You know you want to laugh” He teased. “I wanted to strangle you but then yet at the same time I don’t” I replied. He gave out a weak chuckle. When we got to the front door I stood there awkwardly as I normally do stammering on my words. “I guess good night thanks again” I said. Max raised his brow at me. “Really Scotti that’s all you got” He said. I shrugged. “I have you don’t I?” I smiled.

"So is that you agreeing to be my girlfriend?" He asked with a smile. I shrugged and pulled him into a kiss. "I'm taking that as a yes!" He said and literally skipped away. I smiled and went up the apartment hoping Natalie would be back. I knocked on the door and soon enough Natalie was stood there with a beer in one hand and a key in the other. "Those are for you!" She said in a posh version of her own accent. "Oh, this would have been handy earlier," I laughed and she pulled a face. "Sorry! I didn't know I'd have been gone that long, Craig really kept me there for a while." She said. Oh they so had sex and I am so getting $50! "Oh yeah, doing what?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. She chuckled and shook her head. "Alot of things but none of them were sex so I hope you and Max didn't make a bet!" She said. Great now I owe him $50! "I don't mind you not being here, else I would still be a single woman!" I said and she smiled at me surprised. "Oh that's nice," She said and the pulled a face. "Why are we standing at the door like a pair of goons, come in I just made some spaghetti!" She said. I was starving so it was good timing. We ate on the couch with the plates on our laps. "Do you never use the dining room?" I asked her. "I've lived here alone it would be creepy if I sat at a dining table alone, no point." She said and I laughed. "Well you live with me now so we will be eating in there and also I'll be cooking because no offense but my spaghetti is way better than yours!"