The Flood Is Getting Closer


“Well good morning” Max said as I went back into my room. “Morning” I sat down on the bed. “You ok?” He sat next to me. I nodded. “Can I have the keys” I said. “For what?” He asked. “Just give me the car keys will you” I said. “Alright” He went over to the dresser and tossed me them. “Thanks” I got up kissed him on the cheek and went downstairs. “Where you going this early” I knocked into Craig who was walking into the house. “Don’t worry about it man” I jumped into the Challenger and took off. One thing about home I always liked was how no one knew where they could find me. I pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. There’s no place like home like your first place you won a drag race. I got out of the car and walked over to the graffiti wall. I founded my name and smiled. Still no one has beaten my timing. “Scottie Saporta” I turned around and saw Ronnie. “Radke didn’t know they let you out of jail so soon” I said. “I was out in three months on count of good behavior” He grinned. “I find that hard to believe” I said. “I’m just wondering who is the lucky bastard to give you that black eye?” He laughed. “A customer threw a glass at me” I tried to control my anger. “I could have given you a better one” He said. “Why are you here? Why” I growled. “Same reason as you babe, I wanna race and I saw you pull in with that sweet ride. Brought back found memoires of us in my Camero” He winked. “I have no idea what the hell I saw in you” I began to walk back to my car. He followed. “You were just a car whore and I just wanted to get laid our relationship work perfectly. Besides I let you beat me that night cause I knew you would fuck me either way” He laughed. “Whatever you’re a sick person glad the kid never survived” I groaned. “What do you mean kid” Ronnie stopped me and looked me in the eye. “Like I said it didn’t survive thanks to your drunken ass putting me in the hospital” I got free. The lights flashed on the Challenger. “I was going to be a father” He said. “Well you killed it. I’m over it and you. Don’t bother me again ok!” I got into the car and drove back to the house.

Natalie's POV

I was sat in my 'room' reading a book when Scottie burst into my room in tears. I put my book down and sat up. "What the hell, are you okay?" I asked as she sat next to me shaking her head. "I trust you not to say anything to anyone so I'm telling you, I just ran into Ronnie." She said. For a second I didn't know what she was talking about until I remembered that Ronnie was the douche that Scottie went out with, that ruined her life! "Oh my god. Did he hurt you?" I asked. She shook her head. "I didn't stick around long enough for him to even try, he did say that he could have given me a better black eye than the one I have." She said. "What the fuck! I will kick his fucking arse myself, where does he live?" I stood up and she pulled me back down. "No offense Natalie but you are the weakest person I have ever known, he would actually kill you." She said. I looked at her she was serious. “Are you going to tell anyone about this?” I asked. Scottie shook her head. “He doesn’t deserve to be breathing” She got up. “Where are you going?” I asked. “Just I don’t know what to do about this and you and Craig need to make up and my dad’s gonna be here tonight and I just don’t want to be here” She broke down and started crying again. I got up and held her. “It’s ok I’m here” I tried comforting her. “God I fucked up my life” She wiped her eyes. “How?” I asked. “He was everything my parents hated and I loved him” She said. “It’s ok he was your first love” I said. “No it’s not right. When I saw him all my emotions and feelings came back. He killed our baby” She sniffled. “What” I looked at her with wide eyes. She nodded. “Does anyone you were” “No they didn’t I was going to tell him the night he beat the pulp out of me” She interrupted. "He beat you up and killed your baby?" I asked frowning. I just couldn't get my head around it at all. She nodded and frowned. "I just wish I could get my own back on him you know." She said. "Well why don't you get him sent back to prison I mean did he serve his sentence?" I asked. "No he got let out on good behavior." She said. "Well why did he get sent down?" I asked. "Well a lot of reasons really I mean there is what he done to me and things to do with drugs too." She said. "Well can't you get him sent back down?" I asked. "I wish it was that easy." She said looking down. There has to be a way that this would get what he deserves even if he doesn't get put away. He has to pay for what he done to Scottie and his unborn child but how were just two girls, sure Scottie is tough but he has beaten her before and no way would we be getting the guys involved. "He has to pay Scottie." I said. She nodded.

"But how?" I asked. “I don’t know Nat. I wasn’t even there for his trial I was still recovering from my concussion and internal bleeding back then” Scottie said. My blood was boiling now. “How have you not told anyone about this stupid shit that happened? How the fuck you live with this secrete all this time” I snapped. A knock came from the other side of the door. Scottie got up to open it. Max was standing there smiling. “Scoot you ok” He asked. Scottie nodded and passionately kissed him. I shook my head. “Wow what was that for?” He asked. “Just cause I missed you” She smiled. He kissed again and left. “Anyways” Scottie came back and sat next to me. I was stunned. How easily she was able to switch emotions. “They don’t need to know” She said. "They won’t know but Ronnie is going down one way or another." I said and picked up my smokes. "Come downstairs we'll talk more and you can have some water crying makes you dehydrated." I said kind of harshly, I didn't mean to it just came out that way. "Wow Nat, you sound so different when you're mad, Craig would love this side of you." She said. I rolled my eyes. "No thanks, no offense but I don't want your seconds." I said. She stopped and grabbed my arm making me stop too I turned and faced her. "Look Nat, that was ages ago and we had sex like once, besides he does really like you." She said. I shrugged. "Maybe, right now I have bigger things on my mind, I knew there was a reason for coming down here." I said. "Yeah for the guys gig and to see my brother." She said. "Not just that, to make Ronnie pay for what he did."

Scottie’s POV

Nat and I sat outback she smoked and I drank my water. “I really need to explain the Craig thing” I said. “No you don’t” She lit another one. “Yes I kind of do” I said. “Whatever get on with it” She said. “Ok so after I got out of the hospital I found Gabe’s friend Jeff and moved in with him. A few months passed then I met the boys at the bar. I mean at that point I wasn’t even thinking about dating let alone jumping into bed. Then I met Dizzle he seemed really nice and insisted we go out on a date. I refused constantly and he kept coming back to the bar and see me so I said yes. The night we were supposed to go out he never showed up so I went out myself and saw him out with some chick. That just hurt a lot. I went to the bar to drink. There is where I saw Craig drinking alone. This was before I met the rest of them. We started talking and yeah the next thing I remember was waking up next to him. That was it. I have no intentions or have any feelings for him what so ever” I said. Natalie looked at me. “I believe you. You don’t look like the person to just up into bed with some random person” She smiled. “Thanks” I said getting up. “Where you going” She asked. “Get some fresh air care to join me for a drive” I said. Natalie nodded and stood up following me to my car. "You can't smoke in there by the way." I said. She nodded and got into the passenger seat. We just drove aimlessly around town until I realized we were at the graffiti wall again. We both got out of the car and went to get a closer look at the wall. "You thinking of racing again now you're here?" She asked me. I shrugged. If I am honest I was thinking about beating my person best and Ronnie’s too just to piss him off. I sighed and looked at my watch. "I won’t be long I'm just getting some water you want one?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. I left her looking at the wall.

Natalie's POV

I was looking at the wall when I heard footsteps behind me. "Nice view." I frowned and turned around to scoff at the tall guy with the stupid hair dressed in skinny jeans and a leather jacket but no shirt. "Whatever." I muttered and turned back to the wall. "My person best, you should come down here and watch me race some time." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what part of whatever makes you think I'm interested but you can do me a favor and fu-" He jumped in his car and sped off as Scottie came back over and that’s when I knew who was just talking to me. Ronnie. “Don’t talk to that asshole” She said. “I didn’t know that was him” I said. She shrugged. “You could have at least described what the douche looked liked” I said. “Ok Nat he’s a fucking douche wears nut huggers a leather jacket and no shirt half the time and tattoos on his neck” Scottie said. “Yeah that was him. He talked to me. Such a prick what did you see in him?” I asked. She shrugged. “Freedom and rebellion” Scottie walked back to the car. “Maybe you should race again” I said. “Can’t we got a party tonight” She said. “Not tonight but soon. I mean Gabe told me about how good you are” I said. She shrugged. “What happened to cheerful Scottie from Vegas” I said. “I’m here just thinking. This wall means a lot to me. See those markings that all me. I was something” Scottie looked at the wall. "You still are something Scottie, you’re a great girl!" I said and she shrugged not taking the compliment or not believing it. "Look seriously if you want to race then you race don't listen to anyone else and don't be scared of that prick that just drove away scared of you!" I said. She smirked. "He did run off, but I think it's because I told him he killed our kid." She said. "That would scare any guy off but it doesn't me we are not going through with the plan." I said. "That's the thing Natalie, we don't have a plan." She said getting back into her car. I followed. "I know but we will think of something in the end."