The Flood Is Getting Closer


Back at the house Scottie went upstairs. Gabe pulled me aside in the kitchen to talk to me. “What’s wrong with her” He whispered. “I really don’t know. She took me to the wall and was really weird about it. Like it was something she didn’t want to discuss” I lied. Gabe shook his head. “Fucking bastard” He said. I looked at him. “Don’t lie to me Natalie. She told you about Ronnie and what he did right?” He said. I shrugged. “She doesn’t know but I knew she was pregnant and it died. The hospital called me. I was her guardian”. "Oh, alright." I said and walked off. I didn't know what to do or say. I had to think of a way to get to this Ronnie dude I just couldn't think how. I walked to Craig's room and knocked on the door, no answer thank god! I opened it and looked around the room there they were. His car keys. "What ya doing?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. "I need your car." I said picking up the keys. He grabbed my hand. "You can't just take my car." He said softly against my ear. "May I borrow your car?" I asked. "If you kiss me first." He said. I kissed his cheek quickly and turned around forgetting about the hold he had on my arm. He spun me back around and crashed his lips onto mine. I won’t lie I really liked it but I had a plan going on in my head and I needed to get to that graffiti wall and alone. I smiled and pulled away. "I'm sorry about the past few days." He said. "It's okay but I have to go, I'll be a few hours at the most." I said and walked out to Craig's car.

I get out of the car and go over to the wall. I sit down. I looked at Scottie’s markings, how the hell she do this and at such a young age. “Your back baby” I looked and saw Ronnie again. “Get away from me” I said. “Oh British I love it” He said. I rolled my eyes. “What do you want” I said. “You baby you’re so beautiful” He said. “Your disgusting” I said. “Just because your friends with that dyke don’t mean you have to be mean to me” He said. “Fuck off” I screamed. “You could fuck me off for me” He winked.

Scottie’s POV

I ran out of the house with my I-Pod on. “SCOTTIE” I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and see Max coming over to me. “Where are you going now” He panted. “For a run I’ll be back soon” I kissed him and took off. I could never put this burden on him and I really needed to find away to get rid of Ronnie and quick.

Natalie's POV

"You are such an idiot, you’re gross!" I said to the tall guy advancing on me. "You just want me, don't deny it babe." He said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Look whoever you are I don't find you attractive at all so please, you're wasting your time." I said. He smirked. "That's what your little friend said before I worked my magic on her, she couldn't get enough of this, the dirty whore." He winked. I was glaring at him and couldn't help it as I balled my hand into a fist and swung at him but he caught my hand and dragged me against the wall. I squeezed my eyes shut as he forced his hard lips on mine. I tried not to kiss him but he wasn't about to move anytime soon if I didn't. I let myself relax and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. I felt him smile and wanted to be sick but the worse I felt the more it made me feel alive, no one had kissed me like this before not even Craig.

I was driving back to the house when I saw Scottie running. I met her back at the house. I got out of the car just as she came up the drive way. “He so kissed you didn’t he?” She said. “How do you know” I said. “I’m not stupid you took Craig’s car. You don’t know anywhere in Fresno besides the wall” She said. “Oh I’m sorry” I began to blush. She shook her head. “Don’t fucking fall for him. If you do I will kill you as well” She growled. “I’m not I won’t” I followed her into the house.

Scottie’s POV

I was getting ready for tonight when Craig came into my room. “Scooter can we talk” “I have nothing to say to you” I walked out and downstairs. I spotted my brother and he motioned me towards him. “We need to talk” Gabe said. “About what” I said. “Follow me” I followed my brother into the basement. “Scottie I love you but you need to stop acting like it is ok what happened and why you really left Fresno” He said. “I left because of mom and dad” I said. “No you left because Ronnie was moving to Vegas and you got knocked up” Gabe said. “How did you know about that” I said uncomfortably. “Because when you left mom and dad disowned you and I became your legal guardian” He said. I shook my head. “Whatever what happened happened I’m alive aren’t I?” I said. He shook his head. “You are really not getting it. He almost killed you” He snapped. “I get what you’re saying. I don’t want to talk about it” I snapped back. “Why not I’m your brother” Gabe said. “Because I don’t like reliving this shit! Freaking psychologist tried to make me talk to them about how I felt about what had a happened. I felt trapped and some helpless person. Gabe I hated that. They wouldn’t let me leave or make a phone call at the hospital. All I wanted was you” I said. He nods and pulls me into a hug. “You’re back now and that’s better than nothing” He said.

"I suppose but just because I don't want to talk about it doesn't mean that I am mental or anything I just want to write out that entire part of my life, he changed me." I said. I knew what he was thinking, the same as everyone else, that I still aint the same as how I used to be. "Anyways I have to shower and get ready for tonight, Natalie takes long enough to get ready I bet she started getting ready about 2 hours ago." I chuckled trying to make a joke to ease the mood between us. "I'm sure she doesn't take that long." He laughed shaking his head. "Hey man, you will be surprised but it pays off I guess, the girl is gorgeous." I say. He shrugs and walks away. I go and take a shower. What the hell am I going to wear tonight?
“There you are” Natalie said as she exited the bathroom. “Um you wanna make me pretty for tonight” I said. She nodded. I showered and came back to my room seeing the most random awesome outfit picked out for me. “Ok get dress I’ll do your make up when you’re done” She said. “Thanks” I said. I threw on the outfit and went to find Natalie. “I don’t think this shirt is gonna stay” I said adjusting my boobs in the tank top. She looks at me and laughs. “That’s the whole point” I roll my eyes. “Just do my make up will you” I groaned. “Fine come here” She said. I watched as she opened a cosmetic case that hardly held the makeup in it and that wasn't all of makeup either. The thing with Natalie was that makeup was the only girlie quality she had. She loved sports but hated watching it which sucked because I loved watching football games. She was so into music though and had a good CD collection and apparently had a Grand Piano that she had to leave in England because the shipping was too expensive. "Natalie," I started. "Would you ever go back to England?" I asked. She chuckled. "Of course I would my family are there, I will go home for Christmas and New Year and my birthday and stuff like that why?" She said. "I don't know just wondered." I said. She chuckled again. "Have you ever been to England?" She asked me. "I wish." I said. "You don't it's boring, then again I haven't exactly seen much of it, I only went to London in 2000 to see the millennium dome on a school trip." She said. "We should totally go some time!" I said. "Yea, you would have somewhere to stay that’s for sure."

“You’re all done.” After almost two hours of her working her magic on me. “Holy shit” I said. “You can thank me later” She closed her case. “I’m so just not ready for the bar I mean yeah grand opening tonight. But this is Fresno people know each other and well whatever happens tonight thanks for being a great friend” I hugged her. “You sound like death is coming for you” She laughed. I shrugged. “Just saying I kind of left Fresno on a bad note as well” I left and went to find Max. “Hot damn Scottie” Max said. “I knew you would like it” I smiled. “Like it I love it” He pulled me in for a kiss. “You’re not looking bad yourself Mr. Green” I grinned. Max shut the bedroom door. “I think we have a few to fool around” He kissed me as we made our way towards the bed.

Natalie's POV.

I decided I would go for a smoke, we still had about half an hour before we had to set off. I sighed as I saw Craig sat in the garden. It wasn't that I don't like him because believe me I do but since I kissed Ronnie I couldn't really bring myself to look at him. I felt too bad about it. He smiled as he saw me and I forced a smile in return. "Hey, you hows it going I haven't seen you for like a day." He chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders. "I kissed someone." I said. "Oh, well were not together so it doesn't matter." He said. I could tell he was upset. "Well it wont happen again trust me, he had me pinned against a wall and it was the only way to him to leave." I said leaving out how the kiss made me feel so alive. He looked at me shocked. I shrugged and looked down. "So when guys pin you to a wall against your will you kiss them?" He asked. I could tell by his tone he didn't think much of my methods. "Well you know, I'm not like Scottie, I can't fight and I didn't want to get beaten up it was." I stopped before I said who it was. He looked at me suspiciously. "Who was it?" He asked. "No one important." I said and looked at the sky. "Natalie, was it Ronnie?" He asked. I didn't answer. "I'm gonna' kill him!" He said and stormed back inside the house. I looked at my watch. One more cig and it's time to go, I also hate myself. I walked back inside after my smoke and knocked on Scottie’s door. I heard whispers and then the door open. “Hey” She said coming out into the hall way. “Your make up it’s a bit smudge” I said. “Oh shit” She ran to the bathroom. “Scottie your shirt’s on backwards” I said. She looked at me in the mirror. “Sorry” Her face turned beat red. “Oh my goodness seriously” I shouted. “Keep it down” She fixed the smudge. “Scottie you just had sex with Max and we have to be at the bar in a few minutes” I panicked. “Relax dude everything will be fine” She kissed me on the mouth and walked out of the bathroom. I seriously need to buy a new brand of cigarettes.

I went to the front porch where everyone was congregating. Craig gave me a half smile and I smiled back. I was glad we were still friends, just that for now though we had decided. There was too much drama flying around for me to be having a boyfriend. I hope that will change when we get back home though.