The Flood Is Getting Closer


I was stood behind the bar at this random club. I felt like an idiot, I'm on vacation and I'm working, luckily though we could stay after hours which was good. "I can't believe how you dragged me into this." I said to Scottie. "I'm sorry but its extra money and that way we don't have to buy tickets." She said. "Yea but we don't get to see the bands play!" I protested. “Yes we can the stage is in plain view of the bar. I made sure of it when Gabe decided to do the floor plans and layouts” She said. “Fine whatever” I said. “Ok sorry I had sex with Max. Please don’t be mad at me the whole night” Scottie said. “Scottie I’m really not mad at you it’s the douche bag you practically had a kid with. That’s who I’m mad it. Why aren’t you mad as well” I asked. “I’m sick of being mad and angry. Yes I hate him and want him dead but seriously me being mad and angry at him is like me being angry and mad at myself. I did it to myself no one else. I rather try to forget the bad stuff” She said. “You’re not making any sense what so ever. What the hell. I can’t ugh” I walked off to the other side of the bar to run into Ronnie. "Oh fucking hell man!" I said and he quickly pulled me around the corner. "Hey, have you missed me." He smirked at me. I shook my head. "Have I fuck just leave me alone!" I said to him. He chuckled. "I'm afraid I can't do that, you’re in my head now, Natalie." His face turned into an evil grin and that was when it hit me. This guy was actually crazy or just pure evil. "Ronnie I'm sorry I can't do that to Scottie or Craig so find someone else." I said. "Craig, since when he in this?" He asked. His glared at me. "When did that happen?" He growled at me. I was so scared I couldn't speak. "When did it happen?" He asked again. Then he walked away. I looked around, hadn't anyone else seen that? I ran to the bathroom before anyone could see me cry.

Scottie’s POV

“Hey baby” Ronnie made me jump, I almost broke a glass. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Came to see your little British friend” He said. “She’s not interested Ron” I said. “Oh but she is” He said. “Keep telling yourself that. If you’re not getting a drink leave me alone” I said. “You know what to make me baby” He said. “Dude, stop calling me baby I’m not your baby” I said. “But you were carrying mine” He said. “Which you killed” I said. “Not my fault I was drunk” He said. “That doesn’t give you the right to take your anger out on me. I was in a coma for three weeks. Three weeks Ronnie, and in that time I had no clue what happened until a shrink came to discuss our relationship and then I found out the baby died” He stood there looking at me. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and made him a Jack and Coke. “Here just I don’t want your money” I walked off. I tried fighting off the tears that were begging to come out. I gained my composure and realized I couldn't see Natalie. I groaned and waited as I couldn't leave the bar with no one behind it. She had better turn up soon were starting to get busy. Soon enough Natalie came back round the corner; I could tell she had been crying. I wanna kill Ronnie. "Are you okay?" I asked when she stood next to me. "Yea," She said and went to a customer. She was still mad, maybe at herself. Who knows what happened when she ran into that douche bag again. I could see the guys on the stage ready to play their first song. 'Situations' I was anxious, it was an old song and Ronnie was the singer in the bad when they recorded that. I couldn't see Ronnie though which a bad thing was most probably. If he was in a room and you couldn't see him that never meant anything good.

“We’re Escape the Fate and this is Situations” Max shouted into the microphone. “I didn’t know that’s the name of the band” Nat said coming over to me. I nodded. “I wrote half these songs” I told her. She looked at me. “What I’m not musically talented” I said. She shrugged. “Are you ok?” I asked. She nodded. I shook my head. “Don’t lie to me he’s a horrible person and I hate me so much so you being ok with him here you’re lying” I hugged her. The band started up and they were pretty amazing. “Wow” Nat shouted over the music. I nodded. “Yeah but I could sing better” Ronnie appeared again. “Go away” I shouted. “I want a drink baby” He said. “No you just want to cause trouble” I said. “Why would I want to do that darling” He laughed. I shook my head. “Baby don’t forget I have my finger on the trigger, my dear Juliet” He said and walked away. Natalie looked at me. “Don’t let him get to you” She said. “Fucker is reciting lyrics I wrote. Dude Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliché is a song I wrote and I fucking hate him so much for what he did” I squeezed a glass it shattered. A huge bouncer came over to me. “Are you ok madam?” He asked. “I’m great” I said. “Your hands are bleeding” He said. I looked down. “Great fucking great. Natalie you got this” I walked with the bouncer over to the Paramedic that was there.

Natalie's POV.

I watched Scottie walk away and sighed silently to myself. The guys were still playing and to my knowledge didn't know that Ronnie was here. I don't know what possesses him to act the way he does. I listened to the band play there last song, 'Something' and watched as Craig looked everywhere but at me. He had a weird look in his eye that made me freak out, like he knew something. The band finished and Craig stormed out to where the pool table was. I couldn't go and see what was happening but the sound of someone shouting "FIGHT!" made it clear. "Bloody hell!" Scottie came back hands wrapped. I looked at her. "Stay right here" She said running over to where the fight was. I ran after her. It was Craig and Ronnie on the floor. Scottie pulled Ronnie off of Craig and pushed him up against the wall holding him by the throat. I could see how much anger she had towards him. "He's turning blue let go of him" Everyone turned and looked at me. Scottie dropped her grip from Ronnie and punched him in the face. "I'm leaving don't follow me!" She said. I stood there looking at the floor. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks for sticking up for me babe." Ronnie said. I shot him the dirtiest look I could. "As if, I told her to stop because you’re not worth going to prison for, now fuck off!" I said and walked out of the back entrance to have a smoke. Scottie thinks I was sticking up for Ronnie and now probably hates me. I don't even know about Craig. Thankfully no one came to me. I think all men are now afraid of women thanks to Scottie. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost time to go. I was dreading seeing Scottie again.