The Flood Is Getting Closer


“I thought you said we can kill him” Scottie said from the dark. I jumped. “Relax” She walked into the light. Eyes wet and mascara smeared. “Not here” I said. She nods. “I’m sorry” I said. “Don’t worry about it. I need to control my anger. God I wish I could have fought back that night” She sat down leaning her head against the wall. I sat next to her. “It’s ok” I said. She looked at me, in more of shame for herself then embarrassment. “It’s ok I’m here” I put my arm around her. “I honestly give up” She sighed. “Don’t do that. You’re like the most awesome person I’ve met. He can’t defeat you this easily” I said. “Maybe it was too soon to sleep with Green” She changed topics. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I don’t know. He’s amazing afraid I might disappoint him” Scottie said. I laughed. “I think you might need to lighten up on beating up guys that’s his job for you” I teased. “Yeah I know I scare guys” She laughed. "You don't scare guys, last time I checked you have a lot of guys wanting you, you have independence and a lot of men like that, and it’s a turn on." I said. It was pretty clear I was in envy of her and she knew it from day one of our meeting. "You know Natalie you're not so bad yourself." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well look at you, you're gorgeous and you have this thing about you that obviously the guys are liking, Ronnie doesn't just choose anyone to make their life a living hell you know." She chuckled. "Well unfortunately for him he won’t have much time left to do that will he." I said. Scottie smirked. There was a slight silence and we both took in what we were about to do and how much work it would take. "You do know what this means though." She said. I sighed and nodded. "We can't tell anyone, not even the guys," She said. "Maybe we should have sorted this out before you got with Max." I said. "Actually, I'll do it." I said. "Are you sure because this part is worse than the killing itself." She said whispering the 'killing' part. "I'm single so I'll do it, I'll lure him into a false sense of security." I said. "How long do you think it would take?" She asked. "We have a week here so I don't know, I'd have to spend a lot of time with him." I said. "Okay we have a week then but Natalie do not let him get a hold of you because he can have his ways, don't fall for him!"

Scottie’s POV

We got back to the house I was beat my hands hurt like hell. “You never seize to surprise me. Not even few days and already you’re already getting into fights. I thought sending you to military school was supposed to end you antics” I jumped when I walked through the kitchen. “Well as we both know that plan didn’t work now did it, seeing that they couldn’t break me” I turned and looked at my mother. “When did you arrive? Where’s dad” I said. “About an hour ago your father is in Portland” She said. “Oh Gabe said he was coming. Why are you here?” I asked opening the fridge. “I’m not allowed to see my children?” She said. I turned and looked at her. “The last time you acknowledged me as your daughter was well before you kicked me out” I said grabbing the bag of carrots. “That’s not true” She said. “Oh yeah then why did you legally sign me over to Gabe for legal custody?” I walked out of the kitchen fighting back the tears. I got upstairs into my room and slammed the door shut. “Are you ok?” Max said scaring me. “Fuck don’t do that. Yeah I’m great” I flopped onto the bed. "So what's up?" Max asked. "Just my mom thinking she is in the right about things as usual, she is never to blame and I always am." I said. "I'm sure that's not true." Max said, I didn't get mad at him because in reality he doesn't know my mother like I do. She is a selfish cold hearted bitch. I didn't exactly get on with my dad but why does she have to come out here! "You don't know my mom Max, she is a cold hearted evil bitch and I hate her!" I said lying on my bed and facing the wall. “She can’t be that bad” He said putting his hand on my shoulder. “You’ll soon find out later” I said turning onto my back looking at him. He smiled at me. “Thank you” I said sitting up. “For what?” He asked scooting closer to me. “Just everything. Things always seem better when I’m with you” I said. “How so?” He put his arm around me and I laid my head against his chest. “You just do. I can’t really say how” I looked up at him. “Your cute kid” He kissed me.

Natalie’s POV

“Ok what the hell. She freaking almost killed Radke right there” Rob said. “Dude chill I don’t think she wants that on her record” Craig said. “But she could have. She had that look of a killer in her eye” Bryan said. “Guys don’t be afraid of her” I said. All three plus Katie looked at me. “Just saying she feels like a wreck. He obviously fucked her up emotionally” I said taking a cigarette out of my pack. “Your right we shouldn’t get into this” Craig said. “But why did you start a fight with him then” Katie said. I coughed a bit. “I didn’t start anything with him. He started with me” Craig defended himself. "What do you mean he started with you?" Bryan asked. I looked at Craig. "He just came up to me and started yelling about something, I don't know what," He looked at me slightly. "But he tried to hit me and missed he was that drunk and I nearly kicked ass if Scottie didn't come and choke him." He finished. I didn't know what to do. I just went out into the garden and lit up my cig. I sighed to myself and just stared at the floor. I didn't realize that someone had came and sat next to me. “I know I said I quit but I need one” I looked to my left to see Scottie. “Where’s Max?” I asked. “That’s why I need one. He ran into my mother” She groaned. I handed her the pack. “Is she really the wicked witch?” I asked. “If Gabe told you that then yes” She said lighting the cig. “So when did you quit smoking?” I asked. “When I found out I got knocked up” She said. “Oh right” Figured that sounds about right time to quit. “You ok sweet pea?” Scottie asked. “Yeah but I think Craig knows about Ronnie” I said quietly. “Whatever. I know he’s pissed at me for jumping in but seriously if anyone is fighting Ronnie it has to be me. I can’t have everyone fight my battles for me” She flicked her bud away. “Holy shit your mother is fucking insane” Max ran over to us taking a cig out. Scottie grabbed his pack and took one for her. “Don’t judge” She said. “Never” We both said. "Well, I am going to bed I think I will see you in the morning." I said and walked back into the house. I went into my room to see Craig sitting on my bed. "I know about your plan Natalie." He said. I shut the door and rushed over to him. "What are you talking about?" I whispered. "I overheard you and Scottie outside the club." He said. I couldn't talk. "Don't worry I don't care if the dick dies but I don't want Scottie getting into trouble and most of all you." He said taking my hands. "We have thought everything out Craig don't worry." I smiled. "I can't help it I like you a lot." He said.

In the morning I walked downstairs to see Scottie dressed in a greasy jump suit. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Nothing” She said walking into a room. I followed and stopped dead in my tracks. “Oh yeah meet Bridget” She said picking up a lamp. “You name your cars?” I said. “She’s special my first racer” She said opening the hood. “I mean what the hell is this?” I asked. “Oh yeah I’m racing tonight. I’m fixing Bridget up first” She said. “What the hell is a GTO” I said. “Pontiac a car. She’s been my luck well not really. I redid everything from paint to interior to the clutch and engine” Scottie smiled at me. “Scooter there you are” Gabe walked in with a bunch of stuff in hand. “Oh hey Nat” He said. “You approve of this?” I questioned him. “You haven’t seen Bridget run” He grinned. I shook my head. “You’re nuts. That’s it your nuts I give up. What about our problem” I said. “Oh yeah that’s why we’re fixing the car right now” Scottie smiled. "I don't know what that has to do with our uh, problem." I said. "There is a race tonight and everyone will be there." She said putting emphasis on the word 'everyone'. I nodded slowly and felt my heart pick up its pace. I was actually scared about our plan, and the more I think of it the more it doesn't make sense. I mean we would be leaving here in a week and he would be gone, until she visits again. See for her there is no escape from him. The man killed her unborn child, he didn't know about it at the time but the concept is still the same. He beat to the extent that she was hospitalized and lost her kid and to her the only way to pay for it is for him to die too. A life for a life. "So I will get to see you race, you better actually win now you have bigged your car up so much." I chuckled trying to lighten my mood. "Oh there is no way I won’t win." She said smirking.