The Flood Is Getting Closer


Scottie’s POV
I placed the last bar stool up on the bar and was ready to leave. Jeff already left and so did basically everyone else. Normally Luis would wait with me but he already left. I grabbed my bag and walked out to my car. The lights flashed and I hopped in started the engine and headed off towards home.
The next morning when I woke I had to rush for my Electronics class. I threw on a pair of dirty soccer shorts and a tank top. I got into the class room with a minute to spare. “Nice hair Scottie” Bryan Money said staring at me as I took my seat near the window. I looked at my reflection in the window. Crap I quickly fixed my messy bun. Someone kill me the clock on the wall read 8:00 am, its way too early this.
Natalie's POV.

I sat down at my seat in my first lesson ever. Being a fashion student was so strange, most of these girls all loved there girly things but not me. Well a little but not pure Barbie stuff man that was just over the top to start with! I saw Scottie after my class and she nodded her head at me. I didn't know if I should go over to her or not so I just smiled. “Hey come over here!” I heard her shout and I slowly make my way over. She was with a few guys and as I get closer I notice one of them is the guy from at the bar last night. The one that was scarily good looking. He was having the same effect on me but I didn't let it show. I smiled at Scottie and said hello as I took a seat next to her on the freshly cut green grass.

“So your Scooter’s new bartendy?” A guy that looked like Slash from GNR said. I nodded. “Rob don’t scare her geez” Scottie said. “Sorry” He said. I nodded. “You lied! Scooter you said she talks”. “Shut it” She said. “Why do you call her Scooter thought her name was Scottie” I spoke. They looked at me. “I’m leaving” Scottie got up. “No please don’t leave me here” I got up as well. “I promise they don’t bite. Well Craig might. Green would try to rape you. You met Green last night, he’s in class right now. Craig is the hot one. Bryan the Blondie and Rob aka Slash. Scottie pointed to her friends. I waved they said hello in unison. Craig smiled at me. “Erm I think I have class soon” I said. “So do I come on I’ll walk with you. Probably don’t know your way around yet. Being your first week here” Scottie took me by the arm and walked off with me. I looked back at the guys. That Craig guy waved. "Nah I don't this place is like the size of my hometown!" I said and she laughed at me. "So England really is small?" She asked. I just nodded and pulled an apple out of my bag. "Do you ever eat candy or anything like that?" She asked me. I laughed and shook my head. "Not if I don't want to die!" I say. She looks at me confused. I show her the necklace I have to wear 24/7. "Ah diabetic, sorry about that." She says. I just shrug. "It's okay I'm used to it now, and I don’t have to inject anymore because I got a pump fitted last year." I say showing her the small piece of machinery that I pulled from down the front of my top. "Oh yeah so what does the pump do?" She asked interested. "Pretty much the same as the injection pen but more discrete I could do it right now and all you would hear is a buzzing sound, there’s a small needle attached to a pad on my stomach which injects me and stops me from having a hypo which would be like trying to handle me insanely drunk." I say adding a little laugh at the end. "So that’s why you asked for diet coke last night, I thought you were just on a diet." She said and I laughed shaking my head. "Me? Diet? Scottie I am one of the worst people for eating unhealthy, especially when it comes to Chinese food!" I say and her eyes light up. "Oh my god me too!" She laughs and I smile. I'm so glad I went for that bartending job!

Scottie’s POV

I got Nat to her class on time and went back to see if the boys where still chilling on the grass. I lied saying I had another class. I still had an hour to kill before my next class. “You liar” Bryan said when I sat back down. “Listen she’s one of the better bartenders I’ve gotten in a while so don’t scare her off…Craig” I said looking at the three of them. “What did I do?” Craig said. “Nothing yet let’s just keep it like that” I said. “Your mean” He frowned. “Oh yeah so mean” I rolled my eyes. “No wonder why Jeff kicked you out” Rob teased. “Guys I never slept with him! That’s Mark’s best friend. Ew now way he’s like 30” I said. “Are you sure you didn't?” Rob asked. I gave him a hurt look. “I can't believe you even think I would, he is my brother’s best friend and he's all like, old.” I said with a shudder. Me and Jeffery? No way! I sighed and looked at Craig who was staring into space. “What's wrong with you?” I asked him. He shrugged and stood up. “I have class.” He said. “No you don't” I retorted, he rolled his eyes. “Well, whatever.” He mumbled and walked away. What's up his ass? I frowned and turned back to have Bryan in my face. It made me jump. “Fucking hell man!” I gasped and he chuckled. “So why won’t you date Max?” He asked me. I rolled my eyes, this fucking conversation again. I wasn't about to have it again. “No Bryan, I have said it before it's never going to happen and I think you lot and him should get over it.” I said and stood up walking away. “Where are you going?” Rob called after me. “Away from you!” I shouted.