The Flood Is Getting Closer


Natalie’s POV

After my class ended I found Scottie walking to the parking lot. “Hey!” I shouted. She turned around and waved for me to come over. She was on her phone speaking to someone. “Okie bye” She hung up and smiled at me. “Get in we’re going to Katie’s” She said. “Who?” I ask. “Don’t ask just get in you need to meet her” I got into Scottie’s car and she sped off like a mad person. “Can’t you slow down?” I said as managed to put my seatbelt on. “We’re almost there” She reassured me as we turned onto a quiet neighborhood street. We pulled up to a nice stoned ranch type house. “Come on” Scottie said as we got out. I followed her as she walked through a gate into the back yard. A blonde haired girl was tanning on a lawn chair. “Bunny” She called. The girl got up and came over to us and hugged Scottie. “This is Natalie my new tendy” Scottie said. “Hi I’m Katie but call me Bunny” She had the biggest blue eyes ever. “Ok” I was pulled into a hug. “Anyways are you coming tonight?” Scottie asked Katie. “Of course liquor is always nice” She teased. I just stood there feeling awkward as the two girls spoke to each other, laughing and giggling. "Don't just stand there quiet Natalie, join in!" Katie said her eyes gleaming with genuine kindness. I shrugged and looked down at my Nike high tops. "Uhm, call me Nat." Was all I could think of saying. She chuckled and nodded. "Shall we get something to eat then?" Scottie said looking at her watch. I nodded. I didn't want to go back to my apartment and be alone again at all. We all piled into Scotties car and made our way to a local diner.

Scottie’s POV

We were sitting at the diner we normally go to eat when we too lazy to cook. “So my brother said you turned him down again last night” Katie said once our food came. I gave her a look. “Please just one date?” She pleaded. “Why does she have to go out with your brother?” Nat looked up from her food. Katie turned and smiled at Natalie. “You don’t understand they are perfect for each other like its crazy sick how they’re not dating” Katie emphasized the word dating. “I was friends with you first. Besides I have a rule you can’t date your friend’s siblings. Doesn’t matter how hot they are” I said. “So you do like Max!” Katie jumped up. I looked down at my plate to keep Nat and Katie from seeing the smile on my face, that would give my feelings away for sure! "I said he is hot, not that I like him!" I said into my food. "Sure," Natalie said sarcastically. I looked up at her with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged. "Well my English friend, I am not the one running for the hills every time I am in close proximity with a certain Mr. Craig Mabbit are I?" I said with a smirk. She looked back down and sighed. I looked at Katie. "And you're already dating the guy you like so that doesn't matter but either way, mind your business if I wanted to date Max I'd ask him." I said and she laughed in response. "Yeah right Scooter!" She said finishing the last of her food. We heard a buzz and both looked at Natalie who was putting her weird pump thing back down the front of her shirt. "Sorry, you will get used to that." She said with a sheepish smile.

Natalie’s POV

Scottie took me back to my apartment after we dropped Katie off. “Do you like Max or were you trying to shut Katie up?” I asked. “Like I told Katie he’s hot that’s it. Can’t have a relationship on just looks, doesn’t work out like that you know?” She said. “Erm I guess. I mean you’re not really putting up a good defense for the whole Max thing” I said. “You just can’t date your friends that all I see it” She said. “What about Bryan and Katie” I asked. “Ok those two are just crazy. Beside you have not seen them together yet. Once you do you’ll see what I mean. I’ll see you at work a bit later” Scottie said. I nodded and hopped out and waved as she drove away. I sighed and walked up the endless stairs to my apartment. Alone once again and not knowing what to do with myself. I decided I’d spend at least an hour in the bath to kill some time and then just sleep. I woke up an hour before I had to be at the bar and got ready. I stopped by McDonalds for something to eat and I was still 10 minutes early! I walked into the building to see Scottie talking to Katie who was perched on top of a bar stool. They gave me a small wave as I smiled at them. I took my place behind the bar. "Natalie can you please tell Scottie that she should straighten her hair?" Katie said making me frown and slightly laugh. "Scottie you should straighten you're hair." I said not really caring as I re-stocked the fridge under the bar. "See Katie I think you are the only one that cares so much about my hair, which is really creepy." Scottie said making me chuckle. "Whatever." Katie muttered as the guys walked in.

“I have to go talk to Jeff” Scottie darted off just as the guys came over. “She so like’s him” I mumbled to myself. “Hey guys” I said as they took a seat at the bar. “Where’s Scottie going?” Max was leaving on the bar. “Talk to Jeff” I said. “I’m sure” Katie rolled her eyes. “Hey baby” Bryan kissed Katie’s cheek. I smiled. Now I see what Scottie was saying. “Yo babe beer please” Max said to me. “Green, her names’ Natalie not babe or baby” I was about to say something when Scottie came back. “About time I get to see your lovely face” He grinned smiling at Scottie. She turned her back to him mumbling something I couldn’t understand. I raised an eyebrow at Max and shook my head. Out of the guys he is who I get along with the most, mainly because he's the only one of them I have spoken to. I grabbed a bottle of beer for him and placed it in front of me on the bar. "There you go, mate." I said with a smile. He handed me the cash and I rang it through the cash register.

I kept note on how Craig kept looking at me. It didn't make me any less nervous when he was around, much worse. Scottie dragged me into the back room after I had dropped a second glass. "What is wrong with you?" She scolded. I felt so embarrassed. I sighed and gave a small laugh. "I guess I like him." She shook her head at me and rolled her eyes. "Well cant you forget about that while you're working, you are the best bartender we have had here since I started and I really don't want to have to fire you because of Mabbit of all people." She said. I nodded and smiled. "I'll try." I said leaving the back room. If I was good at anything it was acting! I went back to the bar and took a breath. Max was stood in his usual spot looking at Scottie. I snapped my fingers in front of him. "Max, do you want a drink?" I asked him. He snapped out of his trance and smiled at me sheepishly. I smiled and handed him a shot of Jack Daniels. "That's on me." I said with a half smile. He grinned at me and then took the shot. He rested his chin on his hand and looked at me. "So, do you like Craig?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I could feel how warm my cheeks were becoming. "Not really you're business is it?" I stuttered. "Oh touchy! You so want him!" He laughed.