The Flood Is Getting Closer


"Stop drooling over Scottie she's really getting pissed off" I said. Max frowned. "I can't help it she's like so hot. I mean you would be drooling over her too if you had a penis. Trust me she has a tattoo on her lower back. Nothing like your normal tram stamp designs" He smiled. I raised my brow. "Erm ok whatever" I walked off to the other end of the bar seeing Scottie having confutation with a customer. "I said you were cut off" She said loudly at the drunken man. "Come on sugar just one more" The man pressed his hands on her chest. She shoved him off of her and tried waving the bouncers over. "No one says no to me" He said. Scottie looked at me and began walking over. "Scottie duck!" I screamed. The drunken man took the customer sitting next to him's glass and threw it at her. It was too late it hit her on side of her face right near her temple. She went down instantly.

Scottie's POV

"What the fuck" I groaned. I clutched the side of my face in my hands. I was on the floor behind the bar. My head was throbbing. I had the taste of blood on my lips. "Scottie!" Natalie was at my side. I looked up at her and Jeff hovering over me. "Why the hell am I on the ground" I tried standing up. I stumbled hitting my hip on the beer fridge. "Your bleeding sweetie we need to get you to the hospital. The ambulance should be here shortly" Natalie said propping me up and placing a cold wet rag on my face. "I don't need an ambulance. I need to beat the shit out of that asshole who threw a glass at me" I groaned. "Your little friend already did that for you" Jeff said pointing to Max. I groaned again slouching onto the floor. Natalie crouched down next to me. "You can't fall asleep" She whispered. "I know that...Listen it might not seem like it but I've gotten hit once or twice before...Concussions are never fun I know that. I really just don't want stitches they suck" I sighed. "Hey it could be worse, you could be dead." She said. I frowned at her. "That's quite creepy Nat," I said sitting up. My head throbbed like I had been heavily drinking the night before. "I feel like I'm hung over, what time is it?" I asked Natalie. She looked at the clock and back at me. "About half 1" She confirmed and passed me a glass of water. "I really don't want to go to the hospital, it's really not needed." I said. She leant forward and looked at my throbbing eye. "It looks pretty deep Scottie, at least get it checked over." She said. I rolled my eyes just as the bar door opened and two paramedics walked into the room. "Fine for you."

Natalie road with me in the ambulance to the hospital. "So you’re from England" One of the paramedics named Carlos asked her. She just laughed and nodded. I rolled my eyes in disgust. He turned his attention back towards me. "How are you feeling" He asked. "I'm fine. I just want to go home" I was pissed off right now. "Well you’re sort of bleeding badly and the doctors need to make sure there isn't any glass stuck in your skin" He said. "Whatever" I mumbled. We arrived at the hospital and a doctor saw me immediately. He removed several small pieces of glass from just above my eye. I had to get stitches because the wound was really deep like Natalie said. Fuck I hated stitches. Another battle scar to add on. I walked out into the lobby finding Natalie and Max talking....

Natalie's POV

"Dude, she just got smacked in the head with a glass you cant just ask her out now at least wait for a bit man." I said to Max after he told me his plan of asking Scottie out. "But you never know she might want to thank me for helping her out back there." He said kind of helplessly, like he was looking for excuses and also like he knew deep down he would be getting shot down again. "Max, the most she would do is probably yell at you for not letting her handle it herself." I said. He frowned at me and then glared completely knocking me off guard. "Max, what is that look for?" I asked confused. "It’s for you thinking you know her, how long have you been here, like a fucking week and you think you're everyone's friend but guess what Natalie she doesn't like you, you're just too good to get rid of at the bar that’s all," He said. I shook my head and pushed him back. "Go fuck yourself Max, no wonder she won’t date you, you're a fucking moron!" I spat at him and stormed out of the hospital.

Scottie's POV

"Go fuck yourself Max" I heard Natalie say and then stormed out. There goes my night guard. Stupid doctor told me I couldn't be alone tonight. Risk of getting a concusion. That left Max...little fucker. "Ahem" I said. He turned and looked at me. A bit pissed but still smiled like always. I shook my head. "Next time don't fight my battles for me" I said. "What are you serious that guy could have killed you. You hit the ground almost instantly as soon as the glass touched you. Katie thought you were dead. Bryan had to take her outside before she caused more of a scene" He said. "Dude and beating the shit out of the guy wasn't causing a scene" I said. "Hey all I did was punch him square in the face" Max held his bandage hand up. "What the fuck did you say to Natalie?" I shook my head. How stupid is he. "The truth"