The Flood Is Getting Closer


"What do you mean the truth?" I asked confused. "Well the fact that you don't like her and that she is acting like were her friends or some shit and she has only been here for a week." He said. I could have punched him right then and there if it wasn't for the fact that I still felt a little uneasy on my feet. "You're such a douche Max." I groaned walking out of the hospital. Natalie was gone and that meant for sure I'd have to get Max to 'keep watch' over me. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "Well its true Scottie come on the girl is a fucking joke!" He said. I turned to him and rested my hands on my hips. "I don't know what I'm missing here but the last thing I knew you were the only guy she got along with Max, better than me in fact and you just done that to her?" I asked. He shrugged. "You really are a fucking idiot; you know that everyone thinks she's nice so why are you telling her stuff that isn't true?"He didn't say anything. "Yea and this is one of the reasons why I will never date you" I said. "Would it help to apologies to her?" I can't believe how stupid he is sometimes. "No it wouldn't hurt to tell her sorry" I was really getting pissed off. He took out his cell phone and dialed Natalie. "No answer" He said. "No shit no answer. I wouldn't be speaking to you either right now but you’re the only one else here. So you have to play night guard tonight. I know you drove here so take me home now!" I breathed heavily.

I got home and sat on the couch. "I am sorry." Max said looking at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "You can't just have ago at people because they tell you things you don't want to hear or because you don't like them." I muttered to him. "I do like her she just said that you wouldn't date me," He said and I laughed. "Well she got that right didn't she because I wouldn't ever date you, ever!" I growled at him and shook my head. "I'm going to bed," I stood up and walked out of the room leaving him on the couch.

Natalie's POV

I got back to my apartment drained and felt like crying. I didn't who to believe anymore. I thought Scottie was my friend. She seemed like it. I got into bed when my cell phone beeped. I had a text message from Scottie.

`I can't believe you listened to that fag bag Max...You’re supposed to be at my place not him. Ugh I'm sorry for the asshole being a moron to you. Come over in the morning. No class it's holiday weekend`

I texted her back `OK`. I smiled and laughed a bit to myself. She must be dying at her place with Max there. I'll relieve him of his duties tomorrow morning.

I woke up and took a shower. I put on a black summer dress and some flip flops. After straightening my hair and putting a little bit of make up on I left for Scottie's house. I decided to walk; it wasn't that far away after all. I also picked up some Swedish fish for her too. I got to the apartment building she lived in to see Craig heading toward the lift. "Wait!" I called out forgetting about how shy he made me. I was here for my friend. He turned around and smiled slightly standing in the doorway of the lift so the doors couldn't close. I stood next to him and he hit the floor number. "You got her Swedish fish too huh?" He asked me holding a bag of sweets in front of me. I chuckled and nodded. "So this is actually the first time I am getting to speak to you!" He says making me nod in return. Why am I so shy in front of him? Anyone else is fine but not him! "I know yeah, I get a bit shy that's all." I say quietly looking at the floor. He touches my shoulder and I look up at him. "You don't have to be shy around me!" He smiles and I return it. We reach the floor and make our way to Scottie's apartment knocking on the door. Max answers and looks at me, before he even speaks I hold my hand up. "I don't want to hear it right now, where is she?" I say walking past him I hear Craig chuckle and then some mumbling I couldn't make out.

Scottie walked out of her room before I could even knock on the door. "Yes you came!" She smiled. "I shouldn't have believed him" I said holding out the Swedish fish. "Fish too oh man my favorite. Thanks Nat!" Scottie hugged me. "You’re welcome how are you feeling?" I asked. "Like a thousand knives jabbing at my skull. Thank goose eggs for Vicodine!" She laughed. "That reminds me" Scottie walked off to the living room. I followed. "Craig your here too and fish. You shouldn't have" They hugged. "Green did you go pick up my painkillers from the pharmacy like I'd asked last night when we left the hospital" Max looked at her sheepishly and started laughing. "Why are you laughing? Did or did you not pick it up?" She asked. "Oh I did. I did don't worry about that...Claire" He burst into laughter. I looked at her confused so did Craig. "So your name's not Scottie?" I asked. "It is...just not my given name" She growled looking at Max. "Aw I'm sorry Claire Bear" He was dying now. "I'm sure you can leave now Green" She said.