The Flood Is Getting Closer


Craig and I walked out of the building and towards the parking lot. "We can take my car" He said. "Ok" I said. Craig had a white '05 Nissan Maxima. Kind of fancy for a guy to have if I thought myself but it was comfy. We get to the pizza place which wasn't even that far but it was kind of raining out. "So how do you like Las Vegas?" He asked as we were seated. "It's ok I guess. I mean I do miss England but it’s cool here. Glad I came" I smiled. He smiled at me. Oh gosh he's so cute. "Isn't Max hungry?" I asked. "Probably but that's ok I wanted to talk to you. If I hear him complaining again about Scottie I think I would kill him" I laughed. "Yeah you've known her for a while what's your take on those two?" I asked. "Personally those two need to be locked in a room together. But that's never going to happen" He said. I looked confused. "Listen we've known Scottie since the first day she day moved here. Which now is I think is about 3 years. Yeah she came when she was 18. But right off the bat Max was drooling all over her. He had a girlfriend and Scottie and she did not get along what so ever. I was sworen to secretecy that I would never spill secretes but seeing your actually gonna stick around and are her friend I say it’s safe to say" He said taking a sip of his Coke. The pizza arrived and I took a piece. "So what's so forbidden you’re going to tell me" I said. "Well..." Craig took a bite of his slice. I leaned forward eagerly to hear this. "I can't tell you" He smiled. "You suck" I sat back down in my seat eating my food. "To tell you the truth the is nothing to tell. Her guarded wall is like sky high no one is ever allowed in. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention to what I was saying. Besides there are no secretes to tell, and no Scottie doesn't like Max which sucks" He sighed. "Enough about those guys, what about you?" He said. I looked at him slightly confused. "Me?" I said. He nodded, "Yeah, this is like the first time I have actually properly spoke to you, tell me about yourself." He said. I looked down and thought hard about what would be worth mentioning, not much to be honest. "I'm not the most exciting person to be honest, I lived in England since I was born then I moved here so I could go to college and I am seriously thinking of changing my major at the moment." I said. He frowned. "Why do you want to change your major?" He asked. I shrugged. "I'm more into music than fashion I mean yeah I like it but I love music." I said, he nodded. "Well how come you're not majoring in music?" He asked. "I don't know it was easier to get into fashion and I can't perform, at all." I said with a shrug. "Oh stage fright." He said understanding. "I guess you could say that." I shrugged and finished off my water. "So would you want to-" He was cut off by my phone ringing. I gave him an apologetic smile and looked at the caller ID. "It's Scottie; she is most probably pissed at us." I said and answered the phone. "Hey." I hesitantly spoke into the phone. "Why did you leave me here with this douche, come back please?" I looked at Craig. "She wants us to come back" I said. He nodded. "I'm sorry" I sighed. "Not your fault. We should do this proper next time" Craig said. "Huh?" "I mean going out. I would like to take you out without interruptions from the children" He teased. I laughed. "I would like that" I said not nervous one bit this time. He paid and we made our way back to Scottie's apartment.

Scottie's POV

"I don't see what's so bad that I stayed" Max said. "Dude it's the fact I don't like you" I said opening my fridge. "Why not. Why don't you like me" He asked. I looked at him. "The fact every freaking five minutes you keep asking me out like I would change my mind. Just stop already. There is nothing special about me from any other person out there. If you didn't try so hard then maybe I would think about it. But you don't listen either" I walked into my living room. "What do you mean I don't listen?" He asked making me roll my eyes. "What I said Max, just give it a break already!" I said sitting on the couch. He looked pretty down and I felt bad. "How about we go on one date?" I said not knowing what was happening to me. He blinked at me a few times. "Are you serious?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, I'll give you one chance, Max just one chance, you fuck this up and it will never happen okay?" “What’s not happening again” Natalie and Craig walked in. “Oh that’s nice you guys go out for food and don’t bring me home any” I quickly changed topics. “She eats a lot” Craig points at Natalie. She turns beat red. I try not to laugh. “I’m sure fat ass. Hey Green come on we’re going to get some grub” I said. Max pops up from the fridge. He was munching on three day old pizza. “Ugh you ate fine. I’m going back to sleep” I said walking towards my bedroom. I slam the door and flop on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

Natalie’s POV

“What did you do this time” Craig and I look at Max. “Guys I swear this time she’s the one at fault not me” He said. “What happened when we were eating” I asked. “Nothing she told me to back off. I am. Then right before you came in she asked me if I wanted to go out. I swear that’s it!” Max said in defense. I nodded. “Well I’ll go see if she’s ok I guess” I said making my way towards her bedroom. I walked to her room and knocked on the door. "Max if that's you please just let me have 5 minutes?" She called out. "Um its Nat." I said through the door. The door swung open and she pulled me in the room so fast I didn't realize what was happening at first. "I'm giving Max one chance, is that a good idea?" She asked me. I shrugged and sat down on her bed. "Well yes at least you will know if you are being harsh to him for no reason or not." I said. She looked at me confused. "I'm not harsh to Max." She said making me laugh. "Scottie you so are, all the time!" I say and she frowns at me. "I know he's always on your back about dating him and stuff but I have seen how you treat him these past few week and I can tell it does upset him" I said and she nods her head looking down. "I never thought that it bothered him, I mean I hoped it would make him not like me anymore," She said. I smiled slightly. "Has that really worked?" I asked with a raised brow. She chuckles and shakes her head. "I guess not." She says. "So go on the date with him, you never know he could be a sweetheart under all that doucheness." I say making her laugh. "Also if he is a twat then you can actually break his nose after as you actually have a reason." I said. "I like that idea, just please don't tell Katie about this she won't shut up about it for ages." She begged me. "But won’t Max tell her, they are brother and sister." I say. "They never tell each other anything!"