The Flood Is Getting Closer


I left the room and went back into the kitchen to get Scottie's water she asked me to get for her. Well I offered anything to see Craig. Yes I said it. They were both sat on the counter and jumped off when I walked in and then look relieved to see me. I gave them a confused look. "We thought you were Scottie, she would kill us if she saw us sitting on the counters." Craig said. I looked at them both and then shrugged walking to the fridge. I got some water and headed toward the door. I turned back at the door, "Max, don't screw this date up because he will probably beat you up." I said and walked to Scottie's room.

Scottie’s POV

I sent Craig and Natalie home and Max out to fetch me some dinner. I seriously feel bad for being harsh as Nat says I am to him. I don’t mean it! He just I guess gets under my skin. “I’m back” I heard the front door shut. I put the ointment on my eye and go into the living room. Max held up the bag of Chinese. “I got you Chow Mein” He said placing the bag on kitchen table. “Ugh stalker” I said taking the food from the bag. “Where you going” He asked. “My room” I said. “Oh ok” He looked down. I rolled my eyes. “You tell anyone I’m being a softy towards you and the date’s off” I said sitting down at the table. He smiled at me and grabbed 2 plates. "This doesn't count as the date does it because I still want to take you out," He says making me want to smile and I actually did. "No it doesn’t thanks for this by the way it's really sweet." I said eating my food. "It's okay." He simply said and started eating. We ate in a comfortable silence. When we finished the food we watched a movie.

Natalie's POV.

"I can't believe this has happened, why didn't you fill up at the last station?" I asked Craig. It was pretty late and we had apparently run out of petrol. I wanted to be mad at Craig but I just couldn't. "Oh well at least I don't have to go back to my apartment just yet." I mumbled but he heard me. "What's wrong with your apartment?" He asked me. I looked at him and shrugged. "I don't like it there." I said and lent against the front of the car. "Why don't you like it?" He asked. "It's just creepy when I'm on my own." I say looking down. “Why don’t you move in with Scottie. I mean for the time being. You do realize you wouldn’t have to lift a finger right?” He said. “Erm didn’t know that beside she looks fine living there by herself” I said. “Maybe so but just ask her. It’s been a while since she had a friend. Katie doesn’t count. Katie is Katie. She’s been around and around forever and also it’s Max’s sister so you see the distance part there” He said. I nodded. We sat there for a moment in silence. “Call Scottie or Max I bet they can bring us some petrol to make it back to the gas station.

Scottie’s POV

It was nearing the end of the movie and I was definitely falling asleep. My phone beeped. I had a text. I flipped open it was from Craig. ‘Car ran out of gas. Need so I can get back to gas station’. I yawn and replied ‘yes’. “Yo Max” He was passed out already. Typical. I nudged him. He looked up. “Craig decided to cock block you so we need to bring him some gasoline” I said. “What?” He rubbed his eye. “Get your shoes on come on”

Natalie's POV

If I am honest I felt kind of let down when I saw Scotties car. I liked being alone with Craig. I smiled as she walked over. She had a can of gas with her and filled Craig’s tank up. Soon enough I was back at home, alone again. I thought about what Craig said about moving in with Scottie I couldn't just ask her straight out, what kind of person asks someone if they can move in with them? I guess I'll have to stay here until something better comes alone, or she asks me to move in.

I got up in the morning feeling lonely and bummed. I’ll let her bring it up. I checked my phone and had two new text messages from Scottie. ‘I don’t want this date to happen’ and ‘I’m coming over’. I got out of bed and headed into the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of tea when there was a knock on my door. I opened to see Scottie standing there. She had a patch over her eye. “Going for a pirate look” I joked. “No I just can’t go out looking like this. Can you come with me shopping please I can’t drive yet either no vision really” She smiled. “Then how did you get here?” I asked. “Maxwell dropped me off. Ugh I need my eye to heal my parents will flip if they see this” She said. I looked confused. “Yeah I have to go home like next weekend for a few days” I looked away. “Oh don’t worry you’re coming with” She smiled. “And you live where?” I asked. “Fresno” She said. “What’s in Frenso?” I asked. “Oh my brother is opening up a new Pub. Wants me to train the bartenders or work that weekend. Either way free booze and the boys said they’ll play the opening night. You get to hear Craig sing. If I say so myself. He’s really good. Pft Max is so funny to look at while he plays bass. Haha” She laughed. “Erm ok so is this a road trip we’re all going on” I said. “Yes and you have to go. Katie I can’t take her hypness half the time I need you there. Besides you’re serving along the sides of me as well” She smiled. "A road trip that we end up working on?" I asked skeptical. "Don't make it sound so bad, it will be fun!" She said with a smile. Why is she smiling so much lately? "Okay I'll come," I said and walked back into my apartment. Scottie followed and looked around. "Pretty gloomy in here isn't it, but it's so big!" She said looking around. "Do you have a spare room?" She asked. "Yeah why?" I asked secretly hoping she would ask to move in.